Let's do a $$ End of Month Update.....
🠋🠋Cash Envelope/Sinking Funds🠋🠋
[SF budget needed/$$saved-carry over= ?balance?]
⮚💰Hair 500$/300$ = 200$ balance
[I cut my own hair a few months ago getting ready for the whole teeth thing]
⮚💰PetCare[Vet] 350$/350$ = DONE 🏆
⮚💰In:Out Projects 500$/500$ = DONE 🏆
⮚💰Trips 4500$/2645$ = 1855$ balance
[I'll be pulling from this SF for upcoming Biltmore trip]
⮚💰Car Maintenance 350$/128$ = 222$ Balance
$$ spent on new kicks for Ethel =897$ so 'new'
sinking fund amount is 350$ - this amount should cover 2 oil changes & winterize maintenance later this year.
⮚💰Promo Items 1200$/0.0$ = 1200$ balance
[ 2024 Promo items already purchased-will start 2025 saving starting June??]
⮚💰2024 Christmas 2000$/617$ = 1383$ balance
⮚💰Emergency Fund 1200$/115$ = 1085$ balance
[I'll concentrate more on this after CC is paid off]
TOTAL = 4745$ balance [does not include Promo]
I feel I'm on a good track so far. I'm also on track to have credit card [current amt owed=2532$] paid off in 3'ish months, did my first doubling up paying my dental bill [current amt owed=2540$] goal to have paid off by NLT August..