Yep! It's Hump Day and OMG...I actually have another post . Three days in a row....Ain't no stopping me now 🤣 hopefully!
I had a looong list of things to get done today, which seems to be the norm. Last night I went to my first Kiwanis Division meeting. All I can say is I truly have A Lot more to learn about being a Kiwanis. But, I did happen to see one of my amazing runners there Tony Lucido. He's the 'newly' elected Versailles chapter president....and I'm hopeful that his and my local chapter will/can team up to put on a fundraiser race event 🤞 proceeds of course will benefit the kids. Long story short I didn't get home until later than normal and was so hyped up from information overload I couldn't settle my brain enough to totally relax and go to bed. I stayed up too late, resulting me sleeping much later than I wanted to this morning. I've felt like I've been somewhat behind all day 😖 and running full throttle to catch up! I managed to get a couple items off my 'intention' list for today, floors were swept & wet mopped and cleaned out bathroom cabinet.
On a different note, IF you don't have a great relationship with a auto service garage I urge you to get one! I noticed a few days ago after lower night temps my Ethel made a slight hesitant sound when I started her up. So, I called my 'people' at Automate and asked if they had a battery for her. Luckily they did and could get me in first thing....
My girl has a new heart and continues to purr like a kitten!
Next I went to Bible study...sadly I totally forgot to get a photo, but grateful to be able to go.
Then I stopped and picked up my MK order that my girl Shannon got for me....[no pic😐]
Next stop....1st of multiple vaccinations ordered by my Dr....
I had my Medicare Wellness checkup this past Monday. I was told that as long as I stay as active as I currently am with working out, and getting walk/runs in my weight was OK....should I stop anything I need to loose 15#--well OK then! Guess What?? I probably should loose 15# anyway, Hence the following [if it loads] So my video is too big to load to directly add here, SHOULD you want to watch it you can find it here....
Healthier deserts made for us....
and of course it's now 5 o'clock somewhere.
It's been a Wonderfully Busy Day and though I slept later than I wanted I still was able to get most everything done....a MAJOR to-do list item will more than likely happen Friday....Stay tuned this is only the beginning.