First let me start today by saying Happy 70th Birthday to my Mr !! There was a time just a few short months ago that we didn't think he would be here to celebrate. And though he [we] still isn't out of the woods completely, improvements are happening ...Thank You Jesus!!
Linking up with Sandra for this last Monday [ 😵 OMG ] in October Happy Homemaker Monday
** As I look outside my window **
It's late morning, Sunny 58°
** Right now I am **
Working on this post while eating lunch.
** OOTD **
Still in walk/run gear, need to freshen up and change soon.
** Thinking and pondering [how I'm feeling] **
I'm feeling really good! I had a bit of a reaction last week from my Covid shot, but finally doing better. Apparently, I was more run-down than I thought, as I've never had a reaction before. And the only reason I even took it again was due to the Mr and his health since he's considered high risk.
** What I'm reading **
Devotional ** Spiritual read
I'll Be There [but i'll be wearing sweatpants] by Amy Weatherly & Jess Jonston ** Self-Improvement read
also added Let Your Mind Run - it's Deena Kastor' Memoir of thinking her way to Victory [she's a runner]
Mister Tender's Girl by Carter Wilson ** Personal read
** TV Shows this week **
DVR got a work out last week...we both had busy days so not a lot of time spent watching TV programs, thinking we watched a couple of the DVR Reba sitcom's, and Mr watched his sports. I have been selecting a few movies to save for when the weather REALLY starts changing around here.
** Menu Plan **

** No unNecessary Spend Challenge Update **
October Challenge Goal--> 23/31 days as of today 26/31
Already met my Goal with a few more days to go!!
** Goal/To Do List **
I haven't made a list as of yet...UGH...let's just say there's a lot m'kay!
** Around The House **
If I can get the basic routine down daily, I'll be a happy Housewife!
** Project this Week **
Work in the cellar removing old shelving and adding 2 closets for long term clothes storage, this will also include adding ventilation to the door for winter.
** Today's Motivation **
** Something fun to share **
Still STREAKING!!! Go Me.
** Looking forward to this week **
Not everyone thinks the way I do...BUT, I'm looking forward to sitting down and getting my new training plan[s] worked out..
** From the camera **
Every time the furnace does happen to come on...and as you can see PunkN is a good size boy!
** Reflection(s) **