I Went HIKING! Finally, I was able to get back with my Casey County Explorer's hiking group. It's been Sooo, Many weeks since I've went because of Chamber business, dealing with the hub's bank, and weather But I Finally went... Go Me!
This morning's temps were a bit chilly when I got dressed, so I added a layer for JIC. I had my coffee, made the bed, swept the floors, ate some toast & cereal grabbed my hiking boots & backpack and off I went to meet the 'local' hiking crew to carpool to the meet-up.
Gal Pal Margaret talked another hiker into joining us who lives close by. Loaded up and Off we went . I do want to say anytime I can, I ride in the back seat....I don't want to be navigator, and not that I'm anti-social [ Umm Hello! ] but I can listen to whatever is going on with front seat conversation. If I'm asked a question I answer, If I'm asked my opinion I answer. I use the time to get a bit of 'work' done on my phone, and text updates to whoever. By the time we stopped for a bathroom break it was really warm out, so I removed a layer in the car...the other Gal's don't do that BTW. Oops!
Every..Single..Time..we travel to hike or anywhere else for that matter we always end up doing a U-turn because of missing a direction. So after a couple, [yes a couple] of U-turns we finally ended up at our destination.
near Berea, Ky. We were meeting the rest of the group at the Anglin Falls Trailhead.
We took the 'Orange' Eagle Trail
it wasn't to difficult, and had so many beautiful wildflowers along the trail...

Kim took this photo of me standing near the edge of the rock...
Oh Yes I did in fact Climb Up these Rock/Boulders...
it was the only way to get to the top and see the waterfall...
I love the way Wildflowers can grow out of & from anywhere...
and I do use my imagination thinking Woodland Fairies live in the tree Trunks...I can see it, can't you??more gorgeous wildflowers
And What a Fabulous Find coming out of the trail...
Christmas WILL be here in 251 days...🎄 #jusSayin 🎄
Off to local GOP meeting so signing out.
Hope everyone has a wonderful evening.
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