With all the weather predictions on multiple levels, AND the Govenor declaring a 'State of Emergency' early yesterday afternoon I was expecting the rain and Wind to be quite brutal last night...and in yesterday's post I mentioned that March was apparently going to leave as it came in--- Like a Lion! Well it did rain, but not hard...we had 'some' wind but not 'bad'. I even checked the weather report before going to bed! Well Guessing Mother Nature decided to April Fool us ! We had another Saturday morning of nice sky's [at least that's something] But O.M.G. the Wind!!
I felt bad for the runners, but as runners go they will 🏃run in anything and everything!! #goRunnerKids
So Yes April Fool to all of us....Battan down everything 'cause to wind will carry it to the next county over.... As far as this morning's race goes It Was Fantastic! I worked with Lexington South Chapter in 2021 and they had a fair turnout that year, Last year I was already booked and couldn't help them... one of the RD's told me today they only had 76 runners for last 2022 race👀Oh Geez! I'm so glad they finally reached out to my team at RaceRise. Yes, we're a little expensive, BUT we do all the work & the numbers today proved our ability to make things happen. 200 runner/walkers today....2-0-0!! Before the race even started, they made a little over 12,000$$ to give to their charities! TWELVE THOUSAND!!
A little about Lions Club race/run history:
The first Lions Run for Sight was held in 1988 and has been ran every year since in Lexington Kentucky. 2020 is the first (and hopefully only) year that they held the run as only a virtual event. They've survived rain, freezing rain, snow, and even thunderstorms. (so today's High Winds was nothing to them!) Through it all they have managed to put on a small, but fun event.
The 34th year in 2021, the Run for Sight, was held as a hybrid event, and not on the traditional date of the first Saturday in April, but at the end of August. The uncertainty of the coronavirus pandemic at the beginning of 2021 forced them to choose to hold the run later in the year and as a hybrid event. This also necessitated the changing of venue from Masterson Station Park in Lexington to Coldstream Park in Lexington for this one year.
Places the run has been held:Jacobson Park, Lexington
Veterans Park, Lexington
Masterson Station Park, Lexington
Virtual only (2020)
Coldstream Park, Lexington (2021)
Proceeds from the Run for Sight help with their vison for service. Some of the ways the proceeds from this event help provide service to the Lexington area community, William Wells Brown Elementary School, Lions Camp Crescendo, Foster Children, and help Purchase Eyeglasses.
Lot's of delicious Goodies per-race & post race...
I may have had 1 or 2,

OK I had 3!!
The Lions Run for Sight is known for their Amazing door prizes...

99 total were given out today!

Great Vision teams were winners today as well...
I was able to be with and see a Lot of my regular's and met many more New runners. They're all so incredible. I get chills anytime I'm at a event and see all the support runner/walkers bring. It's not always about the swag, or the medal. It's the comradery of other runners, it's the charities, and once in a while it's about coming to see me! LOL...
Not only do I Love seeing the 'Little's' running around, I Love seeing all the 4-legged PawRunners...

I can't wait to be a Dog Parent again.
Hope to see you next year.... April 6th, 2024!!
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