Friday, December 26, 2014

Can't Wait for the Holiday's ---


Lets face it, it's been a long year for all of us but me in particular, challenging may be the best description. From the beginning of the year till now I've struggled with figuring out a plan. In hindsight I think I put to much stress on myself thus making everything I did either ''just under the wire'' or behind.
Something else I figured out was if I'm discombobulated at home, I'm that way every where else. So with the living room getting painted and a kitchen remodel going on it sent me in quite a tailspin. PLUS the fact that the MR started the back splash project (thank goodness he didn't finish) and we come really close to having the FiRsT  argument ever. Ya'see he's not a plan ahead and get it done person, he starts where the middle is and wings it. That's ok for some things but not for something that I'm going to be looking at for the next 20+ years. Info background==the back splash is silver panels that have a pattern on them, I was going to make a template with copy paper and lay them out to start the project. The MR starts near the beginning and it went downhill from there....I'll finish this story later.
Thanksgiving has come and gone with it being held at the Mr & I's house for the first time. Though our house is smaller (a Lot) it was still ok. Two of my girls and their families were not able to come so it wasn't as crowded cramped. Christmas was a little different only one daughter and her family wasn't able to come due to my poor little grandson had the flu--his entire Christmas break from school. It was fun for everyone and these silly kids of mine again didn't follow the instructions.....MOM (aka me) didn't want them spending $$ on us! Did they listen..that would be a No!! Silly Brats, All of Them, LOL!!

What's a Mom to Do, Still Love them more than Life,

Till Later!

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Come'On People!

Well apparently with the revised blog name and promise of being more accountable, my first posting on FB has sent the Rumors Flying!! Now I know that the post was a bit vague but there was a 'hightlighted'link come'on people!  Huge, Huge, thanks to Marie a friend at work and on FB for bringing to my attention that people are talking (imagine that), wondering if I & the MR. are having ''problems''. What in the H~E''doublehockeysticks'' is the matter with all of you!?! No--We--Are--Not!

Our Love Story:

Admittedly co-workers that know both of us were surprised (ok shocked) that we were even dating. We didn't necessarily keep it a secret, we kept work separate from our personal life. I for one am still amazed he asked for a date. If you r-e-a-l-l-y know me, you know I'm a Type A person and can be a bit of a bitch handful. MR. asked and asked to go out and I for one wasn't sure it was such a good idea, see, I've known MR. from the time he got hired (we worked opposite shifts), and fact of the matter is, he was also married (for a short time) to a work friend of mine.

After months of putting him off, making excuses, and months of listening to another friend Kathy telling me how Perfect we would be together. I finally gave in with him going along with my PartyHardy group of friends to a local pizza joint, but, I drove myself (I know - lame). This went on for some time, I still was a bit reluctant to get very involved. After about 8-9 months of him asking and going out in a group setting I finally decided I would give it more serious thought and go out with him, that is after I called the EX.

That's right people, I called the Ex, Why? well for me it was the right thing to do....remember I had a working relationship with her and I didn't want it to become weird for us.

We went out for the first time, for dinner on October 4th, 2004, I walked (again lame I know) to the restaurant as it was in town. Dinner and hours of talking later he drove me home, a walk to the door and a very sweet good nite kiss ended that first date. Flirtations and working overtime to sneak peaks with each other went on for a few weeks along with a date or two.

Then 'IT' happened. THE talk, the lets be exclusive to each other discussion. Thinking to myself 'Lord help me' yes we need to talk.

MR said his piece told me what he wanted (me people he wanted me) then it was my turn, thinking that it was fun while it lasted and from here we can part our ways and still be friends I proceeded to tell him what was what.
     #1=He needed to understand that he would Never be first in my life, I had children and grand-children and they would always be #1....
     #2=I had already moved my Mom & Carl to Ky and though we didn't have the most loving relationship they would still be #2....
     #3=Work, as in my job, I try and help the kids and was trying my best to continue working on the house, paying half the mortgage and all the utilities so I worked all the OT I could beg/volunteer for....
     #4=I would however make it a point to include him with the kid/family activities as he wanted to join in with, and make whatever time we had together the best possible  whether we went out or just stayed in. I really didn't need or want to go out all the time, sometimes you just need to ''BE''. Be with each other watching TV eating a pizza, or go through McD's get a sandwich and go for a drive, or grill out and sit on the porch.

And so it began, to my surprise he was OK with everything I said. He understood about the kids, jobs & family and was willing to take a chance on making an 'Us'.

After going through as much as any couple possibly can, the ups and downs every relationship have, the birth of the youngest grand daughter, health issues (his), my Mom and his Dad passing we were engaged 7yrs in. Yep 7 years, and was engaged for almost 2yrs after that.
Here we are a little over 10 years later still as much in Love as that first Flirtatious wink! 

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Queen of "I think I'll get back into it again"

How are things?  Long time no write, I don't have anything really that important to say other than I'm going to try this blog writing thing yet again,  starting with a New Name.  Yep!! The Picture Lady!!! that would be Moi. As a Runners Mom there seemed (to me) a limit as to what there was to blog about. With a blog name change I will blog about a lot of different stuff 'cause lets face it - I've got a lot of stuff going on. Of course there will be plenty of blogging about the running stuff, I will begin from the start of this years race season and do updates/catch-up posts if you will, including PLENTY of pictures.

First with this post I want to reflect on what all I've learned about myself so far during 2014,
  • in my quest to make things 'perfect' I get behind, in 2015 I'm going to strive for 'the best I can do'
  • I have managed to do better at budgeting my $$--but there's still room to improve with the savings aspect.
  • my tolerance level of bulls$!t is quite frankly, Nil
  • I miss having NSV's--and the fault is mine--need to really focus on this, (sigh)
  • unless 'forced' I won't become a Domestic Diva anytime soon, still got'ta work to pay for insurance
  • I have an amazing Mr. that is still OK with being second more times than not
  • instititute a FamPAM night plan (potluck at mom')
  • my daughter(s) and grand-children is and still will be #1 always
  • patience is not my strong suit, but I'm trying
  • the photography thing is going full swing, I'm still learning everyday
  • RA SUCKS!! still dealing with it so far
  • menopause Sucks Too
  • addicted to dried pineapple to a fault
  • having the best MIL is awesome
  • learning that Love & Passion is more than sex
  • I do Much better when there's a written 'to-do' list
  • getting published again during 2014 in the local newspaper was a photography beginning milestone
  • getting published (2013 & 2014) in the CountyWide Stride Magazine and having one of my photos on the cover was an even Bigger Milestone
  • having amazing runner kids (of all ages) call me Momma has been a blessing
  • riding in a cop car this year (Between-a-Thon race) wasn't my first time
  • as an extrovert I've managed to include yet another group (blog post about them for sure) of race RD/timing organization on my resume
  • waiting to see if one of my photos will be featured in a ''for real'' running magazine has me stressed
  • I will be ending the Fifties in a few months, and I can't wait
  • realizing my limitations as I Sashay into the (my) Sixties decade
  • having FurBabies is still a lot of work
  • I'm obsessed with RHO reality TV
  • Posting on FB will be my 'push' my 'accountability'
See, See what I mean--I gots lots and lots of stuff.........................

Stay Tuned!