Monday, July 15, 2024

Happy Homemaker Monday 7-15-24


Lots of things to catch-up with but making time to link up with Sandra for Happy Homemaker Monday.

** The Weather **
High Temps = High Heat Index
80's is our ''cool down''

** As I look outside my window **
Sunny and currently 90°

 ** Right now I am **
Working on this post, cooling down after my 2 mile walk...
The Streak continues💪

** OOTD **
Started with athletic skirt & tank top, showered sitting in swim coverup [cooling down] and will be changing into light shorts & t-shirt.

** Thinking and pondering [how I'm feeling] **
Anxious!  I have my team Marathon coming this Friday evening....And I was 'featured' for the race

** What I'm reading **
I'll Be There, but i'll be wearing sweatpants by Amy Weatherly & Jess Johnston - pleasure reading [good Lord I have another pleasure read going as well 
Daily Devotional - spiritual reading
Successful Women Speak Differently by Valorie Burton - self improvement reading 

** TV Shows this week **
More Elementary that we continue to DVR, and of course my guilty pleasure RHO on Bravo. 

** Menu Plan **
🍲Cheese Quesadilla
🍲Crockpot Pork Loin
🍲Chicken salad & cold sides
🍲?? whatever else I find in the freezer ??

** No unNecessary Spend Challenge Update **
May Challenge Goal--> 22/31 days, as of today 12/31
** DISCLAIMER ** I have started my fall/winter pantry restocking. Thanks to stocking last year I should only spend around 500$-800$ dollars. This is for canned/dry/household items. I will stock up freezer at a later date and use up what I currently have. Adding Re-Stock to my 2025 Sinking Funds list as well.

** Goal/To Do List **
And lots of other things...sigh!

** Around The House **
I'll be happy just getting the Basic routine done...
** Project this Week **
The Mr's ER visit last week had me in somewhat of a tailspin. Reasons became Excuses for not doing any of the planned projects. 

** Today's Motivation **
I've Taken a Good Long Hard Look at the future I want for myself. It's a lot! 

** Something fun to share **
While ''working'' the Breyerfest race, the timing company brought out their Drone to record some of the runners starting and along the course. When the drone operator seen me focusing on it, he informed me that no photographer has been able to photograph him flying. 
😉 Showed Him 😜 and BTW I got new respect from them...

** Looking forward to this week **
The Mr has his heart Cath tomorrow morning, I know this is going to help him so much!
Mahjongg with Gal Pal's this afternoon,
Lunch date with the G'Kid, and finalizing our fall trip plan,
Follow-up BJB meeting and planning next year's,
Bible Study,
Working Crank & Boom race,
Ironcology Survive the Night Marathon [team Ruby's Rockets]

** From the camera **
Feona Flamingo from my flower bed. Gave her a summer Gloss sheen update. 

** Reflection(s) **
Intentions...Alignment....Goals...Choices All the things I have planned.

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Wowsa Wednesday


Still Streaking!!

Started the morning with a quick walk...only 1.6 miles due to it clouding up and of course I didn't bring any rain gear with me....

Chicken Breasts in the crockpot for homemade Chicken Salad....a new favorite of the Mr.

The top photo showed up on my social media memories, Buddy in 2022 when the Mr discovered him ''living'' in our garage. He would dart out and get a mouthful of food then back in the garage to eat. He finally came up to Mr and [sigh] the rest is history. We took him to the vet and they guessed him to be about 6-7 weeks old. Buddy is considered a Grey Mackerel Tabby, it has something to do with his look at him 2 years later.

Dinner prepping is a thing for me. Teriyaki Salmon on tonight's menu.

Wednesday in the Word noon day Bible Study...I Love my 1st Baptist family.

I had a few inquiries regarding my comments about a single/widow plan. It's REAL people. ''Some'' people think it's odd that I have this. Well, most don't realize all the medical things I've been through with the Mr. Especially from 2019--2021. AND, I think it's ''weird'' some widows I know don't have a clue about their household finances.
Or how to maintain their home/yard.
Or who to call for help/assistance.
Or those that wasn't in a joint checking account.
Or involved with 401K investment information.
Or wasn't involved with estate planning at ALL.
I have a clue, I can & have maintained, I have resources to call, I'm on all the accounts, WE meet with our investment broker quarterly, Our estate has a plan.
I'll get off my soap box now...

Meet my social media friend Rachel. She lives in Ohio, I hope to plan a trip to formally meet and enjoy each other's company. She has 3 kids and the oldest has started filling out college applications. So thinking we need a margarita🍹 night. 

🤔Is it 5 O'clock somewhere?? 🤔

Tuesday, July 9, 2024



Daily Morning Cuddles with my PurrBaby JinX...

All I can say is WOW !!


Monday, July 8, 2024

Happy Homemaker Monday 7-8-24


Time is Flying I the only one that thinks this??

Let's take time [finally] to link up with Sandra for HHM...and since time is flying by let's get to the categories.

** The Weather **
It's late morning/early afternoon and already at 83°

** As I look outside my window **
Bright Sunny Day..Hot actually & Humid!

 ** Right now I am **
Working on this post, I'm on a time schedule today and the clock is ticking

** OOTD **
Started out this morning with this for my 2 mile walk....currently in jean shorts, & old tank top.

** Thinking and pondering [how I'm feeling] **
My melancholy feeling has been replaced with 'it'll be what it'll be'' attitude.  
** What I'm reading **
I've dropped the ball reading this-->I'll Be There, but i'll be wearing sweatpants by Amy Weatherly & Jess Johnston - pleasure reading BUT reading Her Mother's Grave by Lisa Regan
Daily Devotional - spiritual reading [I admit, I need to play catch up with devotions]
Successful Women Speak Differently by Valorie Burton - self improvement reading [currently on hold] 

** TV Shows this week **
You Jest!...maybe 1 or 2 Elementary's before bed.

** Menu Plan **
🍲Chicken sausage - grilled
🍲Grilled Chicken Breast
🍲Crockpot Pork Loin
🍲Sides Night
🍲? Freezer Suprise ?

** No unNecessary Spend Challenge Update **
July Challenge Goal--> 25/31 days, as of today 6/31

** Goal/To Do List **
Weed 2 of the flower beds,
Fluff mulch and through Preen,
Go to Bank,
Write notices/letters regarding tree insurance company advised this,
Update $ budget $ for 'Widow Plan'

** Around The House **
Daily Basic routine,
** Project this Week **
Continue in Basement, 2 shelves cleaned off need to work on wall shelves next.
Clean out my dresser...
Work on a few catch-up blog posts,
Go buy bathroom trim,
Work on Christmas list budget,

** Today's Motivation **
I got some sleep after not resting well the last couple of nights, so will tackle a dresser drawer when I get back from Mahjongg.

** Something fun to share **
I have a Friday evening race that includes getting Bundt cake YUMMY! and of all things I'm off Saturday morning for a change🤔AND with the Hubby at work there's all kinds of things to get into😉, Sunday however will be early;thirty for Breyerfest race--500 signed up so far😵

** Looking forward to this week **
Hubby has heart Dr appointment and looking forward to answers and/or treatment plan,
Continuing with walking plan--I'm still streaking doing at least a mile-a-day,

** From the camera **
This orange tabby was in a store front window during last weekend's Blackberry Festival 5K [yet another blog post I'm behind on]

** Reflection(s) **
The difference is the DASH...Birth - Death.
What will your [my] Dash amount to?

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Sleepy + Sunday Sermon + Soul Searching


I'm a Sleepy Gal this morning...
After being at the ER with the Mr & though they said his numbers were ok, they still stress the fact of getting into his regular heart Doc ASAP! So I was up off and on all night just listening for his breathing. 
During morning coffee he mentioned how 'spent' he felt, which is understandable since his heart is working a bit harder. Wife orders were no church for him and to rest and nap if he wanted to - even going back to bed. 

The first Sunday of the month for my church is always Communion.
We also had a Baptism...I so enjoy seeing all the young people that attend and commit to following God's word. To me it shows really good parenting, none of the kids look like they are forced into coming. And we have a Large youth ministry that is very active, as well as a youth choir that continues to grow. 

Today's sermon hit me square in the ''FEELS''
Another Chance...OMG I was a mess. Thank goodness I had tissues in my purse. All I thought about was how I hope to have another chance, another year with the Mr. Thinking of all the things...and what I would do when the time go it alone, to be a widowed single person. It put me into a bit of melancholy. And I don't like it.

After church and lunch, a quick in/out trip to Walmart for a couple of items then home. I checked in on the Mr & worked on a few office things, then decided I needed to get my streak mile done and walked to the Kid's house [another reason I love having her live in town]. 
It was a slow meandering mile+. I do my best thinking/soul searching while out walk/run and today was no different. Because of ''discussions'' regarding the BIL and his need of a different vehicle and of course he doesn't have A.N.Y. credit whatsoever apparently, we are about to become 'The Bank of Cline' [sigh]. I'm NOT happy about it. And yes, I need to come to terms with it....but it's going to take a while. Single/Widow re-plan update will be in the works tomorrow.

1 TV show,
BED !!


Saturday, July 6, 2024

Blackberry Festival 5K re-cap + ER visit + Heavenly Birthday Dad


I don't necessarily like the Saturday morning Early:Thirty wake up's, but I do enjoy seeing the sun rise going to races.
2nd annual Blackberry Festival 5K was in Carlisle Ky and hour and forty five minutes away...a Looong drive but again it's one of those things we at #teamRaceRise does. Unfortunately the ''festival'' part wasn't going on😞. We did have a decent turn out. Below is a few of my favorite photos.

My new mom friend took this photo of me,
Sharon said it was important to document who was Always there to get great running photos...Oh yeah that's Me!
Other race photos are HERE
Race Results HERE 

After getting back home and finishing up with loading, posting, and sending picture links I did my mile'ish walk for my streak challenge. Good Lord it was 🔥HOT🔥and Humid! 
I had been thinking about my Dad today as it would have been his 97th B'day so I posted this on my social media
I was the ultimate Daddy's Girl. He taught me so much. I owe everything I am to him.

As I was trying to cool off before getting in the shower I get a text from the Hubby that he was at the ER with Chest Pains. And his Nitro didn't help..At All!
Luckily EKG-Chest X-rays-and blood enzyme came back within 'normal' range, we were there just a few hours and released to come home with strict instructions of NO Exertion or Straining.
Lord this Man! He was wiped out so our 'date night' out ended up not happening, and I'm OK with that. Now to get home and get some rest.

How was your Saturday??

Friday, July 5, 2024

Friday Favs.....


Kinda Happy with myself....
I did 2 miles & I'm down 2....10# to go!
Just a Blooming Beauty found on my walk this morning....

That's it 'cause there's #thingstodo chores, laundry, etc.
#placestobe letting my friends PawKids out for potty break while she's at work.
#peopletosee well not really but taking the G'kid to work today and going to the bank.

Happy Friday!
[can you believe it -- I'm almost caught up with this week blogs...]