Monday, October 18, 2010

Whats that you say?? Where have I been???

Long time No Blog!! I have been absent for some time now with no real good excuse! Its been awhile since my last blog (July something?) so I will recap as much as possible with bullets--
  • July was filled with 4 weekends of my runner girls 5K races (check out all the recaps ", started the walk program at work though I really had not planned on it a group of women begged me to do it with them..well hell OK now I'm a "Donnelley Diva" yea baby!!!!
  • August "5K" races = 2, my Uncle Clyde past away which has had me completely devastated...So much family drama (the B#*@&%S) during this time, a feeder class which had me working (2wks) of 12 hr shifts
  • September "5K' races = 4 one I walked in with the G'daughters Kaylan sprain her ankle at 1.5 mile, another feeder class again 2wks of 12 hrs, the "Donnelley Divas" came in second place of 28 teams that participated, the anniversary of my mothers death, still not sure if I have come to terms with it all...
  • And Now It's OCTOBER!! OMG ! This is only the middle of the month so I will post more later - I gotta tell you 'bout the half marathon the girls ran in Louisville!!

Till then remember,,

I'm the MOM