Friday, December 23, 2022

Feline + Friday


First, I'm sharing this photo of our 'rescue' boy PunkN for Feline Friday. His momma dropped him off at my sorta daughter's house during the summer [June I think] of 2017. He was so little, skin and bones, no teeth yet, you get the picture. My daughter wasn't in the position to take him in let alone care for him. Though we had Roadie [tuxedo cat] we had lost our beloved dog Andi and not really wanting to try and replace her we/I decided to take the kitten. After taking him to the vet to be checked out, we were told he might make it but would need some care to do so. He didn't have teeth coming in yet so regular kitten food of any kind wasn't an option....Bottle feeding every 3-4 hours it was and yes this included nighttime feedings. After several days of nourishment, he finally started having baby kitten potty movements, after several weeks he was finally able to eat soft food and was introduced to litter box training. Those that say it comes natural to kittens/cats you are Wrong! #jusSayin

Roadie wasn't fond of him in the beginning but realized the little Grey Tuxedo fur ball was staying....

 PunkN's personality [quite the little stinker] began surfacing after a few months and I found myself calling him a little Punk. He was a Lovey/Cuddle Boy from the get-go. I would hold him like a baby in my arms in order to keep him warm, petting and always whispered his name. 4 1/2 years later I can be anywhere in the house and whisper PunkN and he comes!  To this day we also do some kind of 'cuddle' session whether it's while watching TV, or he'll lay on my chest at bedtime for cuddles. 

Yes he 'hugs' my neck and gives nibble 'kisses'


I was supposed to hike with my Casey County group this past Tuesday but woke up around 3am with a KILLER headache. I can and have withstood various pains, but headaches and the migraine scale do me in. At first, I blamed it on the Flu shot I managed to finally get. But as the day went on, I realized how the headache was moving to the base of my skull. That's when I realized it was more weather related and the fact, I woke up Wednesday morning with a stuffy nose....Awww welcome Sinusitis/Barometric change, hence the below freeze warnings. Wednesday, I rotated sinus/cold flu meds. The Govenor made a Pro-Active decision and declared a State of Emergency for Ky, so I double checked provisions, made a list and went to get the few items for 'just-in-case'. Thursday was Bible Study. Sadly only 5 of us showed up !?! Christie ended up leaving to do errands for her Hubby, the rest of went to Christmas lunch. I'm humbled & honored to have the group of friends I have. From my hiking bunch, my church groups, Gal Pal's that I lunch with, running groups I'm truly blessed.


Current situation for the Hubby...


I promise I have the furnace on. Due to being on 3 blood thinners he is constantly Cold...I'm in a thin long sleeve shirt, thin lounge pants but I do have knee high socks on...😏that counts as warm wear right?


Temps this morning was -4 degree at 9am -- we 'warmed' up to -1 degree at noon. I've social media posted that everyone needs to hang in there as we will be having a warmup after Christmas.


Closing today with the hope that everyone and those that are traveling is Safe & Warm. I hope everyone remembers the reason for this Season, give grace to those that have and are willing to get out and go to work.

Hugs, Kisses, have the Merriest of Christmas!

Monday, December 19, 2022

12/19/22 Happy Homemaker Monday

 Well, I managed to post 3 times last week...that's right 3 blog posts in one week, there's no stopping me now LOL [oops almost gave away my 2023 word for the year--stay tuned for that post] you can check them out here and here. Though the 'theme' for Wednesday & Friday may change up for the New Year. For now let's link up with Sandra over at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.

The Weather...
Today - 39*/26* calling for cloudy
                                      but sun is shining bright
Tuesday - 42*/25* cloudy
Wednesday - 46*/34* sun
Thursday - 42*/8* huge temp drop
                                     snow/rain predicted
Friday - 14*/8* windy & frigid

What I'm reading...
Finished Mirror Image by Sandra Brown, in fact stayed up way to late finishing it last week 😉, started reading 'Bitter Pill' by Fern Michaels, it's slow starting but hopefully will pick up within the next few chapters.
TV Shows this week...
Yellowstone [IYKYK], 
a few shows on regular network channels,
Bravo [guilty viewing]
Sister Wives [still not sure why I started watching,
but it's like a train wreck once you look you just keep looking...]

Menu Plan...
Last week was filled with eating out something we don't normally do, back to cooking at home and having leftovers that I make LOL! In no particular order the meal/menu options for the week are--Salmon, Stroganoff, Chicken Fajita Bowl Tortillas, Pot Pie w/canned biscuit crust, Chicken Casserole, Pork Loin, Loaded Baked Potato, Tomato Soup w/grilled cheese, and of course we'll be having a Big Christmas Day dinner. 

Goal/To Do List...
CLEAN...MY...OFFICE ! It has the potential to be on a Hoarders segment, Ugh 😳

Around The House...
Other than my office space the house isn't too awful, basic daily household chores helps keep things maintained.

Project this Week...
Work on social media & email posts for my Frosty Feet team. We are 35 members Strong!

Todays Motivation...

Favorite blog post last week (mine or other)....
I Love reading blog posts from Kristen at The Frugal Girl it will be worth your while to check her out, her year has been challenging, currently a single Mom living on her own, went back to school, and a competent DIY'er.

Something fun to share....
2023 Is Right Around The Corner...EEEK!! I'm so ready.

Blog hopping (newly discovered blog)....
On my list to work on next year!

Looking forward to this week....
Hiking with my Casey Coun ty Explorer's group.

From the camera....

On my prayer list.....
My runner girl Shawn, she fell last Saturday evening at a race and broke her wrist/ is scheduled tmrw for plate & screws to repair...

Bible verse, Devotional....
John 1:14 says, “The Word became human and made his home among us. He was full of unfailing love and faithfulness.”
He lived among us. He donned the costliest of robes, a human body. He became a friend of the sinner and a brother of the poor. He touched their sores and felt their tears and paid for their mistakes. And to all of us frightened ones, he shared the same message: “Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me…I will come again and receive you to Myself” (John 14:1)

Friday, December 16, 2022

Feline Friday

 Pet care for my boy #JinX - healthy report from the vet, weighs in at a muscular 9.8#

This Boy, This Orange Tabby...I've wanted one ever since I lost my Gunther. Technically JinX is a rescue even though I got him from a friend. See he and some siblings ''rode'' to town in her car engine ! Once she FB posted them being saved by a DPD officer climbing under/in her car, I asked if she would consider letting me have him....She took applications for all her kittens ! Now that's what I call a true Rescue Pet Parent. I'm grateful to have made the cut, my boy JinX is a Cuddler, and vocal cat. Cats are family too! #clinecribcats

Monday, December 12, 2022

Happy Homemaker Monday - 12/05/2022 ~~ 2 weeks in a row ?!? Go Me...

 2022 Race Season is complete, for me that is... you can view photos from Christmas in Ky Half/4 Miler here, and the Ugly Sweater 3K here.

 It's hard to believe there's only 19 more days left in the year. I've already 'planned' out with a rough draft for 2023, my race [photography] calendar is filling up and I've signed up for just a few run events that I will compete in. I have my 'Word' for 2023 ready to post and look forward to an even busier/thriving/amazing New Year. 

Let's get down to business...linking up for Happy Homemaker Monday with Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.

The Weather...
Today - 47*/28 partly sunny
Tuesday - 49*/40* mostly cloudy
Wednesday - 52*/46* rain & t-storm [Hmmm]
Thursday - 51*/31* breezy
Friday - 39*/26* colder w/flurries [I'm ready for some flakes]

What I'm reading...
**excerpt**  When a TV reporter is injured in a Dallas-bound jet crash, she enters a world of mistaken identity and political intrigue in this action-packed romantic suspense novel. The crash of a Dallas-bound jet isn't just a tragedy for TV reporter Avery Daniels; it's an act of fate that hands her a golden opportunity to further her career. But it also makes her the crucial player in a drama of violent passions and deadly desires. After plastic surgery transforms her face, Avery is mistaken for the glamorous, selfish wife of Tate Rutledge, the famous senatorial candidate and member of a powerful Texas dynasty. As she lays helpless in the hospital, Avery makes a shattering discovery: someone close to Tate planned to assassinate him. Now, to save him, she must live another woman's life -- and risk her own.

TV Shows this week...
Lots of CBS shows are ending for the fall season, but will be resuming early January...Yellowstone is a given...and of course my guilty watching most anything on Bravo & [still not sure why I started watching, crazy I know] Sister Wives.

Menu Plan...
Lots of options carried over from last week, BUT, we have several evenings eating out this week. GOP Christmas Dinner, the SIL is coming for a day visit, meeting friends Friday nite out, and I'll order something ''to-go'' when I take the G'daughter to work Saturday, the Hubby & BIL are getting together for 'quality' time. Eating out is something we don't normally do this just happens to busy a much busier week than normal.

Goal/To Do List...
ALL...THE...THINGS... LOL it's the second busiest week of the year for me. [1st is Bourbon Chase weekend]
Around The House...
It's not awful, it could be worse, calling it a WIN!!

Project this Week...
Organize Office Space,
Clean out Car

Todays Motivation...
The Sun is Shining, 

Something fun to share....

Here I am with my Runner Girls from last weekend's Christmas in Ky Half, 
Left to right - Sarah, Lori, Me, Bobbie [my baby] & Shana

Looking forward to this week....
Casey County Explorer's Hike Potluck Christmas Dinner tomorrow. The Danville group hosts and will be at my church First Christian 

From the camera....
Photo from one of the MANY trees decorated at the Glitz restaurant.

On my prayer list.....
My friend and fellow church member Jane, she fell and had to have her back 'refused' 

Bible verse, Devotional....
By this we know that He abides in us, by the Spirit whom He has given us. — 1 John 3:24 NKJV

That's it for today, I hope to add more blog posts this week.

Hugs, Kisses, Be Safe Wishes!

Monday, December 5, 2022

Happy Homemaker Monday - 12/05/2022 ~~ Trigger person then a Talk with Jesus !!

 Oh. My. stared out so Good. Got up early, changed bed sheets, started laundry, swept the floors, had coffee and breakfast with the Hubby, made a day plan with him, [it's his only day off from work and his volunteer stuff], he went to Chiropractor then was picking me up to go do gym work out, lite lunch and couple other errands.....then it happened...he tells me about also doing chores for his 'surrogate mother' [who I feel is taking advantage of him BTW] before he came and picked me up! This is after telling me just last night about how he wasn't doing this and wasn't do that for her anymore! Him even mentioning her name instantly sent me in a bad mood!

For me the rest of the morning was shot...I worked out way to fast, I didn't want to sit across from him for lunch out, I wasn't in the right frame of mind for any errand and was relieved when Ace was short staffed, and I volunteered to go back tomorrow. As he KNEW I was mad as hell, I didn't say a word about it. I answered questions with one-word answers or as short as possible. And kept my head turned toward the window to look out. Though we did stop for a sandwich, we brought it home and I busied myself with odds and end chores, giving me time to silently have a little talk with Jesus.

Is it wrong to feel this way..?..probably. Will I get over it..?..probably. Is he going to change his mind about things regarding her..?..probably Not. So, there it is, my day with him to be together and enjoy the day gone. 

Now that I have that off my mind let's link up with Sandra for Happy Homemaker Monday.

The Weather...

Monday - 46*/45*      R
Tuesday - 61*/56*       A
Wednesday - 62*/53*  I
Thursday - 59*/44*      N
Friday - 50*/30*

What I'm reading...

Still reading Rachel Ryan ''The Woman Outside My Door'' [easy read, twisty thriller, cheap book I found at $$ General] I did buy ''Verity'' by Colleen Hoover and took it with me on last week's Gal Pal trip, finished it when I got was So Good!

TV Shows this week...

Yellowstone [need I say More??]
Some Bravo [of course-my guilty watching pleasure]
DVR'd movies were saving for when there's re-runs

Menu Plan...

Soup Beans in Crockpot for today
Pork Loin
Chicken Fajita
Baked Potato
Meat Loaf
Pot Pie w/Biscuit crust
[Lots of options, some will carry over into next week]

Goal/To Do List...

Set up 'Master' email list for Frosty Feet team,
Budget Update,
Clean Office,
Gym Work-Outs/Silver Sneakers
Blog post idea[s] list 

Around The House...

After working at getting things Back in order from being gone things are in not to bad a shape, so Basic Household chores ie: making bed, sweeping [because 6cats], dishes...

Project this Week...

ME!! I'm this week's project. I need to get my plan together for 2023.

Todays Motivation...

Something fun to share....

I participated in the Jingle Bell Jog with two of my Gal Pal's...

My youngest G'daughter Daylyn turns 16!! Though not ''blood'', she's still family!

Looking forward to this week....

Back to regular Bible Study at my churches...
Garden Club get together...
MY schedule....

From the camera....
Tabby's...Goober, JinX, BuddyBoy

On my prayer list.....

Haylee Maxey [continuing chemo treatments], Tim [has had more surgeries for prostate cancer]

Bible verse, Devotional....
Advent Day 9; 
Say to those whose hearts are frightened: Be Strong, Fear Not!
                                  Issiah 35:4a

Hugs, Kisses, Be Safe Wishes!