Can you believe it !!! The new year is almost here...And today is the last Happy Homemaker Monday linking up with Sandra for 2024. I do plan on continuing to link/post for Monday's and lately I have been posting some from my phone in order to keep up posting more consistently, we'll see how it goes in 2025 🤞 let's get to the categories.
** As I look outside my window **
It's early! Sun is starting to rise, 42°
** Right now I am **
Drinking ☕coffee, working on this post.
** OOTD **
Currently still in lounge sweats, I have walk/run gear laid out & ready,
then shower and changing into comfy clothes.
** Thinking and pondering [how I'm feeling] **
Feeling HOPEFUL for 2025. I have an even more jammed packed 2025. I've been ''flying'' by the seat of my pants the last couple of weeks and it's time to go back to making my weekly intentions list.✔
** What I'm reading **
Devotional ** Spiritual read
I'll Be There [but i'll be wearing sweatpants] by Amy Weatherly & Jess Jonston ** Self-Improvement read finished with this book - haven't chosen another yet...
Mister Tender's Girl by Carter Wilson ** Personal read
** TV Shows this week **
The Mr discovered AMC channel and a few shows on it have been intriguing...if you remember I reluctantly DVR'd Reba & Elementary again for the Mr and there's a LOT of them. We managed to watch a couple movies I had saved over the holidays.
** Menu Plan **
OMG...I actually did a meal/menu plan! In no particular order here's what we'll be eating & I'm confident there will be leftovers for either lunches &/or another night's dinner.

** No unNecessary Spend Challenge Update **
December Challenge Goal--> 25/31 as of today 28/31
Calling December a WIN!!
January Challenge Goal--> 26/31 days.
** Goal/To Do List **
Update sinking funds list,
January budget,
Send friends Cards, [something I'll be doing new this year]
Work on EOY blog post,
** Around The House **
Keeping up with the basics on a daily basis is my only goal,
Making the bed, Kitchen, Bathroom, and of course sweeping & dust mopping because 5🐈's fine hair goes everywhere, sigh
** Project this Week **
The Mr has already done one *see⮟below⮟*
We sat down and made a list of various projects to do for the year.
Working on timelines for each and budgets will be next...I'm going to be a little crazy with the house torn up and completely disarrayed. Plumbing for upstairs Mini apartment, repairing ceilings & walls because of plumbing, adding trim then painting bathroom & hallway, replacing bedroom/office carpets with hardwood, and possibly new wallpaper and paint in dining... Not counting redoing mulch/flower beds and raised garden. I'm tired just writing all this.
** Something fun to share **
Race season starts this week with Frozen Rails 5K/10K on 1/1/25
One of my runner kids completes her 120th county on 1/4/25 Go Beth!
** Looking forward to this week **
LOVE having a planned-out schedule!
Mahjongg with the Gal Pal's,
EMRMC Auxiliary Gift Shop training, [retail is so different]
** From the camera **
Here we go again! PunkN has managed to scrounge around in the basement [?] and has another allergic reaction to fleas?? Hence why the Mr was dressed in the finest Lowes protective covering, he cleaned and racked the basement crawlspace, we'll be adding flea/tick granules to dirt. Dr Tyler made a house call, giving him an antibiotic/steroid shot and said to bathe him with the oatmeal bath stuff. He got a good combing first getting as many of the dead flea carcasses off him.
** Reflection(s) **
My prayer everyday...Thank you God, for caring about me and walking with me, Covering my past, present, and future. Increase my faith and trust, knowing that with you by my side, I am safe and at peace.
---> That's it for this morning, changing clothes and will be heading to the gym for SS class and getting my streak mile[s] in. One more day until 2025 <---
Poor PunkN! Great job on making a menu plan. I am flying by the seat of my pants this week as I am still on break from work and the kids are on break from school. I am so proud of you for continuing your streak! Here's to a wonderful 2025 for you and yours!