Here's Paige with Bobbie...oh yeah my 'kid' is kind'a short !?! Not really that short - Paige has a tall daddy. Paige makes me feel my age some what- I remember her when she and the oldest grand daughter was in diapers!!
And of course let's not forget the support group/fan club section. It's rare that I get pics with the girls..normally I'm taking the pics!
All in all it was a good time and this will most likely be a re-occurring race from now on. The girls still needed to get in the balance of their training miles so the plan was to head back home and drop the runners off in a neighboring town. Now anyone who knows me N~E~V~E~R in a million years would have thought I would be 'putting' my daughter out on the side of the road...! And to make matters even more hilarious the looks we got from people driving by...
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Better late than never...
Last Christmas the daughter of a friend of my daughter's (everyone get that??) ask Bobbie to participate in a 5K race benefiting (I think) 'KUNA'. Well of course with it being a new area and to help out the kids she went. Sheri also ran in order to get part of their training miles in. Below is what the shirts looked like...too cute with ole Abe on the tread mill don't you think??
Some of the kids wore costumes, why I don't know but it was cute watching them. The girl with the purple poodle skirt 'rolled' in on roller skates...said she got her outfit from her mom...hmmmmm!
The race went well for the runner girls though they both said it was a bit tough..hills and such-And it didn't seem like no time that they were finished...well duhhh! Both the girls finished in around 26 minutes...Sheri got first in her age group--you go girl!!
Sunday, February 13, 2011
1st race of the year - many, many more to come...
Today's race was at Lexington listed as the Heart and Sole this is the first race of the season it will set the tone for the rest of the year...only to a point though. Bobbie and Sheri have been training for their up coming 26.2 which include 'scheduled' runs outside or on the dreadmill (?)..this term is too funny! I'm sure the rest of the girls have kept up with as much running as they could also.
Here is the traditional before pic - left to right in the back is Angie Bechtel, Katrina Alexander, and Sheri Satterly in front left to right is my daughter Bobbie Perkins and the newest addition 'runner daughter' Melinda Wofford.

Here is the traditional before pic - left to right in the back is Angie Bechtel, Katrina Alexander, and Sheri Satterly in front left to right is my daughter Bobbie Perkins and the newest addition 'runner daughter' Melinda Wofford.
Getting the bib numbers with potty time, last warm up in the truck it was time to head for the start line. Me bundling up as much as I could..more prepared this year than last..tights under jeans, T-shirt under sweat shirt under winter (long coat), ear muffs, scarf, gloves yeah baby!! TOASTY!! Kisses - Love you's - Be carefuls and Good Luck to everyone..,not sure what the newbie runner girl thought 'bout all the ritual but being that I didn't give her a choice or the chance to get away from me, Melinda sweetie your part of the group now so go with it - I'm not stopping the are line up pics of the girls.
Can you tell it was cold !?! Sheri ended up getting 3rd in her age group, Katrina won a door prize (T-shirt, hey better than nothing-we'll take it). Bobbie ran 3 minutes faster than last year at this same race, which she was really pleased with.
Afterwards it was off to eat..., of course!! Today since we were closer to a Denny's that is where we ended up at...still good, but not Cracker Barrel. Home again with everyone winding down waiting for showers and much deserved naps.
And so it begins - my runner daughters and racing....but that's OK with me 'cause I'm 'arunnersmom' and that's what I do!!
Saturday, February 12, 2011
The (5) Season's - Spring,Summer,Fall,Winter, Race Season !!
That's right the fifth season for me begins just a few the girls will be picking me up and we are heading for the first race of the "season". Temps as of now are in the low 30's so I'm hoping by the time the race begins they will be in the high 30's. Re-cap and pic later today!!
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
My Crazy Girl...
Soooo.. my 5K, half-marathon, rain, thunder storm, gale force wind, snow, ice, heat stroke temps, runner daughter (in the blue) is now competing in virtual races ?!? where did this competitiveness come from?? As she N*E*V*E*R participated in any extra curricular activities when she was in school...this is a side of her that only has come out since 2009 (she and her co-workers competed in a 5K race during a local festival)...and started running the following weekend!!!
Now granted she has made a lot of friends while running and one of my 'runner daughters' Sheri (in the white) has become one of her Bestie's - though there's some peer pressure-hence the virtual runs (who does that?).
As a child I was fortunate that she had-chose?-really good friends to be in her life as well as allowing me to be a part of theirs..being the 'cool' mom, the one that they could and would come too when ever they needed to, and now in her adult life she still has a group of Bestie's that any Mother would be proud of having in their life - again - the ladies have included me in their lives being witness to goals met, children's accomplishments, work, husbands....well just life in general.
So virtual or not my 5K,half-marathon, rain, thunder storm, gale force wind, snow, ice heat stroke temps runner daughter(s)are the best daughters any 'runnersmom' could have.!
Oh yeah guess who is the cheerleader, picture taking historian all the while there is a 5K,half-marathon, rain, thunder storm, gale force wind, snow,ice, and heat stroke temps...that's right 'arunnersmom'!!

Now granted she has made a lot of friends while running and one of my 'runner daughters' Sheri (in the white) has become one of her Bestie's - though there's some peer pressure-hence the virtual runs (who does that?).
As a child I was fortunate that she had-chose?-really good friends to be in her life as well as allowing me to be a part of theirs..being the 'cool' mom, the one that they could and would come too when ever they needed to, and now in her adult life she still has a group of Bestie's that any Mother would be proud of having in their life - again - the ladies have included me in their lives being witness to goals met, children's accomplishments, work, husbands....well just life in general.
So virtual or not my 5K,half-marathon, rain, thunder storm, gale force wind, snow, ice heat stroke temps runner daughter(s)are the best daughters any 'runnersmom' could have.!
Oh yeah guess who is the cheerleader, picture taking historian all the while there is a 5K,half-marathon, rain, thunder storm, gale force wind, snow,ice, and heat stroke temps...that's right 'arunnersmom'!!
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