Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Tuesday Tidbits


It's EARLY...really early. But there's lots of things to get done since I have the Mr's help today....

First thing after breakfast was, we Voted!
O.M.God we just Had to go to the Hardware store because he noticed there wasn't a wall plate cover over the outlet, [it's only been that way for 1 1/2 years]😒
Then... we Had to stop at the car wash, cause you know we were right by it,
and he has a membership😒[sigh].

Once we were home I called the vet to get my JinX in because his eye has been watering and I'm not sure what's going on with him. Luckily I can get him in at 1p. My patience was growing slim getting the ''to-do'' list going, and it was starting to get to me. I was getting Cranky, remember I said I was putting 'to-do' items on a time basis??
Well burning daylight people....Burning Daylight!  

Finally, home to get things started, 
After flipping up the bed and moving bedside tables I shampoo'd the bedroom carpet. It was in rough shape from the fall/winter months 🤞 hopefully🤞 at some point I'd like to remove it.
While I worked in the bedroom the Mr took care of Cleaning under, behind, and around the stove and refrigerator.

We finally got done around noon...a quick lunch then off to the vet's with my boy. 
Annnd unfortunately I was right to get him in ASAP. Apparently during rough playing around with one of the PurrBrothers JinX ended up getting his eye scratched causing an ulcer in the eye. Antibiotic shot, antibiotics 2X a day at home along with Antibiotic drops 2X a day and Ocular repair gel 2X a day... JinX was to be kept in a low light/dark area, well that was going to be next to impossible. I had to comment with 'hopefully' JinX will have enough sense to stay in a corner - under the bed - or keep his eye closed....my Nurse Duties continue.

Back home to finish what I had started and have going on...As I said the Mr cleaned the stove which luckily for me included the drawer under the oven [does anyone use theirs?] Well since I've started adding miscellaneous cooking 'tools' to my & for my meal prep I needed space to put things. We did look into putting additional shelves going upstairs - but in reality, that wouldn't be very ideal. 
Ta Da!! I give you the oven drawer. Everything I had fit perfectly. Which gave me room on this kitchen shelf for 
my few 'toys' so far. I don't have a lot more to add, but now they're much more convenient to get to.
Bring On the Garden Goodies & Meal Prep recipes.

The other project for me today was to get this🠋
barrel seal coated.. Not sure what exactly I'm going to use it for but it was free so why not.

Finally, done for the day and while the Mr cleaned up for his Hospice meeting I relaxed a bit outside with a cold Longneck! I fixed myself something to eat, showered and waited for Mr to come home.

Watching a DVR'd Bravo show, I noticed my little Man...he had his eye wide opened with no seepage coming from his eye.
Isn't he Handsome !!
I'm so glad I pay attention to the PurrKids, and glad I got him in when I did, I was told he could/would have lost his eye if not treated early. This PurrBoy is my Man! My Baby. 

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