Well, well, well here I am again!!
Just a quick 'my' Monday thus far re-cap...I did my radio Segment first thing this morning, went to the gym, then headed to Shelbyville to meet up with Cousin-in-Laws for lunch, just say yes for leftovers. During the past month [another reason for not posting] or so there's been so much really stupid stuff going on with the oldest G'daughter and her idiot [my opinion] BF. She's back home, but this past weekend LOTS of junk came to a head. I was able to get some of her stuff, so I was able to do her laundry and make sure she had warm clothes to wear. Longer story short, tonight we [daughter, G'daughter & me] meet along with a Sheriff to get the rest of her stuff...sigh...yep it's gotten to that point. Send prayers that this is a lesson for her.....
On to another Monday another link up with Sandra at Diary of a Stay Home Mom
Around The House...
House isn't in bad shape, still sweeping 2X a day 'cause well cats!
I've made recent decisions/plans for the balance of the year & 2023. I have financial goals that I WILL meet, I plan to do a bit of traveling with the Gal Pal's, I still have 15ish pounds to work off, and start training for my very first official Half-Marathon. I want to work on doing a type of Ambassadorship program for my 'A Runners Mom and More' and possibility get more involved with my community groups....Lofty goals I know but .. Why Not ?!?
Favorite blog post last week (mine or other)....
Thrifty Mom in Boise is now here with a 'new' blog---->My Tireless Retirement
Bible verse, Devotional....
The Weather...
So Much Cooler/Colder this week:
today=48*/low of 33* time to cover up a few plants
Tues=43*/31* rain in the forecast
What I'm reading...
A Judge murdered in a park...A Homeless person Burned alive...An Unsolved homicide from a long time ago
Pretty good so far...
TV Shows this week...
All our new season regulars on CBS-- OMG=Yellowstone, and of course Bravo
Menu Plan...
Need to work on, thank goodness I have lunch leftovers, #jusSayin
Goal/To Do List...
Weekend race re-cap blog post, pre-plan posts
House isn't in bad shape, still sweeping 2X a day 'cause well cats!
Project this Week...
Clean off my side of dining room table, [I've got out of hand with a case of the ''tuits'' you know I'll get around to it--sigh--]
Clean and organize office....NOT use the Dining room table
Todays Motivation...
Thrifty Mom in Boise is now here with a 'new' blog---->My Tireless Retirement
Something fun to share....
I lost 1 1/2 pounds this week...#GoMe
Looking forward to this week....
We are 'supposed' to get snow??? I wouldn't mind a little.
From the camera....
My daughter as she was crossing the finish line for the Dirty Dog 4 mile Trail run
On my prayer list.....
My friend Ken having surgery on his foot, Haylee as she continues her chemo treatments, and the G'daughter as she comes to terms with the [idiot] BF.
I lost 1 1/2 pounds this week...#GoMe
Looking forward to this week....
We are 'supposed' to get snow??? I wouldn't mind a little.
From the camera....
On my prayer list.....
My friend Ken having surgery on his foot, Haylee as she continues her chemo treatments, and the G'daughter as she comes to terms with the [idiot] BF.
Bible verse, Devotional....
Psalm 106:1 Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his Love endures forever.
Hugs, Kisses, Be Safe Wishes!
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