Saturday, April 15, 2023

Blog 365 ~ Horse Capital Full/Half race Re-Cap


The Earlier Early:Thirty AM race morning start was full of activity with the PurrKids...

Every time I hear them eating the canned food it's like 'Hungry Hungry Hippo' game.... 

Dressed for the day and ready to show off Horsepower Bolder Skirt...I'm a ambassador and was blessed to get this skirt to show off at race events....

This mornings Horse Capital race event will be a longer day than normal...we ended up with almost 700 signing up for either 13.1 or 26.2 miles. So, packed some food and water since I'm not sure what food trucks will show up.

Several hundred showed up to run...

My runner kid Tony was Pacing for todays race, he's got a Great business going on with Saturdaze Sunglasses! 

And of course the Kid with 2 of her BRF's Lori & Shana

The Ky Horse Park was the race venue and they always have LPHP.

 Just 2 of my other girlies that decided 6 weeks ago to sign up for the race....and No training [sigh] Lord these girls ! Mind over Matter tanks - Tiffany in Green, and Kristin in Lilac.

OK so the race started, I set my alarm for what I expected the first runner to come in, ??about 1:30ish hours or 1:45ish. I went to the potty, then got my photo spot set-up....
not sure what my face is doing, 😶 this year's set-up is totally different from last year's race where I [and the runners] had All..Four..Seasons going on during the race. If you know Ky weather, you Know what I'm talking about!! I talked to some of the volunteers and took a few more photos, ate the breakfast I brought, read some of my book, then relaxed for a bit. The first runner in almost fooled me ! OMG he came in at 1:19:27 and was Rolling! It wasn't long until there were more and more behind him. 

My buddy DJ James Hummel kept things hopping with awesome upbeat tunes for the family & friends spectating and of course the runners.

 all the runners earned this medal just for doing the race, those in top 3 age grps had a choice between a engrave leather & brass key chain or Horse Capital water bottle...

This was the 8th year for the Horse Capital Marathon & Half Marathon race. Run on one of the most beautiful marathon/half marathon courses in the United States, passing over 50 Central Kentucky horse farms. The race will started at 7:30am from the Kentucky Horse Park Campground Area. A short section (start/finish) will be on the Legacy Trail with 98% being in scenic Central Kentucky country roads passing by 50+ Central Kentucky horse farms.

Staged in Lexington, Kentucky, commonly referred to as the Horse Capital of the World. The Marathon/Half Marathon began together at 7:30am and will had a 6 hour maximum duration (per Lexington city permit). That meant those competing in the marathon must keep a 14 minute 30 second pace or better to complete the race in time. The race benefitted Bluegrass Farms Charities who are the "Heart & Hands of Thoroughbred Racing." Founded in 2003, Blue Grass Farms Charities is a unique 501(c)(3)nonprofit, and dedicated to providing health and human services to people working in Central Kentucky's Thoroughbred ​industry.100% of participant donations and partial proceeds will benefit this worthy local charity supporting the thoroughbred horse industry in Central Kentucky. Blue Grass Farms Charities is devoted to providing health and human services to people working in all aspects of the Thoroughbred industry in Central Kentucky.

The last runner Jovita finished and as she came past me said 'I'm the last one'...
I told her ' No you are Not! Your lapping everyone on the couch'...and she was, think about it. 8 hrs later and 2000+ photos later it was time to pack up and head for home Sweet home! I'm a Tired Gal, but then again so are a lot of my team! Until next weekend....Oh I have 👉TWO👈 races in the same day And Prom Pics to take.

Full Results are Here---> 26.2 

Half results are Here---> 13.1

All in all, it was a great day to race though it did get a bit warm/hot for the runners. But because of them and after the expenses [there were lots] we [RaceRise] were able to give 5000$ to the charity. So Win, Win! 

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