Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Blog 365 ~ Worried 😟 Wednesday

*** Names Changed to Protect...well Everyone ***

The clipart above shows how part of my weekend & week has went....My friend we'll call MJ was a victim of domestic violence last weekend. To the point that 911 was called by a family member. MJ tried to have them take him to the ER for evaluation But, the abuser [spouse] was taken to jail due to the fact he laid a hand on MJ. It wasn't a call I ever imagined I would get...but I went to her Of Course! I truly Love this friend like a Sister. 

Sadly, the abusers out of state family, who MJ & 'he' haven't seen in over 2 years became Irate that 'he' was in jail. None of them have been around to see how troubled 'he has been and has needed medical help with what has been diagnosed as Dementia/Alzheimer's. And the violence has been somewhat escalating.

8am Tuesday:
Making sure all the EPO paperwork is in order, medical EPO filings, was a long drawn-out process, but they got done. The sheriff's from the jail called and suggest MJ NOT to bail 'he' out as 'he' was combative & disorderly to the point he was placed in the medical section of jail to protect other inmates and himself.

Around here you are only kept for 72 hrs and you go before the judge. Finally 'he' son came and along with a Uncle got 'he' out and was able to bring to neurologist appointment for evaluation....all of that took most of Tuesday morning....MJ is in charge of all their things, POA, finances, medical, etc. 
In the waiting room, 'he' started to be a bit unruly, aggressive, and not sure where he was or who the people were with him...I wanted to cry. 'he' is my friend too.

We were immediately sent to the VA emergency entrance and that's when thing started to go really bad, 'he' was cursing, and begun being more hostile, and combative.

After a 'entry' evaluation 'he' was going to be checked out more thoroughly and went to another area. MJ was interviewed by the emergency PA, and we waited some more... I was completely fine with that...whatever it takes to help 'he', because this isn't the 'he' I know. Quite the opposite!

The attending Dr called MJ back and was explaining how 'he' was acting out and became so combative with the tech's,... THAT's when 'he' son and I see 2 security guards enter the ER area, and then a 3rd.

4pm Tuesday Afternoon:
 'he' was admitted to the Psyc ward for one will be allowed to see him until they can get a good evaluation done, which isn't happening because of the aggressive behavior. Today we are told 'he' may need to be sedated in order to do any Scans, MRI's, etc.

MJ is more exhausted than I....but I know she can at the very least get better rest knowing 'he' is in good, capable hands, with the best medical team there is. And she is now Safer! 

MJ and I are part of an Amazing group of Friends, and with a friend text thread WE have her covered at ALL times of the day or night..... other AZ friends coming next week, then we have friends from NY coming mid-May to help and keep MJ company.....

'Cause that's what Friends who are like Sisters Do!

*** Thank you Blog-Land for reading/listening to my ramblings. ***


  1. I am so sorry to hear this. So glad that MJ has you and other friends to have her covered and help her with this situation.

  2. I am so sorry for your friend and her situation. I'm glad she has a friend like you (and others) to help/be there for her. Prayers that everything gets settled soon.

  3. MJ is lucky to have you in her life. We need more people like you in this world.
