Saturday, April 20, 2024

Happy Birthday to ME!!


Who knew I'd make it this far, 🤣! But here it 69th year and what a year it's been so far! A weak person wouldn't have made it this far...JusSayin!
So, with that said let's talk a bit about me and this level #69
For anyone interested here is level #68 Post

-- Me at level #69 --

The level #69 me, cheap/frugal self no longer colors the gray, while embracing the fact that I DO in fact have a pretty shade of gray,

The level #69 me is envied by peers with the arch of toned muscle & great looking leg muscles from walk/run/hiking, who no longer cares about wrinkles and laugh lines, freckles [age spots] highlighted from being active, or the aging/crepe/wrinkle skin, 

The level #69 me still makes a mistake or two, still raises hell, still drinks occasionally, but has made better choices, and is comfortable $$ wise, 

The level #69 me Thanks God for finding love and is married to someone who continues to share the same life goals,

The level #69 me craves the structure of Faith, of organization, of schedules.

The level #69 me has an AMAZING group of Friends that are like Family. Friends that are supportive and would drop everything and help me Day or I would for them. 

The level #69 Mama Ruby to road athletes continues to grow and expanding the running flock...Lots & LOTS of road athletes,

The level #69 me still has No regrets..None..Zilch..Nada from the before's,
But let's face it, I still have work to do. 

The Level #69 me will be refocusing/buckling down/enhancing a few Goals,
*Walk/Run Training
*Expanding Social Media Presence
*Earn more Ambassadorships
I have the most amazing Mr!
For my B'Day he got me this 1st edition book and as always, a sentimental card...

The 'Kid' sent me my Freezer Meal prep silicone bags and stand,

Selfishly I bought 🠋this for myself for my B'day when I went to Biltmore...
It's a yard spinner. I've wanted one in forever!
There's a couple more that I want to acquire on my next trip[s]... 

You work hard,
You set goals, sometimes impossible goals,
You tune out the naysayers,
You have set backs, then learn from them,
You decide your "why",
You keep going no matter what,
TODAY IS THE DAY.....Happy Birthday Level #69