Monday, May 27, 2024

Happy Homemaker Monday 5-27-24 + Happy Memorial Day


I know several but the 2 most important to me are my Dad who served in Germany during WWII and my Step Dad who served in Vietnam.

[of course] Lots of things to catch up on, but first let's Link Up with Sandra for Happy Homemaker Monday...

** The Weather **
Storms yesterday and looks like storms today...
This is across the street; it fell just as we were finishing bringing in groceries..

** As I look outside my window **
Oh So WET!! It'll take a couple of days to dry out the yard for me to mow, good thing there's all the other stuff to do outside.

 ** Right now I am **
Working on this post, planning what to do first from my long list.

** OOTD **
Leggings & T-shirt.

** Thinking and pondering [how I'm feeling] **
Actually thinking about putting on a rain jacket and go pull weeds from flower bed[s] - Things to do People! And it's on the list.
** What I'm reading **
I'll Be There, but i'll be wearing sweatpants by Amy Weatherly & Jess Johnston - pleasure reading [good Lord I have another pleasure read going as well
Daily Devotional - spiritual reading
Successful Women Speak Differently by Valorie Burton - self-improvement reading 

** TV Shows this week **
I'm caught up on Bravo DVR'd shows only because I listened & halfway watched them while working on 'stuff'/'projects', And with all the rain and storms yesterday instead of watching TV, I worked catching up on emails and the Mr worked on his ''new to him'' corner of the office, [and of course I still have a post yet to do on the office set-up]

** Menu Plan **
🍲Veggie Burgers
🍲Pork Loin
🍲Canned Beef Stew
a 3# Chub of hamburger made 16 large patties, we ate 2 for a dinner one night,
the rest are 'pre-cooked' in the freezer.
🍲Stroganoff ended up with leftovers for a lunch & another dinner
🍲Tilapia Fish
🍲Veggie Lasagna [leftovers?]
 πŸ²Chicken Salad-I made a large bowl for
quick & easy on the go meal [using the rest of the whole chicken I had baked]
🍲Stuffed Portobello'
🍲Loaded Baked Potato 

** No unNecessary Spend Challenge Update **
May Challenge Goal--> 22/31 days, as of today 26/31

** Goal/To Do List **
Cline Rental acct updated,

** Around The House **
Daily basics is a MUST!
** Project this Week **
Finish organizing office space,
Start Basement,
Mop & Wax wood floors,

** Today's Motivation **
I have ZERO Doubts! I do work Hard, and I AM making things Happen.

** Something fun to share **
Not sure how Fun you will think it is, but a new month will be here Saturday! As In '' 5 '' more days!! Annnd June starts my walk/run training cycle for well🀷 the rest of the year and possibly beyond. I have races scheduled for June, July, August, Sept & I looking for Nov/Dec eventsπŸ€”maybe.

** Looking forward to this week **
Mahjongg with the Gal Pal's,
City Commission mtg,
Taking the G'kid for her interview to be a Team Lead for Cheddars! 

** From the camera **

** Reflection(s) **
His light can shine through you every moment of every day, But you must choose. Fear, Worry, Selfish Motives? OR practice the Truth, God's Truth. Confess & Change, God will be pleased, and you will walk with him in Truth.


  1. You always amaze me with your stamina and determination for the races. Enjoy your memorial Monday (ours, in Canada, was last week). Great menu. Have a great week

  2. Thank you for your lovely, encouraging blog. Those orange flowers in the photo are truly enchanting.

    Nice to run. My husband just got back from running in the rain (in the forest with a group). Soaked, but with a happy feeling, haha. Have a good day. It's already evening here.
