Sunday, July 7, 2024

Sleepy + Sunday Sermon + Soul Searching


I'm a Sleepy Gal this morning...
After being at the ER with the Mr & though they said his numbers were ok, they still stress the fact of getting into his regular heart Doc ASAP! So I was up off and on all night just listening for his breathing. 
During morning coffee he mentioned how 'spent' he felt, which is understandable since his heart is working a bit harder. Wife orders were no church for him and to rest and nap if he wanted to - even going back to bed. 

The first Sunday of the month for my church is always Communion.
We also had a Baptism...I so enjoy seeing all the young people that attend and commit to following God's word. To me it shows really good parenting, none of the kids look like they are forced into coming. And we have a Large youth ministry that is very active, as well as a youth choir that continues to grow. 

Today's sermon hit me square in the ''FEELS''
Another Chance...OMG I was a mess. Thank goodness I had tissues in my purse. All I thought about was how I hope to have another chance, another year with the Mr. Thinking of all the things...and what I would do when the time go it alone, to be a widowed single person. It put me into a bit of melancholy. And I don't like it.

After church and lunch, a quick in/out trip to Walmart for a couple of items then home. I checked in on the Mr & worked on a few office things, then decided I needed to get my streak mile done and walked to the Kid's house [another reason I love having her live in town]. 
It was a slow meandering mile+. I do my best thinking/soul searching while out walk/run and today was no different. Because of ''discussions'' regarding the BIL and his need of a different vehicle and of course he doesn't have A.N.Y. credit whatsoever apparently, we are about to become 'The Bank of Cline' [sigh]. I'm NOT happy about it. And yes, I need to come to terms with it....but it's going to take a while. Single/Widow re-plan update will be in the works tomorrow.

1 TV show,
BED !!


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