Sunday, May 26, 2024

Spouse Sunday

 Oh, the things we do for the Spouses...

I committed to the Mr that I would go to his church for Sunday services at least once a month...
Today was the Sunday. 
I made it through, until at the end. When the pastor was doing the invitation to join FCC he started talking about his daughter in Kansas (?) and not having her phone charged (?) causing it to not work anymore THEN proceeded to call her an Idiot...🤔
Told the Mr..I'm tapping out & I would meet him out front. I didn't even want to acknowledge the pastor on the way out! 


Off to get a few things from Kroger with coupons that were to expire today = $48.and change in savings. Coming out we seen dark clouds forming in the distance...when I got this alert
We barely made it home in time for the Highest Winds I've been in that wasn't a Tornado. Porch furniture was tossed around a bit and the PurrBoys were not happy! Though it only lasted a few minutes, it was a concerning few minutes. I sent texts to all the loved ones - friends & family are OKAY!


As I finish this post let me just say this...

Along with another NEW MONTH in 7 days!

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