Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Age is but a number....

 No, it's not my birthday...

I really need to start working at going to bed earlier so that I can be an earlier riser... I want to 'TRY' [remember this was my 2022 word for the year] and start back again with my #5amcrew though I will just be walking I need to start building up...February I'm coming after ya! 

***Let's catch up***

One thing that is truly Rude first thing of a morning is Dental Appointments...why I scheduled a 8am appointment is beyond me...I was awake enough to get there, but my mouth wasn't fully awake for him to push a partial plate into my mouth...

several adjustments later I left and will try it out for a few days, it fits tight [guessing it should be so it don't fall out] but there's still an area where it's rubbing on a bone in my jaw line. I'll give it a week more and trying to wear as much as I can stand, I don't feel self-conscious without all my teeth, but seem to be conscious of the fact when my partial is speech seems different now, like I have a lisp or something...
Managed to get several things accomplished around the house and managed a few emails for Ambassadorship/Influencer approval...🤞...

Today Wednesday...
Hair appointment today getting a winter trim and color...
 Age IS but a number, I refuse to act my age so Not planning on looking it either ! 

Worked on a few things around the house, worked on some office items, and have most of the tax prep complete...
waiting on W2's...1099's...and final medical stuff.

In-Person Bible Study is on hold due to Covid like most churches in the area, I watch online because Dr Briscoe is amazing! If you want to watch here's the link... First Baptist-2nd and Walnut  

The Kid texted me the silliest question about this weekend coming up. She's not only competing at the  Strawberry Plains Half Marathon; she's also been asked to be the 3hr pacer! Now I KNOW she does a half marathon in less than 3 hours but what a great opportunity for her and this will help her with her pace needed for the 50K she's training for...back to the question, LOL, yeah, she wanted to know if I'd be interested in going Friday and spend the night somewhere instead of going ''way-to-early:AM'' Saturday morning...😏Ummm Yes Please! It's just overnight but hey runner trip just the same! 

The MR has Zoom meeting and needs my computer, so off to fix dinner then relax for a bit...


Hug's, Kisses, Be Safe Wishes!


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