Friday, July 30, 2021

2 weeks of -- well you know what!!

 My last post was Here, July 15th...little did I know that the weekend after this would have me in the throws of the beginnings of saving the Mr's life until EMT/EMS made it to my house looked like something you see on a crime show. Blood was from the bedroom, to the bathroom, down my hallway and finally into my dining room where I was able to get the Mr to Sit Down. The thing will bleeding and the Mr is he kept lifting the rag to 'see' if the bleeding was stopped or easing up...Geez Oh Pete the BLOOD was POURING from his femoral artery! I had to lay on his leg with all my body and talk to 911 on speaker. Oh and the thing with having Great Friends in High places...the 911 dispatcher is the daughter of one of my friends so while we knew not to say each others name, she called her parents and they checked on me ASAP! 

The Mr ended up being in the hospital for 10days...10 Looong Days.... once I finally was able to get him home I posted this info...

#nursewifelife Home Edition!! That's Right. . We are finally Home !
I can't thank everyone enough for All The Thoughts and Prayers, my apologies if I haven't responded to you who have called/text/FB msg... here's the run down of the past 10 days (day 1 he was in ER)
1548 miles driven (@bobbie087 drove on first night),
6 gas fill ups,
27 hrs driving,
80 hrs visiting,
2 breakfast while driving,
1 breakfast out,
6 breakfast at home,
9 lunches & snacks packed to eat when hubby ate his lunch (first night he was in ER),
8 simple dinners at home,
1 dinner out (?who can afford it?),
Worked a race on Saturday,
45 Hours slept,
Every day chores were done, grass mowed & trimmed, cats fed and their needs met, cleaned blood from carpet, scrubbed blood from bathroom, hallway and dining room floors.
Tears cried .. BUCKETS !!


Now we are home with Home Health [requested by me] and PT three times a week. They came and did an assessment, PT left instructions for walking and exercises and appointments to return...has he done them 😏 not really, says it hurts to much, and I'm sure it does. But sometimes you need to hurt before you're healed...Right? I don't know, but what I do know is I'm Tired! I'm trying my best to be supportive. I'm trying to make him understand there's 'Other people that can take care of things. I'm trying to Understand why he doesn't realize We. Are. Older! it's going to take time to bounce back and resume normal activities. Next week we have 3 different Doctor appointments as follow-ups from his surgery and stay in hospital, we'll see what they have to say and go from there.


Oh Well! What I do know is this...August 1st I will be getting back to my walk/run schedule, I will be scheduling time to get my 'to-do' list items completed, and that includes Blogging on a regular basis. 


After talking to a couple of friends, the Mayor, a Magistrate and Judge Exec [again friends in HIGH places] they made a point to mention the 911/DFD/EMT/EMS/AirVac during meetings, I told them I was going to send a letter to our local newspaper,  the screen shot below is what I sent along with the social media posts thanking those who helped me. My letter was published 7/30/21


Until next time,

Hug's, Kisses, Be Safe Wishes.

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