Monday, March 24, 2025

Happy Homemaker Monday 3-24-25

 A full few days of being [mainly pictures] about them Here... Here... & coming home Here

I've been doing my best to keep the blog updated, even if it's just a photo...This week - just as All My Weeks [sigh] is Busy, Busy, Busy! Let's get linked up with Sandra for today's Happy Homemaker Monday

** The Weather **

** As I look outside my window **
It's early afternoon, sun is shining 58°

 ** Right now I am **
Trying my best to get this post done, it's already been a busy morning!

** OOTD **
Leggings & hoodie

** Thinking and pondering [how I'm feeling] **
Feeling better than I thought I would after ''running'' with the kids last weekend. 
** What I'm reading **

** TV Shows this week **
Same as every week...I'm quite behind on several of the Bravo & TLC shows, thank goodness for DVR!

** Menu Plan **
🍲Chicken Noodle Casserole
🍲Veg Soup
🍲Taco Bowls
🍲 Grilled Chicken
🍲Mixed Beans with Ham 
🍲Pot Pie

** No unNecessary Spend Challenge Update **
March Challenge Goal--> 24/31 days, so far 22/31

** Goal/To Do List **
I still have a Long list to catch up on...

** Around The House **
If I can at the very least get the Basic's done I'll be happy: Sweep, Make Bed, Kitchen & Bathroom
** Project this Week **
One day at a time, in 30–60-minute increments is the plan, I have more to get done in the office, I'd like to try and refresh hardwood floors, need to get laundry done, inventory freezer/pantry. I'll do what I can but not gonna stress about it either.

** Today's Motivation **

** Something fun to share **
I have a couple more runner kids thinking about joining the 50 State Half-Marathon Club, 🤞they'll be such an amazing time sharing adventures with them.

** Looking forward to this week **
Later today the G'kid and I are going for a Wildflower walk, tomorrow we're going to the Verse Immersion [finally] we've been trying to go for the past 3 weeks! Then, Wednesday evening she'll be joining for the Hikerbabes Community group urban walk...

** From the camera **

** Reflection(s) **
As Long as I keep my focus on You, I am Safe.

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