Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Blog 365 ~ Few [😖] Words Wednesday ~ Thank Ya Jesus

 The morning started with Mom Taxi service.....then home to cook breakfast only to discover I forgot to take bread out of the freezer😒. No big deal I'll just bake a can of biscuits right?? Nope, don't have not nary a can [and I do not make home made--talk about hockey pucks!] Leftover bread heals as french bread it was! Get the hub's off to work and I get the basic daily indoor chores done before heading out to get a couple things of the chore list....I needed to get some office stuff done and work on the blog...[still behind jusSayin]

Only mowed the front & side yard,
Fluffed & Preened the mulch in front,
Cut the Canna' back that is along the back sidewalk...
Time to cool down and get ready for noon day Bible Study....
Went to sign into web and got this message...
What...The... [expletive!!]
I'm so over our internet carrier Spectrum. It's been giving me absolutely nothing but trouble. The hubu's have called and it will be ok for a time then BAM!! 
I sent him this picture and told him I really didn't care how it got fixed but it had to get done and soon...
I was really losing my religion at this point so off to Bible Study I went...
Thank Ya Jesus [& Pastor Briscoe] for calming me down. My apologies for doing 'some' work while listening to the chapter.

I stopped in to talk to the hub's about the internet connection problem, then went to Wally world....he wanted me to be at home in case service called.. That was a Big H' No....What gets me is there's so much talk about our future in technology, yet....
And now there's talk regarding going to a 'cashless' society?? I really need to start playing the lottery and go buy an island somewhere! 


Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Blog 365 ~ Tidbit Tuesday


Bird watching...on the porch and in the bush...

Moved 3 loads of rock from the ''kid's'' house before my
SIL calls for a dumpster and throws it all away....
The hubby commented 😕 that we were moving their rock pile over to our house and making another rock pile ?? 
Well 😉 Yep.
In my defense, I'm planning ahead for future projects around our yard...I've already started ''dressing up'' flower bed area next to the road...
We've had the PVC pipe in front controlling the dirt & mulch. I've wanted to go pick up rock but never got around to it. Now that the SIL is working at their city house somewhat I'll take advantage of getting it closer to home and helping them as well....Win-Win! Eventually I'll have rock all the way down to the end...yes there's that much to get.

Time for a few chores, head to get the kid from work, finish baking dinner and I have a Hospice mtg tonight...

Monday, August 28, 2023

Blog 365 ~ Happy Homemaker Monday 8/28/23

  ---> still in 'catch-up mode😉 but, Welcome to another Monday Homemaker post.
Linking up with Sandra  so let's get started...

** The Weather **
Better manageable temps, but I for one am ready for the Fall/Winter Temps...

** As I look outside my window **
It's Sunny, not as humid [Thank you Jesus]

 ** Right now I am **
Working on this post in between answering text msg, work emails, while waiting on hubby to get home for lunch.
** Thinking and pondering **
Thestill has a couple more weeks
of 'scheduled' driving to do. The Kid goes back to see Orthopedic Doc on the 11th.

** What I'm reading **
J.D. Robb -'Encore in Death' pleasure reading
Devotional for spiritual reading
let's just say Atomic Habits will be finished by year's end.
I've been taking it with me,
reading what I can during any downtime in the car.

** TV Shows this week **
Again, Thank goodness for DVR. We have a couple of 'New Season' programs to contemplate on whether we want to invest in the time to record and watch later or wait and see if their 'On Demand' for later viewing this falll/winter.

** Menu Plan **
I'm happy to say I actually cooked last week..not as much as I wanted though...we did eat fresh from the garden Tomato sandwiches a couple night's--too dang 🔥HOT 🔥
⮚Eggplant Pharm
⮚Pot Pies
⮚Tilapia Fish
⮚Veggie Egg Rolls
⮚Pork Loin
⮚Chicken Bowls
⮚Garden Veggie Burgers
⮚Baked Tortellini
⮚Meat Loaf
⮚Hot Dogs

** Goal/To Do List **

** Around The House **
It Is What It Is..🤣 making the bed is the highest priority, but I did manage to get 2 floors swept/mopped/wax this morning..
Hallway and Living room done,

it'll be a crap shoot as to when I'll get to the Dining room & Kitchen done

** Project this Week **
Haul a few loads of stone from the kid's house [2024 project ?]

** Todays Motivation **

** Favorite blog post last week (mine or other) **
Actually a favorite Blog... The Frugal Girl

** Something fun to share **
There are 6 of us that is signed up to participate in Muddy Princess next year,
I Start a 'STEPember' walk challenge 9/1 & re-start strength training then too.

** Looking forward to this week **
Mahjongg with the Tribe today...

** From the camera **

** On my prayer list **
My G'kid...

** Bible verse, Devotional **
Father, please help me to respect how fearfully and wonderfully you have made me.

Thursday, August 24, 2023

Blog 365 ~ Thrifty Thursday

 With a busy [busier] upcoming CrAzY schedule along with winter snow predictions I've been working at getting the rest of my pantry/freezer stock completed. Today I was able to get meat sale items from Kroger & scored quite the find at Dollar Tree...below is a breakdown.

First up is Pork Loin chops - I placed 2 chops in freezer baggies then wrapped in 3 layers of newspapers before placing in gallon size baggies. Per Serving cost is 0.78 cents. The Pork was also on sale and will cook for Christmas (?) as well as a Chicken since the Kid doesn't eat pork😐.

Next was Chicken Breast...again from Kroger these were huge pcs of meat! I put 1 per pkg after scoring it down the middle, wrapped each in newspaper and them placed in gallon bags. The hub's and I normally share a piece and with the size of these we'll most likely get another meal from 1[4 meals/1pc]. Per serving cost is 1.36, depending on if we get more than a serving, this cost will go down to about 0.68 cents per serving.

I needed bathroom cleaning stuff so went into Dollar Tree for that...while browsing around [as most people do] I discovered they had men's body wash in a larger size of 22.5oz...
The hubby was down to his last bottle, and at $1.25 I couldn't pass it up. At Walmart they sale for 4.91$ so I saved 3.66$ per bottle,

Yes Please & Thank You!

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Blog 365 ~ Few Words Wednesday

Morning coffee with these two at my feet
PunkN - Gray Tuxedo
JinX - Orange Tabby

Helped my friend 'MJ' move her husband from another nursing home/memory care facility. It makes me sad knowing everything she's going through mentally/emotionally/financially.



Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Blog 365 ~ Staying a'Float ??

This is what the G'kid's leg, ankle & foot looks like...still! The scan appointment 'mis-hap' when she and the Kid went to BGO has had her waiting to get another scheduled appointment. Yes, she's in pain and lots of discomfort. Hopefully she'll get something soon. 

This morning I got a FB notification about 'top fan badge' for A Midsummer Night's Run. This somewhat happens when you are supportive of a group/event...BUT!! I also received a FB message from one of the organizers about being a 2024 Ambassador!! I'm PUMPED....of Course I accepted. 

I did all my daily household chores, then started working on updating/reconciling my checkbook. I planned/ updated September budget, August sinking funds and will work on a no un-necessary spending September schedule. This week I've followed some sales ads and with do a Thrifty Thursday post with a couple of things. **disclaimer** I have been doing 'more' spending the last 2 weeks getting ready for fall/winter months....including nonperishables & personal care items. The amount I've spent was placed on my Kroger card so as to get better %% off gas [remember I'm Mom Taxi] and getting cash back. I have $$ set aside in my savings for this and will do payment at end of the week.

Another social media surprise was getting tagged about a Fall race event I'm ambassador/photographer for. Renfro Rock'N'Run has been one of the kid's favorite races, sadly with her fracture 🦶 & torn ligaments she'll be sitting it out for this year.

I posted on Mondays Happy Homemaker blog post that I was going to try and get this book finished by the end of the year...So, while waiting for the kid to get off work I've been getting some pages read!

Lots of stuff on the to-do list/schedule for this week. Be Safe !


Monday, August 21, 2023

Blog 365 ~ Happy Homemaker Monday 8/21/23


Linking up with Sandra for Happy Homemaker Monday I'm doing my best to get caught up with this 'Blog 365' Challange...the Struggle is Real!!

Let's get to categories....

** The Weather **
Back to the High temps again..😰..I think I'm the only one ready for fall/winter within my Gal Pal/Tribe group.
They just don't understand there's only so much you can take off and still be legal😉.

** As I look outside my window **
Sun is 'blazing' with temp of 88° for now and expected 92° in couple of hours...

 ** Right now I am **
Working on this post, waiting on hubby to get home for lunch

** Thinking and pondering **
How much sleep do I really need this week, and for the rest of the month??

** What I'm reading **
[same as Last week] 
J.D. Robb -'Encore in Death' pleasure reading
Devotional for spiritual reading
let's just say Atomic Habits will 'hopefully be finished by year's end..🤣'

** TV Shows this week **
DVR--DVR---DVR to the rescue!

** Menu Plan **
[Several things carried over from before due to so many evening meetings & functions. I'm happy to say I'll be actually cooking this week..YAY!!]
⮚Eggplant Pharm
⮚Pot Pies
⮚Tilapia Fish
Veggie Egg Rolls
⮚Pork Loin
⮚Chicken Bowls
⮚Garden Veggie Burgers
⮚Baked Tortellini
⮚Meat Loaf
⮚Hot Dogs

** Goal/To Do List **
It really is ridiculous how much needs or should be done for the rest of this week and month..

** Around The House **
Basics [sweep, make bed, kitchen, bathroom] and maybe I'll get upstairs kitchen & bathroom bleached..

** Project this Week **
Continue as MomTaxi for the Kid, hopefully G'kid can get MRI scheduled 🤞, 

** Todays Motivation **

** Favorite blog post last week (mine or other) **
I have read a couple, but nothing has really stood out for me yet.

** Something fun to share **
Monday morning radio segment is mobile for the next few weeks..[sigh]

** Looking forward to this week **
Cooking Dinners!!

** From the camera **
I couldn't decide on just one...

These were from a new race venture for me this past Friday evening...

** On my prayer list **
Continuing prayers for SIL - Daughter - G'daughter

** Bible verse, Devotional **


Monday, August 14, 2023

Blog 365 ~ Happy Homemaker Monday 8-14-23

 The month is flying by!! Geesh, it's already mid-month. If [hopefully most] of you have read I have a busier next 4 weeks than normal starting today. Read about what happened to my daughter & G'daughter HERE, and of course MY adventures over the weekend HERE. Mom Taxi service & thunderstorms today will keep me from getting walking milage in, so planning on Tuesday & Thursday for sure. 

Let's get started with linking up with Sandra for another edition of... 

** The Weather **
Mom Taxi Day 1 when heavy rain showers and a bit of thunder, 

** As I look outside my window **
Dang it's wet....rain supposed to ease up later this afternoon.

 ** Right now I am **
Attempting to get this post done.

** Thinking and pondering **
About my goals for 2024

** What I'm reading **
J.D. Robb -'Encore in Death' pleasure reading
Devotional for spiritual reading
let's just say Atomic Habits will 'hopefully be finished by year's end..🤣'

** TV Shows this week **
Too many shows....Too little time,

** Menu Plan **
leftover Olive Garden tonight, I have Mah-Jongg at 5p tomorrow we have GOP mtg at a local Mexican restaurant so will eat there, for the rest of the week in no particular order:
*Pot Pies
*Veggie Quesadilla's
*Tilapia fish
*Pork Loin chops
*Chicken bowls [mashed potatoes & corn with gravy]
*Garden Veggie Burgers
*Meatloaf Patties
*Hot Dogs [hubby requested]

** Goal/To Do List **
Main To-Do will be to get daughter to & from work since she's not able to drive with her medical boot, 

** Around The House **
All the Basic's; Sweep [6🐈], Make Bed, Kitchen ie clean sink club, and Bathroom, we have one of the PurrBabies that has decided to 'camp out' on the back of the commode [sigh] always something with the little Darlings....#jusSayin 

** Project this Week **
Stay Sane😜

** Todays Motivation **
Rolling all week!

** Favorite blog post last week (mine or other) **
Not a blog post but a 'youtube' channel that is really funny....Gerry Brooks is a nearby school principle, I found him by accident and have laughed out loud with some of his anticks...Watch him here:

** Something fun to share **
Mah-Jongg tonight with the 'Tribe'

** Looking forward to this week **
G'Kid getting some answers regarding her foot/leg

** From the camera **

** On my prayer list **
SIL [she starts chemo soon] Kid & g'Kid

** Devotional **
Lord, you order the day and the night.
Help me to order my day in a way that is pleasing to you.

Off to take the g'Kid to her Dr appointment in couple of hours...

Sunday, August 13, 2023

Blog 365 ~ AMSR race re-cap ~ [new] Church 177th Anniversary


Looking out my front door enjoying a Wonderses Sunday Morning...the night was short but the benefits were worth it....[more on this in a sec]
I posted this before I went to it hit the spot.

But first let's talk A Midsummer Night's Run...I had already done a Saturday race re-cap for Blazing Blue Devil 5K and noted at the end I was 'doing' a race...ME. I did a local race. I signed up for it a while back thinking I had plenty of time to train. Well, I did get some training in, just not what I should have.... 
I left to get there EARLY! I wanted the drive time to just - Chill - and the time to just - Sit in my car and catch up on my week plan. The hub's said be prepared to pay out the wazoo to get out...I really didn't care what it was going to cost. My car & I were in a safe area, and it was worth whatever it cost for that piece of mind... 
Parking at Rupp Arena parking lot wasn't that close to the start/finish, maybe 3/4 of a mile?? It was amazing to sit, reflect, and get thoughts organized and write out a plan for the week coming. I start the Mom Taxi in the morning, taking & picking up the kid for work. And I take the G'kid to her Dr appointment in Lexington tomorrow as well. I managed to re-arrange a few in person meetings and might be doing a few of them via Bluetooth/car phone for the next 4'ish weeks.
The walk to the race venue was filled with all kinds of sights & murals. Adding to my long growing list of photography things to do is find all of them in Lexington, then move onto another city.

Thank Goodness for my @honeystinger for adding a bit of pep in my step...remember I had a Early:ThiryAM wake up call.

Met up for Team Beef photo with a couple of my runner girls,
Michelle - Me - Vicki

We took off and at around mile 1.4 my visor was making me so mad !! It was hot & muggy [rain was forecasted but didn't happen] & Oh..So..Humid! The front visor part kept falling down my forehead, so I turned it around while walk/running. 
blurry running picture, look at me Glisten, LOL.

My friend Jenny and her 'Big Hand' was stationed at the finish area for you to tap and get a Boost!
She was a Welcomed sight! Now I know how my finishers feel when they see me. 
I didn't do the race with any expectations other than to finish UpRight! And I did just that. And even surprised myself with coming in under [barely] 50 minutes. Several of my runner kids seen me out on the course ... it was so great to hear them all call out my name for a change and give me encouragement. I have a LOT of work to do, I've signed up for 3 of my 7 events for 2024, and I will return to downtown Lexington for next year's AMSR.
Walked 3/4 mile back to my car and reflected what I had just accomplished. For me at age 68-with RA I think I did okay.
Getting to the parking lot and seeing the gates 'Green' as in Good to go and not pay out the Wazoo made me smile even bigger...driving home, spotify playing, thoughts about what was to come up this week and I how I can Do Anything! I'm succeeding for Me! I'm taking risks and going for the Gusto! Saying Yes to 99% of any opportunity that comes along and learning as I go. 

I'll get off my soap box for now....this morning was my new church 177th Church Anniversary. Guest Pastor was Dr C.B. Akins, Sr., pastor emeritus of 1st Baptist church Bracktown.
What a sermon he gave. I've learned 'more' about the Bible since being at 'new church' than in any other church I've attended.
So as NOT to begin preaching I'll sign off for tonight...busy 'TAXI' day tomorrow....and a bunch of other stuff.