Thursday, July 1, 2021

And Just Like That it's ****JULY**** !!

Wait?.... What?.....? July?.....?

Where did January, February, March, April, May and June go?? More Importantly what in the World have I been doing, obviously not Blogging. Let's see if we I can change all that, in the meantime let's do a small 2021 re-cap....

January was still under Covid restrictions with only a few race events going on, the Mr. had a surgery on Jan 19th, and I was offered [shockingly] a job with Chick-fil-A food truck, my Step-dad, aka PaPaw got sick and unfortunately passed late in the month, Walk/Run 48.6 miles

February brought multiple follow up trips to the Big City for the Mr. getting stitches removed and such, we were hit with a Ice Storm-luckily we were prepared having lot's of freezer/pantry food, and a  generator if it was needed, the storm also forced the rescheduling of a few race events [Covid restrictions were in place for races], I was forced to begin a plan on what to do with all the stuff from Papaws house-then learning that the kid does in fact have a lot of her Granny in her-she & the SIL decided to take the house as her inheritance and that's ok, started volunteering at the local Covid Clinic, I also worked every Friday on the food truck for CFA. Walk/Run 27.3 miles

March brought a few more lenient covid restrictions for race events so I was able to be more involved with my #teamRaceRise group, a planned couples dinner outing happened finally this month with more planned in the future, I did the Card Ministry for my church sending them those that are sick, had surgery or lost a Loved one, CFA Friday work slowed down to every other week and I was off for 'my' second time doing the RTB Yearling 3.65 miles [3rd in my age group Go Me!], and started back to in-person church services. Walk/Run 29.9 miles

 April I turned to Chapter #66 in life...worked CFA alternate Fridays, Connections Ministry starting having church meetings at Church [finally], only had a few race events but things are slowly getting back to normal, yearly check up was good-but my motivation was no where to be found and not sure where it went, Walk/Run 15.4 miles

May brought another surgery for the Mr so again off to the Big City multiple times for follow ups and such, volunteering at Covid Clinic continues for the month, started Hiking again [hallelujah] thanks to my friend Margaret I'm part of the Casey County Explorers and we go everywhere to hike, a few more races and restrictions are getting more and more relaxed, GOP meetings are also beginning to be in-person and that's a big plus, work at CFA is spotty at best [and that's ok], I completed all the spring landscape cleaning and re-mulching in all the flower beds, booked race events every weekend, after having a 'come to Jesus' talk with myself Walk/Run = 55.6 miles 

June I signed up to be RunMom/motivator/cheer leader for the new A Running Start group you can read about the program/group Here, not sure what I was thinking but attempted to try some speed work while out for a walk/run and ended up with a pulled/sprained hamstring, played PitStopMom for the Kid and her running friend in Indianapolis for their 50K race with said pulled/sprained hamstring, surgery for the Mr [again in the Big City], No More Restrictions!, a much needed couples dinner out to reconnect with friends, Bible Study resumed at our 'other' church, races are open to as many that want to compete, booked every weekend, only worked 1 Friday for 4 hours-they shut down due to thunder and lightning storm, resigned from CFA for a few reasons, city Commissioners in-person meetings have resumed, the Mr worked on the #porchproject, and though I've done 'some walk/run activities I've not taken the time [just like the BLOG😒] to update my Strava account...but I will!

And now here it is JULY....I have 6 race events to do/be at, Connections Ministry meeting, Hiking, GOP meeting, Wednesday Bible Study at First Baptist with Dr Brisco, possible Covid Clinic volunteering, and a HUGE financial decision in the works, Walk/Run will continue with a plan for some longer 🏃 distances...hopefully🤞


  1. Whew! Sounds like the first half of the year was a whirlwind for you. No wonder you didn't blog much.
