I proclaim my spot in this World Wide Web of Blogland and will be setting my sights on getting my
Monday, December 21, 2020
Winter Solstice...Almost the End of Month...Not the Last of Me !
I proclaim my spot in this World Wide Web of Blogland and will be setting my sights on getting my
Monday, November 2, 2020
Back to Normal??? Here we go again...
I've tried, and tried, time and time again to do a post. Thought of hundreds of things to post about. Obviously I didn't Try hard enough. That needs to change. I need to get back to MY basics and My priorities.
So here goes...it's still COVID everything everywhere! Is that stopping everyone else?
I'm leery of course and wear my mask whenever I go to the grocery and other stores. Am I concerned? Of course I am, I have a high risk Hubby. But...we are smart about things and we do our best to be safe. He's worked very hard at being healthier. Diet was the Biggest change for him and he's a happy camper with the weight loss so far. Exercise is happening as much as possible. Unfortunately with some of the Medicare changes his Silver Sneaker program isn't covered so we are doing some checking. When your on a Fixed Income, budgets are a huge consideration, and gym memberships are not cheap.
Hugs, Kisses, Be Safe Wishes !!
Monday, April 20, 2020
[ Happy Homemaker Monday ] -- #chapter65 on 4/20/20

Wednesday, April 1, 2020
Since my last post---$hit hit the Fan
Monday, February 17, 2020
Happy Homemaker Monday 2/17/20

Monday, January 27, 2020
Happy Homemaker Monday 1-27-20
I'm Happy to report that #arunnersmomandmore is back on the radio air waves with Joe Mathis on "The Joe Show" WHIRAM1230 Monday mornings talking running and races I'm involved with or in...yes IN.
Kentucky weather is CrAzY…from Cold teen/low 20 temps up to 40's & 50ish temps all within a 7 day period,
#mothernature Please be nice, my ladies are confused and popping out/up everywhere
Tax prep,
Re-organize office
Walk/Run 3days
Giving a shout out to Creations by Boy Mom Shenanigans for my Logo....
Friday, January 10, 2020
Unexpected appointment, But so glad I got in
Here's what I did at home...