Friday, December 23, 2022

Feline + Friday


First, I'm sharing this photo of our 'rescue' boy PunkN for Feline Friday. His momma dropped him off at my sorta daughter's house during the summer [June I think] of 2017. He was so little, skin and bones, no teeth yet, you get the picture. My daughter wasn't in the position to take him in let alone care for him. Though we had Roadie [tuxedo cat] we had lost our beloved dog Andi and not really wanting to try and replace her we/I decided to take the kitten. After taking him to the vet to be checked out, we were told he might make it but would need some care to do so. He didn't have teeth coming in yet so regular kitten food of any kind wasn't an option....Bottle feeding every 3-4 hours it was and yes this included nighttime feedings. After several days of nourishment, he finally started having baby kitten potty movements, after several weeks he was finally able to eat soft food and was introduced to litter box training. Those that say it comes natural to kittens/cats you are Wrong! #jusSayin

Roadie wasn't fond of him in the beginning but realized the little Grey Tuxedo fur ball was staying....

 PunkN's personality [quite the little stinker] began surfacing after a few months and I found myself calling him a little Punk. He was a Lovey/Cuddle Boy from the get-go. I would hold him like a baby in my arms in order to keep him warm, petting and always whispered his name. 4 1/2 years later I can be anywhere in the house and whisper PunkN and he comes!  To this day we also do some kind of 'cuddle' session whether it's while watching TV, or he'll lay on my chest at bedtime for cuddles. 

Yes he 'hugs' my neck and gives nibble 'kisses'


I was supposed to hike with my Casey County group this past Tuesday but woke up around 3am with a KILLER headache. I can and have withstood various pains, but headaches and the migraine scale do me in. At first, I blamed it on the Flu shot I managed to finally get. But as the day went on, I realized how the headache was moving to the base of my skull. That's when I realized it was more weather related and the fact, I woke up Wednesday morning with a stuffy nose....Awww welcome Sinusitis/Barometric change, hence the below freeze warnings. Wednesday, I rotated sinus/cold flu meds. The Govenor made a Pro-Active decision and declared a State of Emergency for Ky, so I double checked provisions, made a list and went to get the few items for 'just-in-case'. Thursday was Bible Study. Sadly only 5 of us showed up !?! Christie ended up leaving to do errands for her Hubby, the rest of went to Christmas lunch. I'm humbled & honored to have the group of friends I have. From my hiking bunch, my church groups, Gal Pal's that I lunch with, running groups I'm truly blessed.


Current situation for the Hubby...


I promise I have the furnace on. Due to being on 3 blood thinners he is constantly Cold...I'm in a thin long sleeve shirt, thin lounge pants but I do have knee high socks on...😏that counts as warm wear right?


Temps this morning was -4 degree at 9am -- we 'warmed' up to -1 degree at noon. I've social media posted that everyone needs to hang in there as we will be having a warmup after Christmas.


Closing today with the hope that everyone and those that are traveling is Safe & Warm. I hope everyone remembers the reason for this Season, give grace to those that have and are willing to get out and go to work.

Hugs, Kisses, have the Merriest of Christmas!

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