No it's not what you Think... I refuse the Sink! What I'm talking about is my 'Sinking Funds'. I made December the start of my 2024 year, and along with that I am updating my SF plan/goal. [another update for my New Year post I'm so excited to share my 2024 Word]
IF you need help with getting your SF setup/ideas, I'd be glad to offer assistance/suggestions, BUT I'm not a Pro.
Kumiko Love aka The Budget Mom is someone I follow on IG. Though I haven't purchased any of her plans or products she does offer freebies when you sign up for her newsletter. I've managed to get so much inspiration & knowledge from them.
About Me: I have struggled financially as a single Mom, then as a single person [responsible $$wise for family] so saving &/or sinking funds was hard! Fast forward a bunch of years and I'm married to an Amazing man who is a saver and has long term goals such as mine. This has helped me to start and continue my-way of doing sinking funds.
Here's my 'New Year' in December Cash Envelope/Sinking funds plans/goals,
Cash Envelope/Sinking Funds
[SF budget needed/$$saved-carry over=?balance?]
⮚💰Hair 500$/178$ = 322$ balance
⮚💰PetCare 350$/310$ = 40$ balance
⮚💰In:Out Projects 500$/197$ = 303$ balance
⮚💰Trips 4500$/2290$ = 2210$ balance
[trips also include various 'day' adventures
with GalPal Karrell]
⮚💰Car Maintenance 900$/350$ = 550$ balance
[increased budget amount..Ethel needs new tires next year]
⮚💰Promo Items 1200$/235$ = 965$ balance
⮚💰2024 Christmas 1500$/00$ = 1500$ balance
⮚💰Emergency Fund 1000$/00$ = 1000$ balance
💰💰💰Total Balance needed = 6890$ 💰💰💰
Is it doable?? Maybe?? But gonna give it my all..
Are you ready for the New Year??
Do you have savings plans??
Inquiring Minds Want to Know!!
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