Monday, May 13, 2024

Happy Homemaker Monday 5-13-24


Did everyone have a Happy Mother's Day?? I sure did.
Let's link up with Sandra for another edition of Happy Homemaker Monday....I've had a really busy last week [who am I kidding, they're ALL busy🤣] trying to play catch-up with basically everything.
Getting the house back to where I like it to be is close to being done,
working on the outdoor stuff, along with volunteer & race stuff. 

** The Weather **
More Rain!! 

** As I look outside my window **
For now it's overcast, expected high in the 70's

 ** Right now I am **
Enjoying my ☕coffee, working on this post, listening to the little 🐈 darlings play,
[fur going everywhere, sigh]

** OOTD **
Still in loungey clothes but will be changing into outdoor work clothes.

** Thinking and pondering [how I'm feeling] **
Feeling ok, still lots on the to-do list and projects to do...
I'll get there but might be late, 🤣

** What I'm reading **
I'll Be There, but i'll be wearing sweatpants by Amy Weatherly & Jess Johnston - pleasure reading [good Lord I have another pleasure read going as well 'the last affair' by Margot Hunt on loan from my friend Stacey. I read the back jacket & prologue and was hooked😐]
Daily Devotional - spiritual reading
Successful Women Speak Differently by Valorie Burton - self improvement reading 

** TV Shows this week **
Still thankful for the 'ol DVR - the Mr made a great point last night, we are getting close to end of seasons for many of the channels we [attempt] watch. So having shows in the DVR que will fill in a few gaps on a rainy day.

** Menu Plan **
🍲Baked Whole Chicken
                              [leftovers for a few meals]
🍲Baked Tortellini 
🍲Veggie Burgers

** No unNecessary Spend Challenge Update **
May Challenge Goal--> 22/31 days, as of today 11/31

** Goal/To Do List **
Main thing will be floors, again! [5🐈]
Mow this morning before rain comes in again tomorrow,
Walk/Run Training
Balance checkbook,
Bill Pay,

** Around The House **
Basic routine: making the bed, sweeping floors, kitchen, bathroom.

** Project this Week **
Work at getting basement cleaned out and organized,
🠉same with office🠉

** Today's Motivation **

** Something fun to share **
My Mr has been named Danville/Boyle County 'Mr Hospitality' and will be receiving an award Wednesday at a luncheon.
I did Senior pictures for this Kid🠋yesterday
I've watched him grow up over the years and I know he's going to do great things. Grayson has been accepted in the Engineering program, w/scholarship at U of L.
Of course I couldn't resist taking a photo of his parents too, LOL
They've done a Great job raising Grayson and putting in the time and exhausting energy since he's participated in Tennis, Golf, Wrestling, with Soccer being his most favorite sport...and the one he loves the most. He'll be traveling to Italy next month, part of the Ky Soccer league travel team. He's been in Scouts since he was little and has his Eagle Scout award ceremony next month.   

** Looking forward to this week **
Canidate forum for GOP 
Heritage Hospice Blue Jean Ball meeting,
Photo shoot for my nephew Brayden [his 1st formal]
Walk the Arboretum with Hiker Babe group, 

** From the camera **

** On my prayer list **
Prayers that we don't get flooding here in Ky from all the expected rain/storms this week.


  1. Sounds like you have a nice week planned! I love the picture of the flower, beautiful! Have a nice week!

  2. Congrats to the Mr and to Grayson! Have a great week
