Monday, May 27, 2024

Happy Homemaker Monday 5-27-24 + Happy Memorial Day


I know several but the 2 most important to me are my Dad who served in Germany during WWII and my Step Dad who served in Vietnam.

[of course] Lots of things to catch up on, but first let's Link Up with Sandra for Happy Homemaker Monday...

** The Weather **
Storms yesterday and looks like storms today...
This is across the street; it fell just as we were finishing bringing in groceries..

** As I look outside my window **
Oh So WET!! It'll take a couple of days to dry out the yard for me to mow, good thing there's all the other stuff to do outside.

 ** Right now I am **
Working on this post, planning what to do first from my long list.

** OOTD **
Leggings & T-shirt.

** Thinking and pondering [how I'm feeling] **
Actually thinking about putting on a rain jacket and go pull weeds from flower bed[s] - Things to do People! And it's on the list.
** What I'm reading **
I'll Be There, but i'll be wearing sweatpants by Amy Weatherly & Jess Johnston - pleasure reading [good Lord I have another pleasure read going as well
Daily Devotional - spiritual reading
Successful Women Speak Differently by Valorie Burton - self-improvement reading 

** TV Shows this week **
I'm caught up on Bravo DVR'd shows only because I listened & halfway watched them while working on 'stuff'/'projects', And with all the rain and storms yesterday instead of watching TV, I worked catching up on emails and the Mr worked on his ''new to him'' corner of the office, [and of course I still have a post yet to do on the office set-up]

** Menu Plan **
🍲Veggie Burgers
🍲Pork Loin
🍲Canned Beef Stew
a 3# Chub of hamburger made 16 large patties, we ate 2 for a dinner one night,
the rest are 'pre-cooked' in the freezer.
🍲Stroganoff ended up with leftovers for a lunch & another dinner
🍲Tilapia Fish
🍲Veggie Lasagna [leftovers?]
 🍲Chicken Salad-I made a large bowl for
quick & easy on the go meal [using the rest of the whole chicken I had baked]
🍲Stuffed Portobello'
🍲Loaded Baked Potato 

** No unNecessary Spend Challenge Update **
May Challenge Goal--> 22/31 days, as of today 26/31

** Goal/To Do List **
Cline Rental acct updated,

** Around The House **
Daily basics is a MUST!
** Project this Week **
Finish organizing office space,
Start Basement,
Mop & Wax wood floors,

** Today's Motivation **
I have ZERO Doubts! I do work Hard, and I AM making things Happen.

** Something fun to share **
Not sure how Fun you will think it is, but a new month will be here Saturday! As In '' 5 '' more days!! Annnd June starts my walk/run training cycle for well🤷 the rest of the year and possibly beyond. I have races scheduled for June, July, August, Sept & I looking for Nov/Dec events🤔maybe.

** Looking forward to this week **
Mahjongg with the Gal Pal's,
City Commission mtg,
Taking the G'kid for her interview to be a Team Lead for Cheddars! 

** From the camera **

** Reflection(s) **
His light can shine through you every moment of every day, But you must choose. Fear, Worry, Selfish Motives? OR practice the Truth, God's Truth. Confess & Change, God will be pleased, and you will walk with him in Truth.

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Spouse Sunday

 Oh, the things we do for the Spouses...

I committed to the Mr that I would go to his church for Sunday services at least once a month...
Today was the Sunday. 
I made it through, until at the end. When the pastor was doing the invitation to join FCC he started talking about his daughter in Kansas (?) and not having her phone charged (?) causing it to not work anymore THEN proceeded to call her an Idiot...🤔
Told the Mr..I'm tapping out & I would meet him out front. I didn't even want to acknowledge the pastor on the way out! 


Off to get a few things from Kroger with coupons that were to expire today = $48.and change in savings. Coming out we seen dark clouds forming in the distance...when I got this alert
We barely made it home in time for the Highest Winds I've been in that wasn't a Tornado. Porch furniture was tossed around a bit and the PurrBoys were not happy! Though it only lasted a few minutes, it was a concerning few minutes. I sent texts to all the loved ones - friends & family are OKAY!


As I finish this post let me just say this...

Along with another NEW MONTH in 7 days!

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Tuesday Tidbits


It's EARLY...really early. But there's lots of things to get done since I have the Mr's help today....

First thing after breakfast was, we Voted!
O.M.God we just Had to go to the Hardware store because he noticed there wasn't a wall plate cover over the outlet, [it's only been that way for 1 1/2 years]😒
Then... we Had to stop at the car wash, cause you know we were right by it,
and he has a membership😒[sigh].

Once we were home I called the vet to get my JinX in because his eye has been watering and I'm not sure what's going on with him. Luckily I can get him in at 1p. My patience was growing slim getting the ''to-do'' list going, and it was starting to get to me. I was getting Cranky, remember I said I was putting 'to-do' items on a time basis??
Well burning daylight people....Burning Daylight!  

Finally, home to get things started, 
After flipping up the bed and moving bedside tables I shampoo'd the bedroom carpet. It was in rough shape from the fall/winter months 🤞 hopefully🤞 at some point I'd like to remove it.
While I worked in the bedroom the Mr took care of Cleaning under, behind, and around the stove and refrigerator.

We finally got done around noon...a quick lunch then off to the vet's with my boy. 
Annnd unfortunately I was right to get him in ASAP. Apparently during rough playing around with one of the PurrBrothers JinX ended up getting his eye scratched causing an ulcer in the eye. Antibiotic shot, antibiotics 2X a day at home along with Antibiotic drops 2X a day and Ocular repair gel 2X a day... JinX was to be kept in a low light/dark area, well that was going to be next to impossible. I had to comment with 'hopefully' JinX will have enough sense to stay in a corner - under the bed - or keep his eye Nurse Duties continue.

Back home to finish what I had started and have going on...As I said the Mr cleaned the stove which luckily for me included the drawer under the oven [does anyone use theirs?] Well since I've started adding miscellaneous cooking 'tools' to my & for my meal prep I needed space to put things. We did look into putting additional shelves going upstairs - but in reality, that wouldn't be very ideal. 
Ta Da!! I give you the oven drawer. Everything I had fit perfectly. Which gave me room on this kitchen shelf for 
my few 'toys' so far. I don't have a lot more to add, but now they're much more convenient to get to.
Bring On the Garden Goodies & Meal Prep recipes.

The other project for me today was to get this🠋
barrel seal coated.. Not sure what exactly I'm going to use it for but it was free so why not.

Finally, done for the day and while the Mr cleaned up for his Hospice meeting I relaxed a bit outside with a cold Longneck! I fixed myself something to eat, showered and waited for Mr to come home.

Watching a DVR'd Bravo show, I noticed my little Man...he had his eye wide opened with no seepage coming from his eye.
Isn't he Handsome !!
I'm so glad I pay attention to the PurrKids, and glad I got him in when I did, I was told he could/would have lost his eye if not treated early. This PurrBoy is my Man! My Baby. 

Monday, May 20, 2024

Say Whaaat! Another Monday post?? Monday's are for...


Read mine here--->A Runners Mom & More 
So, this morning I finished up my HHM blog post ate a quick bowl of cereal and headed outside. This is a RARE occasion to add another Monday post, but I feel worthy.

I call this ''Monday's are for..."
Meal Prepping,

Happy Homemaker Monday 5-20-24


This Month is Flying By!! So Much To-Do...So Little Time?? 
LOL, My new Normal for sure...Taking time this morning to at the very least link up with Sandra for another Happy Homemaker Monday. Let's get to it burning daylight people 😜JusSayin !

** The Weather **
Well at least I'll have 2 nice days...and a few days to work on inside to-do list.

** As I look outside my window **
It's daylight and I see the sun reflecting off the tree tops...

 ** Right now I am **
Trying to work on this post, drinking coffee ready to do my radio show segment
A Runners Mom and More on the Joe Show every Monday morning!!

** OOTD **
Outdoor work clothes, then showering [of course] walk skirt & tank top 

** Thinking and pondering [how I'm feeling] **
Sad for my friend whose husband passed..

** What I'm reading **
I'll Be There, but i'll be wearing sweatpants by Amy Weatherly & Jess Johnston - pleasure reading [good Lord I have another pleasure read going as well 
Daily Devotional - spiritual reading
Successful Women Speak Differently by Valorie Burton - self improvement reading
I'm Sooo Far behind with my reading, but ready whenever I do take the time.
With more on my bookshelf!

** TV Shows this week **
A few regular shows have already finished with their season, but we'll watch a couple of the Elementary that are DVR'd
I've DVR'd my guilty pleasure Bravo RHO and have watched during my lunch break.

** Menu Plan **
🍲Veggie Burgers
🍲Pork Loin
🍲Canned Beef Stew
🍲Tilapia Fish
🍲 🠉Leftovers🠉 from many of these meals

** No unNecessary Spend Challenge Update **
May Challenge Goal--> 22/31 days, as of today 17/31

** Goal/To Do List **
-->everything that didn't get done from last week,
because helping my friend was more important <--
Mow & Trim
Weed flower bed & fluff mulch
Start working on burn pile
Refresh upstairs-??SIL visit hopefully
Meal Prep

** Around The House **
Do my best to keep up with daily basic routine, got the Mr on board with messes that the little darling 🐈's do.
** Project this Week **
Tomorrow I finally get the Mr for the WHOLE DAY! The projects slated are pulling the bed and bedside tables out to clean & sweep [looks like an entire city of dust bunnies live there], I'll be cleaning the bedroom carpet while he pulls out the fridge & stove to clean behind.
Work on purging out office--getting ready to update space with bookcases from daughter,

** Today's Motivation **
To get most things completed this week I'm breaking down chores into 'time limit segments'

** Something fun to share **
I've devoted time each week to join in walks with the Hiker Babes group. They meet on Wednesday evenings and though I'll be driving to Lexington more [and I need to look at gas budget] It's going to be MY time to be with new friends.

** Looking forward to this week **
Mahjongg later this afternoon & seeing friend Sandy,
[another] BJB meeting - event will be here before we know it!
Nephew's 8th grade graduation, he's already been recruited for HS varsity football!
Bible Study, always look forward to this.
NAACP meeting 

** From the camera **
'Elle'Phanti and her offspring are doing well !

** On my prayer list **
My friend Mac, her hubby passed last week. His battle with Dementia/Alzheimer's was cruel to both of them. And as most know when someone passes the family all of a sudden rear their nosey head.