Now granted she has made a lot of friends while running and one of my 'runner daughters' Sheri (in the white) has become one of her Bestie's - though there's some peer pressure-hence the virtual runs (who does that?).
As a child I was fortunate that she had-chose?-really good friends to be in her life as well as allowing me to be a part of theirs..being the 'cool' mom, the one that they could and would come too when ever they needed to, and now in her adult life she still has a group of Bestie's that any Mother would be proud of having in their life - again - the ladies have included me in their lives being witness to goals met, children's accomplishments, work, husbands....well just life in general.
So virtual or not my 5K,half-marathon, rain, thunder storm, gale force wind, snow, ice heat stroke temps runner daughter(s)are the best daughters any 'runnersmom' could have.!
Oh yeah guess who is the cheerleader, picture taking historian all the while there is a 5K,half-marathon, rain, thunder storm, gale force wind, snow,ice, and heat stroke temps...that's right 'arunnersmom'!!
Hey now...she's the one that does the peer pressuring to do the virtual races, not me this time! I promise!