Thursday, April 20, 2023

Blog 365 ~ I made it another Year!


Yep chapter #68 is Today!!

No big Hoopla! Just another busy day of getting things done and enjoying the sunshine and weather. The hub's bought me a upgraded FitBit and a beautiful worded card.
[ this also means my ShitZ about to get Very Real with walk/run activities ]


-- As I see my age --

Looking in the mirror at the before me I seen wrinkles,
the now me sees them as laugh lines,

the before me saw age spots,
the now me sees freckles highlighted from being active,

the before me seen my hairline riddled with gray,
the now me sees the opportunity to wear Sparkle Skirts, and the newest headband/visor as a way to pull up the curly locks I still have,

the before me see the aging/crepe skin from batwings developing,
the now me sees the arch of toned muscle when I lift.....

the before me made many mistakes, raised hell, drank to much, made poor questionable choices, was married and divorced 2X, came close to financial ruin, was a single parent to my daughter, 

the now me still makes a mistake or two, still raises hell, drinks occasionally, makes better choices, and is comfortable $$ wise, 

the now me has an amazing Adult daughter and is still my baby girl,

the now me found love and is married to someone who has the same life goals,

the now me craves the structure of Faith, of organization, of schedules,

the now me is Mama Ruby to road athletes...Lots & LOTS of road athletes,

the now me have No regrets..None..Zilch..Nada from the before's,

the now me is looking forward to this #chapter68 

You work hard,
You set goals, sometimes impossible goals,
You tune out the naysayers,
You have set backs, then learn from them,
You decide your "why",
You keep going no matter what,
TODAY IS THE DAY.....Happy Birthday Chapter #68 


  1. Happy Belated Birthday! Hope you are still celebrating, I think if you have a birthday that falls on Thursday or after, you get to celebrate the entire weekend :)
