Monday, December 12, 2022

Happy Homemaker Monday - 12/05/2022 ~~ 2 weeks in a row ?!? Go Me...

 2022 Race Season is complete, for me that is... you can view photos from Christmas in Ky Half/4 Miler here, and the Ugly Sweater 3K here.

 It's hard to believe there's only 19 more days left in the year. I've already 'planned' out with a rough draft for 2023, my race [photography] calendar is filling up and I've signed up for just a few run events that I will compete in. I have my 'Word' for 2023 ready to post and look forward to an even busier/thriving/amazing New Year. 

Let's get down to business...linking up for Happy Homemaker Monday with Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.

The Weather...
Today - 47*/28 partly sunny
Tuesday - 49*/40* mostly cloudy
Wednesday - 52*/46* rain & t-storm [Hmmm]
Thursday - 51*/31* breezy
Friday - 39*/26* colder w/flurries [I'm ready for some flakes]

What I'm reading...
**excerpt**  When a TV reporter is injured in a Dallas-bound jet crash, she enters a world of mistaken identity and political intrigue in this action-packed romantic suspense novel. The crash of a Dallas-bound jet isn't just a tragedy for TV reporter Avery Daniels; it's an act of fate that hands her a golden opportunity to further her career. But it also makes her the crucial player in a drama of violent passions and deadly desires. After plastic surgery transforms her face, Avery is mistaken for the glamorous, selfish wife of Tate Rutledge, the famous senatorial candidate and member of a powerful Texas dynasty. As she lays helpless in the hospital, Avery makes a shattering discovery: someone close to Tate planned to assassinate him. Now, to save him, she must live another woman's life -- and risk her own.

TV Shows this week...
Lots of CBS shows are ending for the fall season, but will be resuming early January...Yellowstone is a given...and of course my guilty watching most anything on Bravo & [still not sure why I started watching, crazy I know] Sister Wives.

Menu Plan...
Lots of options carried over from last week, BUT, we have several evenings eating out this week. GOP Christmas Dinner, the SIL is coming for a day visit, meeting friends Friday nite out, and I'll order something ''to-go'' when I take the G'daughter to work Saturday, the Hubby & BIL are getting together for 'quality' time. Eating out is something we don't normally do this just happens to busy a much busier week than normal.

Goal/To Do List...
ALL...THE...THINGS... LOL it's the second busiest week of the year for me. [1st is Bourbon Chase weekend]
Around The House...
It's not awful, it could be worse, calling it a WIN!!

Project this Week...
Organize Office Space,
Clean out Car

Todays Motivation...
The Sun is Shining, 

Something fun to share....

Here I am with my Runner Girls from last weekend's Christmas in Ky Half, 
Left to right - Sarah, Lori, Me, Bobbie [my baby] & Shana

Looking forward to this week....
Casey County Explorer's Hike Potluck Christmas Dinner tomorrow. The Danville group hosts and will be at my church First Christian 

From the camera....
Photo from one of the MANY trees decorated at the Glitz restaurant.

On my prayer list.....
My friend and fellow church member Jane, she fell and had to have her back 'refused' 

Bible verse, Devotional....
By this we know that He abides in us, by the Spirit whom He has given us. — 1 John 3:24 NKJV

That's it for today, I hope to add more blog posts this week.

Hugs, Kisses, Be Safe Wishes!


  1. Wow, I'm not quite ready to think about the new year (not that I haven't been) just yet. That book sounds really interesting. Hope you have a wonderful week!

  2. I am in awe! wow all those races. Have a good week

  3. OHHHH, I am a runner girl too.. Running heals my soul:) I spend a lot of time with God and in my mind running. I love it so much.
    You stated you had "ALL THE THINGS" on your list, I have that same list....LOL.
