Thursday, November 30, 2023

Blog 365 [almost] ~ Thursday Thoughts


I Thought doing Pre-prepped food for this busy week came in so handy! Manwich w/salad on a night, then Manwich over baked potato for a quick yummy meal. Meatloaf was on point! Had it 2 different nights then gave the G"Kid leftovers. 2 kinds of Banana Bread--Yep G'Kid got one.

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Monday, November 27, 2023

Blog 365 [almost] ~ Happy Homemaker Monday 11-27-23


Though later in the day I'm still managing to link up with Sandra for Happy Homemaker Monday...

** The Weather **

** As I look outside my window **
It's early evening and of course with the recent time change it looks like it's Midnight...

 ** Right now I am **
Finally sitting down and working on this post.

** OOTD **
I've already taken a shower and in Sweats & Slippers

** Thinking and pondering **
My To-Do List....O>M>G

** What I'm reading **
Blindsided By Fern Michaels [pleasure reading]
Devotional [spititual]
['self improvement' read which I'll start sometime next week]
Carry On Warrior - by Glennon Doyle

** TV Shows this week **
New regular shows don't start up until mid-January
so in the meantime my RHO on Bravo,
the CrAzY Sister Wives [don't judge] 

** Menu Plan **
😋Baked Potatoes
😋Grilled Chicken Breast
😋L/O Chicken Breast w/Fried Rice
😋Broccoli Cheese Soup
😋Side's only nite
😋Pork Loin
😋Cajun Tilapia

** Goal/To Do List **
Fill 2 bags of 'Junk' from the basement,
Outline Self-Defense class for female runners,
Do Floors,
Freezer Inventory

** Around The House **
House is 'mostly' OK - daily basics-sweep-make bed-kitchen-bathroom

** Project this Week **
Get December Budget set-up. No-Spend Challenge[s] set-up 

** Today's Motivation **
Returned to SS my GalPal Mac on board and let her know we only have a few days left this month and they will be called #NoExcuseNovember THEN we'll start #DeterminedDecember

** Something fun to share **
I'm representing my local Kiwanis at a nearby chapter that wants to work together to put on a 5K race event....[excited]

** Looking forward to this week **
I had MahJongg with the ladies this afternoon, hence why this post is so late...

** From the camera **

Saturday, November 25, 2023

Blog 365 [almost] ~ Stop Drop Run 5K ~ OurJongg


It has been a Busy Week with races....this was the first thing I seen going into my final [#3] race event of the week...
Doesn't it just take your breathe away. It certainly did me.

Stop, Drop, Run 5K was in Georgetown, Ky and just over an hour away for me ...because it was for my friend Josh [not one of my team's events] it was the only reason I went. I've done photos for this event in the past but Josh now has his own 'timing' system and didn't need RaceRise.
Much to my surprise Josh 'contracted' out other timers, along with 2 other photographers. That would have been good info to have #jusSayin 

The race benefitted Toys for Tots and advertised for everyone to bring a donated toy and
filling up a 🚑Ambulance. The first year I did photos 2 were filled...last year 1 was 'almost' full, this year...only 2 of the T4T boxes had toys in them...numbers were 🠟significantly for the race too. 

View photos here--> 11-25-23 Stop Drop Run 5K


After getting home I fixed 'brunch' for me then headed out to play some MahJongg with the Gal Pal's. I hated that I missed on Monday, but ever so grateful to be with most of the crew today....

I got a MahJongg,
as well as Laura & Natalie...they didn't do pictures - gonna need to train those girls!

Group photo of us was ABSOLUTELY necessary!!
All my Gal Pal's are the best! 
[Shhh yes we were day drinking, it's been a long week!]

Friday, November 24, 2023

Blog 365 [almost] ~ Outdoor PurrBoys ~ Christmas Shopping 99% done!

No Friday Friends coffee this morning as everything was closed, which sorta didn't upset me. I was a little tired and wanted to go check out the Black Friday stuff at Wally World....Managed to get new Wranglers for the hub's for Christmas....other than a hairdresser gift card for him and Walmart gift card for the Kid, I am D.O.N.E! That means December 1st I'll start my ''new year''.

Managed to get the outdoor boys heated water bowl & heated house set up and ready for whatever weather is headed our way....colder temps & rain in the forecast next week. I hope they'll utilize they house but of course I can't force them into it.


Thursday, November 23, 2023

Blog 365 [almost] ~ Happy Thanksgiving


Spent the Morning taking photos for Titletown Turkey Trot 5K. This is the 2nd annual race event here in my hometown and what a SUCCESS! Just over 300signed up.

We aren't doing a 'Traditional' Thanksgiving dinner this year😞, holidays in general have not been the same since PaPaw passed away...HE was the glue for the family. I'm doing my best to try and figure out how to bring the kids here. Christmas is soon so maybe we will be ?!? Dinner was at Cracker Barrel and though not the best there was it was something.

With SIX 😺PurrKids in the house there will only be decorations
outside....😒 again.
Repurposed my leftover Mums by spray painting then Silver and added Christmas ornaments. I'll have a regular tree decorated with 🎁on the other side of the front porch. We don't need much, but I DO need to do something...

I hope everyone is Safe for this holiday and remember Thanksgiving calories don't count.

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Blog 365 [almost] ~ Few Words Wednesday

When I say 'WE' don't give up her at the ClineCrib, that includes some of my Blooming Beauties. Hanging tough until the very end.....

Bible Study was canceled earlier this morning, Thanksgiving Holiday, I went and got another Wellness maintenance shot, this time Flu shot.....4 more to go! 

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Blog 365 [almost] ~ Tuesday Hike on a Monday afternoon...

 Hiking with the CCE actually happen this week on Monday.....
Everyone decided to go walk around UK Arboretum, I've been there several times and in Lexington enough that I can go anytime. The ladies were wanting to go to a late lunch early dinner then go to some kind of music lyric theater downtown. I didn't want to be out that late so got in 1.3 miles then a bit of shopping and came home. Here's a few pictures from the grounds of the Arboretum.

Monday, November 20, 2023

Blog 365 [almost] ~ Happy Homemaker Monday 11/20/23


[Shhhh, I'm on a roll here...] 
I'm quite pleased with myself for doing this blog thing several days in a row... Linking up with Sandra for her Happy Homemaker Monday series. Let's get to it!

** The Weather **

** As I look outside my window **
Overcast for now, sun should make an appearance later this morning.

 ** Right now I am **
Working on this post [8?days in a row WooHoo]

** OOTD **
Lightweight leggings, long sleeve race event shirt

** Thinking and pondering **
Oh So MUCH...

** What I'm reading **
Blindsided by Fern Michaels [pleasure]
Devotional [spiritual]
Going to book store later this afternoon to look for something
regarding self-improvement/business
** TV Shows this week **
anything RHO, Sisterwives [guilty watching]
Nothing else much worth on regular channels yet...may find a movie to DVR for bad weather day watching.

** Menu Plan **
--> Thanksgiving Meal
--> Loaded Baked Potato
--> Manwich
--> Spaghetti
-->Grilled Chicken Breast
--> Chicken Fried Rice [leftover 🐔]
--> Tilapia Fish
--> Broccoli Cheese Soup
--> Just Side's Nite
--> Veggie Burger w/fries

** Goal/To Do List **
Radio Segment this morning✔
I have 2 more race events this week that I'm working,
new training cycle starts today so Silver Sneakers & walk/run 8miles on the schedule this week, Budgets for 2024 destination races & trips,
** Around The House **
Get the Basics done will be a must, I need to start concentrating on IF I want to re-do office space. Thinking Yes but trying to figure out a time frame. I may go get the shelving and leave on the porch for motivation/inspiration...

** Project this Week **
Checkbook, Done
Start 'outline' for Self-Defense class project.
Dropping the 'newest' GrandCat off at the Vet's tmrw,

** Today's Motivation **

** Something fun to share **
Comfy clothes, Coffee, Computer, Calendar.
[working from dining room table this morning]

** Looking forward to this week **
Urban Hiking this afternoon at UK Arboretum w/Casey Co Group, getting for me shopping in afterwards, Nephews B'Ball game tonight, 

** From the camera **
I have 2 to share this week, this is one of my 'runner' kids Clint Ison leading the Gobbler 10K & Half at yesterdays Gobbler race..
I was at the entrance [on top of a fence mind you] of the venue waiting and it was one of those moments that I was working on my camera focus as they were going to pass me. I looked through the lens and It HIT me! We had a SOLD OUT crowd today! 

📸credit Jeff Laub
This is MY baby...I'm so happy to see her getting back into the Swing of things with her running. She competed in the Gobbler 10K this year [her longest distance since getting hit by a SUV] And told me she accepted the challenge to be a 3 hour pacer for Strawberry Plains Half in Feb. She starts her training for that this week as well. 

** On my prayer list **
My daughter as she begins her 13.1 training, my friend Tim with his radiation treatments. 

** Bible verse, Devotional **
1 Timothy 1:7
For God has not given us a spirit of Fear, but of Power and of Love and of Sound Mind

Sunday, November 19, 2023

Blog 365 ~ Gobbler


I had the most amazing ''office'' this morning. New Vocations at Mereworth Farm. 

The 8th annual Gobbler Half, 10K, 5K ended up selling out! Fantastic weather, lot's of Great music from DJ James Hummel, and running friends galore! 

View all my photos from this race here... 11-19-23 Gobbler Half, 10K, 5K 

Half Marathon results here... The Gobbler Half Marathon

10K results here... The Gobbler 10K 

5K results here... The Gobbler 5K

Saturday, November 18, 2023

Blog 365 ~ Duo Race Weekend....


A 'new' to me venue for this morning's race event... Half of TeamRaceRise is in Berea.....

View all the race photos here... 11-18-23 Turkey Strut 5K 

106 participated!! Results here... Turkey Strut 5K Results

Friday, November 17, 2023

Blog 365 ~ Friday Feelings


'Nuff Said!

Well not everything....

I arranged a meeting with the 'crew' that's helping to put on this year's Hiker Potluck, and you always seem to have that ONE person. That ONE person who isn't in the spotlight as THE organizer. It's taking all 4 of us to have this event. As the initiator of starting this whole shebang I decided this year we we're changing out tabletop decorations, so instead of the hiker boots fill with Christmas stuff, we have Snowmen that will also be raffled off as prizes, just something a bit different. And that's what it took for that ONE person. We're expecting 60+ hikers this year along with having vendors setup to sell their whatever's. GUESS WHAT?? That ONE person then suggests we ask if someone else from the hiking group would like a 'turn' at organizing for 2024....GUESS WHAT!! That was sorta shut down [much to my surprise] very quickly, by the other two crew. Guessing we'll see...🤷...

In other Friday Feelings, I made my list for Christmas gift cards to buy and was able to get all but 2 purchased today. At this point I'm under 'my' budget, so calling that a Win!

Once home I piddled around some, Spaghetti is tonight's dinner, I've printed out my Kiwanis info to begin studying on, worked on Sinking funds update, currently charging batteries for tomorrow [dual race weekend], and ready to relax with the hub's when he gets home. 

Until seems I'm on a roll !!!


Thursday, November 16, 2023

Blog 365 ~ Thursday Thoughts


I Thought I would share my drawer FULL of upcoming training opportunities,

And here's todays' Thought!

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Blog 365 ~ HuMp DaY!

Yep! It's Hump Day and OMG...I actually have another post . Three days in a row....Ain't no stopping me now 🤣 hopefully!

I had a looong list of things to get done today, which seems to be the norm. Last night I went to my first Kiwanis Division meeting. All I can say is I truly have A Lot more to learn about being a Kiwanis. But, I did happen to see one of my amazing runners there Tony Lucido. He's the 'newly' elected Versailles chapter president....and I'm hopeful that his and my local chapter will/can team up to put on a fundraiser race event 🤞 proceeds of course will benefit the kids. Long story short I didn't get home until later than normal and was so hyped up from information overload I couldn't settle my brain enough to totally relax and go to bed. I stayed up too late, resulting me sleeping much later than I wanted to this morning. I've felt like I've been somewhat behind all day 😖 and running full throttle to catch up! I managed to get a couple items off my 'intention' list for today, floors were swept & wet mopped and cleaned out bathroom cabinet. 

On a different note, IF you don't have a great relationship with a auto service garage I urge you to get one! I noticed a few days ago after lower night temps my Ethel made a slight hesitant sound when I started her up. So, I called my 'people' at Automate and asked if they had a battery for her. Luckily they did and could get me in first thing....
My girl has a new heart and continues to purr like a kitten!

Next I went to Bible study...sadly I totally forgot to get a photo, but grateful to be able to go.

Then I stopped and picked up my MK order that my girl Shannon got for me....[no pic😐]

Next stop....1st of multiple vaccinations ordered by my Dr....

I had my Medicare Wellness checkup this past Monday. I was told that as long as I stay as active as I currently am with working out, and getting walk/runs in my weight was OK....should I stop anything I need to loose 15#--well OK then! Guess What?? I probably should loose 15# anyway, Hence the following [if it loads] So my video is too big to load to directly add here, SHOULD you want to watch it you can find it here....

Healthier deserts made for us....

and of course it's now 5 o'clock somewhere.

It's been a Wonderfully Busy Day and though I slept later than I wanted I still was able to get most everything done....a MAJOR to-do list item will more than likely happen Friday....Stay tuned this is only the beginning.


Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Blog 365 ~ Tuesday's are for HIKING again!!

 Say Whaaat! Another post 2 days in a row!

Yeah, I know I'm just as surprised as you are🤣

But here I am, and I'm proud to say I managed to go Hike today with my Casey County Explorer group. It's been forever since I've gone. So without saying to much let me share my pictures from today. We started the day with Ranger Steve talking about Camp Nelson...

Lot's of great stuff has occurred since we were here last.
Connie one of our fearless leaders gave us updates for upcoming 2023 hikes.

Toured the Museum and Barricks before heading out for the hike.
This time of year, the forest isn't as 'pretty' but being outdoors is the best feeling ever.
Safety first always with my RoadID attached to my boot!
It's always best to stay with whoever you rode with to hike destinations, [📷credit Linda]

I'm glad I went today and plan on continuing as much as I can. I love the outdoors, I enjoy being with everyone in the group, and more importantly it's a Healthy activity choice.


Time to rest up a bit, shower before heading to Regional Division Kiwanis meeting...