Can you Believe Next Month will be here in 2 more days!! Woop Woop and it's my Birthday Month to boot.
Anyway, I was able to get a lot of stuff done today [Go Me]. After making the bed I went the extra mile for breakfast fixing cheese scrambled eggs, turkey bacon, & a waffle. Coffee of course.
After the hub's left for work I loaded the dishwasher, bleached down the kitchen, swept all the floors, and bleached the bathroom.
Headed out to the gym....

Silver Sneakers this morning was on point!!
Noon Day Bible Study was cancelled for today but I did stop in for Deacons Prayer service....
I wish the regular BS people would come and also listen to these guys.

I came home and had a quick Lunchable, checked in on my Gal Pal Mac then got at it again with the mulching...
I wanted to make a BIG dent in this pile....and Man Did I....

I finished up 2 beds from yesterday,

Then Cleaned--Preened--and spread leftover Cypress mixed with this years Red Mulch....
I also worked on getting the new lights hung around our sitting area.
Other areas around the firepit and sitting are were Cleaned--Preened--Mulched!
Unfortunately, this happened.....
I was hoping to use the rider & wagon to move the balance of the mulch off the porch so I can start working on that project..[sigh]..I texted the hub's to see if there was anything I could do before he got home, but, OF Course he didn't answer me. So SURPRISE Hubby, you can deal with it now..LOL!
UNFORTUNATELY .... it also meant if I wanted the balance of the mulch moved, I hand to do via Wheelborrow!! was a Job!
I have just 1 more area to do, but it's at the back of the house and I'm the only one who see's it. As of now I plan on getting it done early next week. Tomorrow is Silver Sneakers, then a Looong walk/run[I hope some run] for training, and have dinner ready when hub's gets home. Tomorrow night is a GOP candidate meet & greet then I plan to go do a little Line Dancing. Friday weather is calling for thunderstorms, and high winds [again] for Saturday..🤞 it doesn't affect our race.
*** Hope everyone has a Great Night - I plan on it being an Early one for me! ***