Sunday, March 31, 2024

Happy Easter + EOM update

Let's do a $$ End of Month Update.....

🠋🠋Cash Envelope/Sinking Funds🠋🠋
[SF budget needed/$$saved-carry over= ?balance?]
⮚💰Hair 500$/300$ = 200balance
[I cut my own hair a few months ago getting ready for the whole teeth thing]
⮚💰PetCare[Vet] 350$/350$ = DONE 🏆
⮚💰In:Out Projects 500$/500$ = DONE 🏆
⮚💰Trips 4500$/2645$ = 1855$ balance
                                                                            [I'll be pulling from this SF for upcoming Biltmore trip]

⮚💰Car Maintenance 350$/128$ = 222$ Balance
$$ spent on new kicks for Ethel =897$ so 'new' 
sinking fund amount is 350$ - this amount should cover 2 oil changes & winterize maintenance later this year.
⮚💰Promo Items 1200$/0.0$ = 1200balance
[ 2024 Promo items already purchased-will start 2025 saving starting June??]
⮚💰2024 Christmas 2000$/617$ = 1383$ balance
⮚💰Emergency Fund 1200$/115$ = 1085$ balance
[I'll concentrate more on this after CC is paid off]
                                                  TOTAL = 4745$ balance [does not include Promo]

I feel I'm on a good track so far. I'm also on track to have credit card [current amt owed=2532$] paid off in 3'ish months, did my first doubling up paying my dental bill [current amt owed=2540$] goal to have paid off by NLT August..

Saturday, March 30, 2024

Quarter Horse Relay Marathon Re-cap


Bling for today's Quarter Horse Relay Marathon...

[📷credit Shawn]

My day started earlier than normal for race day Saturday....around 4:30am! Today's race is different from most of them we do. With plans to be there all day, I'm packing breakfast & lunch. Yes it's a ALL Day thing. Relay teams of 2 or 3-4 or 5-8 with various pace per miles makes it unpredictable as to just when I'll finish with the photography. But that's what I signed up for when I joined RaceRise.
45'ish teams, & 17 solo runners will run 16 'loops'.
I brought my provisions & set up my little area camp,

And waited for runners to cross the bridge in front of me. Expected weather conditions for today were going to end up with high winds, but decent temps. So, my little hut set-up is going to be perfect!

DJ-James Hummel kept the music & commentary going...

The beginning of the race started from the parking lot in order to get the .2 of Marathon distance, 17 solo's & 45'ish first runners started....after getting the  race start I headed for my spot. Here are several of my favorite pic's...

Bear with me there's A Bunch...

Of Course I'm adding my Baby 🠋 in the mix...

These Paw'stectators were so good!until they seen their 'master' go past them 
they whined and cried until he was out of sight.

Standing at the finish line getting 'hand-off' shots and team photos...
[📷credit Mary]

Baton hand off's went smoothly...
The 'Littles' did great!

The Wind really picked up as you can tell with the long hair...

When your last team member is almost finished everyone else joins in for a 'Final Down Hill Finish'

Again, ALL the Little's were Amazing!

First Place Male Solo Marathoner...I couldn't resist having his Paw'stectator in the picture.

Did I mention I had a team in the Race?? Yep! And I was able to run down hill with them...
🠉[📷credit Martha] 🠋
A Runners Mom Rockets winning 1st place in their division!

As I said I took a LOT of here's Link 1 and Link 2

Morning race prep, travel time there & back plus 8 hours doing photography makes for a Very Long Day -- Time to R.E.S.T!




Friday, March 29, 2024

Flag + Felines + Flower + Fresh

Morning view from the front door...

Napping Tabby PurrBrothers...

Willa Wisteria started showing her colors...

Freshening up at Mr's church garden... 




Thursday, March 28, 2024