and the last one of the month...and just in time for another link up with Sandra for HHM.
We're burning daylight folks so let's get to the categories...
** As I look outside my window **
Sunny and current temp of 24°
** Right now I am **
Working on this post drinking the last of my breakfast coffee.
** OOTD **
Currently in lounge sweats, changing soon into walk/run gear..4miles on the schedule today since I didn't get them yesterday.
** Thinking and pondering [how I'm feeling] **
A little anxious, I have one last goal I'd like to accomplish tomorrow night..🤞
** What I'm reading **
The new JD Robb in paperback finally released...I'm forcing myself to NOT start reading it yet.
** TV Shows this week **
Thank goodness we're getting the Reba shows knock out for light no-nonsense entertainment,
Mayfair Witch series & Sanctuary: A Witches Tale on AMC channel
Chicago Med & Fire,
High Potential [kinda quirky]
New seasons of FBI's start tomorrow night,
Watched Hunter Killer and WOW! Another show right up my alley...
Another New show I'm interested in is ''Watson'' not exactly sure if I'm going to get to involved with it, but will give it a look-see, then of course when I take the time my guilty pleasure Bravo RHO-about anything & TLC - Sister Wives
** Menu Plan **

** No unNecessary Spend Challenge Update **
January Challenge Goal--> 26/31 days so far 23/31
** Goal/To Do List **
Set-up February Budget, can you believe it'll be here Saturday!!
** Around The House **
Basic routine along with refreshing hardwood floors.
** Project this Week **
Clean out dining room hutch,
Work on office organization,
I'm guest speaker for the February Garden Club meeting,
so I need to work on drafting my speech on CKWR.
** Today's Motivation **This wasn't a goal of mine, but NDRA direct messaged me on IG saying they noticed my goal motivation regarding doing longer distances other than 5K, and they still wanted me to be a part of their organization. Little did they realize this is exactly what I needed.
** Something fun to share **
I'm going HIKING...and the G'kid is joining me!
Tentative day trips dates have been penciled's going to be a fun-filled year with the G'Kid!
** Looking forward to this week **
Human Rights Commission meeting,
Chamber meeting [wish me luck😬I'm up for Board position]
5th Wednesday Auxiliary work-I'll soon be on my own,
Re-starting Kettlebell Thursday,
Want to see the sites - we got ya!
Want to know where to grab a bite - we got ya!
Want to know where to shop - we got ya!
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