Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Tuesday Tidbit + EOM review


Yesterday with the Mahjongg Gal Pal's,
I was the only one who Mahjongg--Go Me.
Starting in May were all putting in 1$ and start tracking Wins,
whoever has the most at year end gets the pot... 😏could get interesting !

*** Now the Fun Part...HA! ***

🠋🠋Cash Envelope/Sinking Funds🠋🠋
[SF budget needed/$$saved-carry over= ?balance?]
⮚💰Hair 500$/335$ = 165$ balance
[I cut my own hair again, and didn't do bad of a job]
⮚💰PetCare[Vet] 350$/350$ = DONE 🏆
⮚💰In:Out Projects 500$/500$ = DONE 🏆
⮚💰Trips 4500$/1765$ = 2735$ balance
                                                                  [I'll be pulling from this SF again for upcoming Cincy trip]

⮚💰Car Maintenance 350$/125$ = 225$ Balance
Spring Oil change ✔, though I still have enough for fall/winterize I'll continue to add this SF
⮚💰Promo Items 1200$/0.0$ = 1200balance
[ 2024 Promo items already purchased-will start 2025 saving starting June??]
⮚💰2024 Christmas 2000$/667$ = 1333$ balance
⮚💰Emergency Fund 1200$/230$ = 970$ balance
[I'll concentrate more on this after CC is paid off]
                                                  TOTAL = 5428$ balance [does not include Promo]

I feel I'm on a good track so far. I'm also on track to have credit card [current amt owed=2600$ UGH Chewy] paid off in 3'ish months, did my first doubling up paying my dental bill [current amt owed=2700$] interest is killing me with this bill - going to rethink pay off goal for this. 

Monday, April 29, 2024

Happy Homemaker Monday 4-29-24


A super Busy weekend volunteering/working a New to me race experience has me still a bit tired...BUT, I will get caught up [at some point] and keep on - keeping on! For now let's link up with Sandra for the last April Monday HHM.

** The Weather **
Looks like Hiking tomorrow will be a 'no go'

** As I look outside my window **
It's really early and dawn is breaking...

 ** Right now I am **
Drinking coffee and working on this post .

** OOTD **
Changing from lounge clothes to some workout attire. Getting in a couple of much needed walk miles. 

** Thinking and pondering [how I'm feeling] **
Realized a few things working KDF Mini/Full over the weekend and how I've NOT done what I should have to be in better position for upcoming race events. Had a Stearn talk with myself and getting my 💩together beginning today...this morning in fact!

** What I'm reading **
I'll Be There, but i'll be wearing sweatpants by Amy Weatherly & Jess Johnston - pleasure reading 
Daily Devotional - spiritual reading
Successful Women Speak Differently by Valorie Burton - self improvement reading [TA-Da found something finally]

** TV Shows this week **
The ole DVR is getting full...we've watched several of the Elementary/Sherlock Holmes but not much of anything else.

** Menu Plan **
Yet to work/plan out a list, and need to have options for Mr since I'm gone this weekend.

** No unNecessary Spend Challenge Update **
April Goal--> 22/30 days, as of today 25/30 = GOAL!

** Goal/To Do List **
Radio Segment this morning,
Bal checkbook,
setup May bill pays,
Hoping to get CC re-charged 🤣after going Hog🐖Wild during the KDF expo...in my defense I did get 3 pair of running👟shoes that will last the rest of the year by rotating them during training and races. And picked up the "kid'' Goodr 🕶 Sunglasses for her B'day coming up!

** Around The House **
Daily basic's is a must! 

** Project this Week **
Sort/donate long sleeve race shirts
Start sorting & packing up office to make room for new bookcase shelving.

** Today's Motivation **

** Something fun to share **
One of my 'Runner girls' shared this on her FB page....
this RunMom took care of multiple runners kids at KDF finish line.

** Looking forward to this week **
Garden Club Derby Luncheon
Mahjongg with the Gal's
Heading to Cincy for Flying Pig
Meeting with Gal Pal Margaret for morning park walks

** From the camera **
These horse head mask for people to wear during yesterday's race looked 'creepy' to me.

** On my prayer list **
Our campus leaders during protesting,

** Reflection **
and God said: Look at all I have done for you, Look back at where you have been, Compare that to now. How faithful have I been? Completely. Down to the tiniest detail, Remember, I am still here. And I always will be.

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Hike at Tom Dorman


42 showed up to hike at Tom Dorman Nature reserve...It was fun to get to see so many familiar faces. I'm doing my best to reconnect with Hiking and will see most of these fine Ladies for weekly hikes... here are photos I took from the 5 miles we did.

Afterwards it was home for me to get some much needed mowing done..as Always I have a jammed packed week so planning ahead & staying on task is key to getting the ole 'To-Do' list done.

Tomorrow is Frills & Fashion Show benefitting Heritage Hospice. It's the first time they've done it and the Mr will be joining me Annnd is also escorting a couple of the models....

Until tomorrow!

Monday, April 22, 2024

Happy Homemaker Monday 4-22-24


This month is flying by don't ya think?? My birthday weekend is over and level 69 has already started out with a bang! Lot's of birthday wishes on social media and in person from friends, family, followers near & far... along with receiving a few cards snail mail...

Shockingly I'm only 1 blog post away from being caught up, so for this morning lets link up with Sandra for Happy Homemaker Monday.....

** The Weather **
Last night we had freeze warning, luckily evening temps are better for this upcoming week.

** As I look outside my window **
I can see the sun is shining on rooftops behind my house, but only 33° Brrrr! 

 ** Right now I am **
Working on this post, waiting to do Monday morning radio segment, going on 4 yrs now!

** OOTD **
No too sure, I need to mow but temps out right now may delay that for a few days, I have 3 different obligations this afternoon so need to figure out clothes that will be appropriate for all, I really don't want to waste time coming home to change clothes and besides that who wants the extra laundry!

** Thinking and pondering [how I'm feeling] **
I feel like my morning ritual & routine of vitamin appetizer has helped me be able to do ALL the things. 
Knock on wood I can continue to not have prescribed meds added to pill box. 

** What I'm reading **
 'I Am Still Alive' by Kate Alice Marshall - pleasure reading
Devotional - spiritual reading
Still nothing for self-improvement/business 

** TV Shows this week **
Have you seen my schedules!
I'm hoping for a rain day with the Mr....

** Morning breakfast - Menu Plan **
Couple of hard fried eggs w/orange cranberry muffin was breakfast this morning, meals for the week will be whatever protein I pull from the freezer, and I'll get some kind of side from the pantry. With a couple of evening meetings this week canned soup & stew will most likely happen as well.

** No unNecessary Spend Challenge Update **
April Goal--> 22/30 days, as of today 18/30
I do have a May prep grocery run to do early next week since I'll be out of town for a few days.

** Goal/To Do List **
Bank run for SF
Mow & Trim
Work on BJB notes
HRC mtg later tonight
Hospice vol dinner photos tonight

** Around The House **
Keeping the basic routine this week will be a blessing...

** Project this Week **
Work on cleaning out office, it's become the dumping ground for -well -everything.
Clean Car it too has become a leftover/dumping ground,

** Today's Motivation **

** Something fun to share **
Meet Amanda! She only gets a couple weekends off a month, so it was great to see her this past Saturday & Sunday at races. And she's on my Muddy Princess team....[did I mention that before?]
Yep! Level 69 has gone crazy[ier]...
several goal race events...
several teams form...
LOADS of Fun to be HAD!!

** Looking forward to this week **
Hiking tomorrow!
Monday Mahjongg with the Gal Pal's.
I'm the 'official' photographer for Heritage Hospice inaugural Frills & Fashion event on Wednesday. 
Volunteering for Derby Marathon Thursday & Saturday at the race...est of 10,000 runners WOWZA!

** From the camera **
The yellow flower caught my eye while working the race yesterday.

** On my prayer list **
All Of US...our country.

** Reflection` **
With out discomfort and pain, we would never know what it feels like to feel good.
                        from blogger 'Hungry Runner Girl'

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Thoroughbred Trot 5K reCap


'Shopped' the freezer for tonight's dinner...

Online church for me this morning. I'm not near as tired as I thought I would be after working 2 race events, shoveling a truckload of compost, then rushing out to get a few Prom pictures done. I have yet another race to work so will be headed there soon.

I'm one of those people that always try and get to places early. It's a two-fold thing for me, I'm not late and it gives me time to get ahead on scheduling/planning/ or in today's case reading. 

This is year 3 for Thoroughbred Trot 5K in Midway. Proceeds from the race go towards the purchase of new playground equipment for Northside Elementary School.
This race is hosted by Northside Elementary School's PTO.

After checking in I headed over to the area for the kid's dash...
Kid's from pre-school up to 5th grade ran in their 'grade heat' then winners ran against each other...
Talk about Cute!!

After that time to head to another area for the 5K portion...they didn't have as many sign up this year most likely because of the UK5K yesterday. Those that did come had a Great time,
This cutie did the 'call to start line' for all the runners...
and I was able to see a lot of my usual runners. 
Ambrose & Martha [bottom row] are on my Survive the Night team...It's going to be a BLAST!!
Who said kids don't know how to play outside?? Tree Climbing,
Rock throwing in the water...I Loved watching them!
Very nice awards for top 3 M/F - and nice ribbon awards for top 3 in age groups.
Wrapping up the race and ready to head home to work on photos and relax...
Hot bowl of Chili, Orange Cranberry muffins, and cold long neck hit the spot!

Other photos Here

Race Results Here

Time to relax and catch up with the Mr....


Saturday, April 20, 2024

Busy Birthday Level 69 Day


🙋Have I mentioned it's my Birthday??


Started my birthday with a the first of MANY obligations today...
The 2nd annual race raising funds for the homeless of Lexington while
celebrating the life of Brandon True

New Life Day Center is a daytime homeless shelter and connecting point. They first serve as a daytime shelter to get homeless persons out of the weather and off the streets. The focus at NLDC is to care for basic needs, be a connecting point to local resources such as medical care and housing assistance, and to provide a faith community that points people to Jesus. By building relationships and providing personalized assistance, they empower the community to make a positive impact in getting individuals off the streets. By participating in the inaugural Brandon True Memorial Heroes for the Homeless 5K Race, runners/sponsors will be directly impacting the homeless in our local community. It is no surprise that running a safe daytime refuge is costly, but we know the impact is far greater than the effort involved. Together, we can spread hope, change lives, and make a lasting impact in the lives of the most vulnerable in Lexington. We are one step closer to changing the landscape of homelessness in our community. 

Here are just a few of my picks from this mornings race...
Bottom left is my Muddy Princess teammate Amanda.

[level 69 goal is to work on nutrition more,
so passing up on these though hard...= WIN!]

Finished with the morning race event and decided Not to waste gas or time so headed to next event which was on the way home....I knew I was going to be Waaay early so stopped and picked up lunch
I'm actually pleased with myself for my choices....🏆win thus far for day 1 of better food options.

As the 'queen' of waiting, I also carry with me a book to read.
I was able to get a few chapters read before it was time to work race event 2 of the day...
Earth Day 3K was a super small race event [7 other races scheduled today]....36 were signed up and though small it was a great event put on by John & Nicholasville parks & rec.
They always provide the Best awards....
Ruger was 1st place Paw'runner.....

Other favorites from the race,
The 'kid' [bottom right] won 3rd woman overall & 1st in her age group!

Even with a small race I took lots of photos... race results haven't been posted yet 😞we didn't have our official timer here for this race, but the timer that was there used his phone to record bib numbers/runners as they crossed the finish.

Next for today [my birthday level 69] was helping the Mr unload a truck load of compost,
Ahhhh, the memories. Anyone else??
This was for the Mr's church community garden. And as #TeamCline we help anyway we can. The compost was free from the city so beggars can't be choosers, the truckload filled 8 raised beds. Now off to yet another Busy Birthday Level 69 Day...

Prom pictures for my runner girlie' son Grayson and his date Cynthia,
They are just Too Cute together!


Finally finished with today's 1st day of level 69 adventures, and as always, I'm beyond grateful to be able to do what I do. Time to load up all of the photos, shower, and get rest for tomorrows adventures.