Wednesday, December 28, 2022
Friday, December 23, 2022
Feline + Friday

I promise I have the furnace on. Due to being on 3 blood thinners he is constantly Cold...I'm in a thin long sleeve shirt, thin lounge pants but I do have knee high socks on...😏that counts as warm wear right?
Temps this morning was -4 degree at 9am -- we 'warmed' up to -1 degree at noon. I've social media posted that everyone needs to hang in there as we will be having a warmup after Christmas.
Hugs, Kisses, have the Merriest of Christmas!
Wednesday, December 21, 2022
Monday, December 19, 2022
12/19/22 Happy Homemaker Monday
Well, I managed to post 3 times last week...that's right 3 blog posts in one week, there's no stopping me now LOL [oops almost gave away my 2023 word for the year--stay tuned for that post] you can check them out here and here. Though the 'theme' for Wednesday & Friday may change up for the New Year. For now let's link up with Sandra over at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.
Friday, December 16, 2022
Feline Friday
Wednesday, December 14, 2022
Monday, December 12, 2022
Happy Homemaker Monday - 12/05/2022 ~~ 2 weeks in a row ?!? Go Me...
2022 Race Season is complete, for me that is... you can view photos from Christmas in Ky Half/4 Miler here, and the Ugly Sweater 3K here.
It's hard to believe there's only 19 more days left in the year. I've already 'planned' out with a rough draft for 2023, my race [photography] calendar is filling up and I've signed up for just a few run events that I will compete in. I have my 'Word' for 2023 ready to post and look forward to an even busier/thriving/amazing New Year.
Let's get down to business...linking up for Happy Homemaker Monday with Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.
Monday, December 5, 2022
Happy Homemaker Monday - 12/05/2022 ~~ Trigger person then a Talk with Jesus !!
Oh. My. stared out so Good. Got up early, changed bed sheets, started laundry, swept the floors, had coffee and breakfast with the Hubby, made a day plan with him, [it's his only day off from work and his volunteer stuff], he went to Chiropractor then was picking me up to go do gym work out, lite lunch and couple other errands.....then it happened...he tells me about also doing chores for his 'surrogate mother' [who I feel is taking advantage of him BTW] before he came and picked me up! This is after telling me just last night about how he wasn't doing this and wasn't do that for her anymore! Him even mentioning her name instantly sent me in a bad mood!
For me the rest of the morning was shot...I worked out way to fast, I didn't want to sit across from him for lunch out, I wasn't in the right frame of mind for any errand and was relieved when Ace was short staffed, and I volunteered to go back tomorrow. As he KNEW I was mad as hell, I didn't say a word about it. I answered questions with one-word answers or as short as possible. And kept my head turned toward the window to look out. Though we did stop for a sandwich, we brought it home and I busied myself with odds and end chores, giving me time to silently have a little talk with Jesus.
Is it wrong to feel this way..?..probably. Will I get over it..?..probably. Is he going to change his mind about things regarding her..?..probably Not. So, there it is, my day with him to be together and enjoy the day gone.
Now that I have that off my mind let's link up with Sandra for Happy Homemaker Monday.
Tuesday, November 22, 2022
5 more ~ 39 to go!
It's hard to believe there's only 5 more Tuesday's this year...and only 39 more days until the New Year! Think about it. Where's the year gone? What have you [I] accomplished? Are you ready for a 'New Year'?
I for one feel like I've done my fair share of stuff. Stuff that has kept me Very Busy...a planner I am..organized...Wellll mostly.
Earlier this year I went on back-to-back Florida trips, one with my hiking group, one to visit my friend Lynn.
So far this year I've worked as a race photographer with my team RaceRise at 53 run events with 7 more to go before the end of the year, and yes I know there's ONLY 52 weeks in a year. I did 3 run'cations with my girl and her BRF's,
During the Spring I helped/assisted with a running program for the Hope Center, the guys are amazing BTW.
I was the ''official'' photographer for the GWRRKY for their annual 'The BASH'.
I was able to re-join my hiking with the Casey County Explorer Group though I didn't hike during the hotter summer months, I only missed a few weeks' worth of hiking.
My local hiking Gal Pal's and I stated doing monthly Gal's lunches visiting different venues and kinda dressing up for a change.
As a GOP social media person, I went to SO. MANY. FUNDRAISERS....and though outcomes for some of the candidates weren't what I expected I'm glad the campaigning is over for now....[talk about stress]!
Wednesdays are for Bible Studies at First Baptist Church; I can't say enough about Dr. Briscoe.
I did join the Garden Club [like I needed more stuff-sigh] but it's been fun and only 1 Wednesday a month.
My involvement with my church is still going strong and am still active with the Connections ministry, and Card Ministry [sending cards to shut-ins, or those going through difficult times].
I went to my very first Church Women United meeting [spring meeting] and fell in Love with the organization...we are the only inclusive ecumenical Christian women's movement in the World !! The cool is that ! I'm beyond blessed to be a small part of this group of Christian Women, and had the best time during the Regional meeting that took place in my birth State Indiana.
So that's ''some'' of what my year has been like. I'm excited for the new year ! I'm excited for all the trips I'm going to go on ! I'm excited to be involved and help race director's with promoting/influencing events ! I'm excited to go on several run'cations with my girl and her BRF's ! I'm excited to continue to grow ME ! To make a few waves, make more people notice there's more to me than anyone ever thought.
That's enough for today, time to cook dinner and relax with the Hubby!
Hugs, Kisses, Be Safe Wishes !
Monday, November 21, 2022
Happy Homemaker Monday - 11/21/2022 ~~ Dual race weekend
Dual race weekend photo links are here--> Renfro Rock'n'Run and here--> Gobbler Half,10K,5K sharing since there's no telling when I'll get race review blogs done [sigh]. However, with my busy ''goal list'' of things last week I'm claiming last week a success. Out of 25 to-do items 2 were canceled, 3 I'm still working on, 13 were completed! But for now, let's focus on this week which BTW is Thanksgiving week as well..., oh and the month is almost over !?! I for on am excited for 2023. Excited for new adventures, new goals, new opportunities, and continued healthy lifestyle. How about you?? Are you ready?
In the meantime, let's link up with Sandra over at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom for Happy Homemaker Monday
All my basics of course, working on getting my office reorganized and trying to decide if I want to have a re-do. The daughter has 2 bookshelves she wants out of her house. I'm thinking I could make myself an improvement over what I have now.
I'm so looking forward to 2023! [Possibly A Runners Mom and More Ambassador program]
Looking forward to this week....
Local Thanksgiving Day race [hence another reason I'm only fixing Taco's]
From the camera....
My girl [left] with 2 of her BRF'
On my prayer list.....
Friends: Haylee, she's starting to feel the effects from chemo pill treatments. Tim, he's had another surgery for prostate cancer-prayers for his wife Norma as she is struggling with being a NurseWife, and Ken recovering from foot surgery...
Bible verse, Devotional....
Monday, November 14, 2022
Happy Homemaker Monday -11/14/2022 ~ Do Over !
Well, well, well here I am again!!
Just a quick 'my' Monday thus far re-cap...I did my radio Segment first thing this morning, went to the gym, then headed to Shelbyville to meet up with Cousin-in-Laws for lunch, just say yes for leftovers. During the past month [another reason for not posting] or so there's been so much really stupid stuff going on with the oldest G'daughter and her idiot [my opinion] BF. She's back home, but this past weekend LOTS of junk came to a head. I was able to get some of her stuff, so I was able to do her laundry and make sure she had warm clothes to wear. Longer story short, tonight we [daughter, G'daughter & me] meet along with a Sheriff to get the rest of her stuff...sigh...yep it's gotten to that point. Send prayers that this is a lesson for her.....
House isn't in bad shape, still sweeping 2X a day 'cause well cats!
Thrifty Mom in Boise is now here with a 'new' blog---->My Tireless Retirement
I lost 1 1/2 pounds this week...#GoMe
Looking forward to this week....
We are 'supposed' to get snow??? I wouldn't mind a little.
From the camera....
On my prayer list.....
My friend Ken having surgery on his foot, Haylee as she continues her chemo treatments, and the G'daughter as she comes to terms with the [idiot] BF.
Bible verse, Devotional....