I know several but the 2 most important to me are my Dad who served in Germany during WWII and my Step Dad who served in Vietnam.
[of course] Lots of things to catch up on, but first let's Link Up with Sandra for Happy Homemaker Monday...
** The Weather **
** As I look outside my window **
Oh So WET!! It'll take a couple of days to dry out the yard for me to mow, good thing there's all the other stuff to do outside.
** Right now I am **
Working on this post, planning what to do first from my long list.
** OOTD **
Leggings & T-shirt.
** Thinking and pondering [how I'm feeling] **
Actually thinking about putting on a rain jacket and go pull weeds from flower bed[s] - Things to do People! And it's on the list.
** What I'm reading **
I'll Be There, but i'll be wearing sweatpants by Amy Weatherly & Jess Johnston - pleasure reading [good Lord I have another pleasure read going as well]
Daily Devotional - spiritual reading
Successful Women Speak Differently by Valorie Burton - self-improvement reading
** TV Shows this week **
I'm caught up on Bravo DVR'd shows only because I listened & halfway watched them while working on 'stuff'/'projects', And with all the rain and storms yesterday instead of watching TV, I worked catching up on emails and the Mr worked on his ''new to him'' corner of the office, [and of course I still have a post yet to do on the office set-up]
** Menu Plan **

a 3# Chub of hamburger made 16 large patties, we ate 2 for a dinner one night,
the rest are 'pre-cooked' in the freezer.

quick & easy on the go meal [using the rest of the whole chicken I had baked]

** No unNecessary Spend Challenge Update **
May Challenge Goal--> 22/31 days, as of today 26/31
** Goal/To Do List **
Cline Rental acct updated,
** Around The House **
Daily basics is a MUST!
** Project this Week **
Finish organizing office space,
Start Basement,
Mop & Wax wood floors,
** Something fun to share **
Not sure how Fun you will think it is, but a new month will be here Saturday! As In '' 5 '' more days!! Annnd June starts my walk/run training cycle for well🤷 the rest of the year and possibly beyond. I have races scheduled for June, July, August, Sept & Oct...am I looking for Nov/Dec events🤔maybe.
** Looking forward to this week **
Mahjongg with the Gal Pal's,
City Commission mtg,
Taking the G'kid for her interview to be a Team Lead for Cheddars!
** From the camera **
** Reflection(s) **
His light can shine through you every moment of every day, But you must choose. Fear, Worry, Selfish Motives? OR practice the Truth, God's Truth. Confess & Change, God will be pleased, and you will walk with him in Truth.