Friday, February 28, 2025

Monday, February 24, 2025

Happy Homemaker Monday 2-24-25


Yet here we are...[sigh]

Over the weekend I was tagged in a social media post about joining the Fifty States Half Marathon Club...🤔Hmmm🤔, and I'm really giving it some thought, and this might be a birthday gift to myself. Training miles increases next month, which if you notice is only in a few days! 

Let's link up with Sandra for this last Monday in February Happy Homemaker Monday.

** The Weather **
Temps are sooo different this week compared to last, AND we're supposed to return to winter snow and falling temps next week...

** As I look outside my window **
Sun is shining and current temp is 50°

 ** Right now I am **
Working on this post while a couple floors dry..

** OOTD **
Leggings and Mahjongg T-shirt

** Thinking and pondering [how I'm feeling] **
I'm still ''pondering'' the 50 state Half Marathon thing.. 
** What I'm reading **

** TV Shows this week **
Mayfair Witch series & Sanctuary: A Witches Tale on AMC channel 
Chicago Med & Fire,
High Potential 
Hunter Killer,
My guilty pleasure Bravo RHO-about anything & 
TLC - Sister Wives [which I'm behind watching]
** Full disclosure...everything is DVR'd 🤣waiting on a rain day??**

** Menu Plan **
🍲 Working on it 🍲

** No unNecessary Spend Challenge Update **
February Challenge Goal--> 26/28 days, so far 22/28

** Goal/To Do List **

** Around The House **
Basic routine,

** Project this Week **
Refresh hardwood floors

** Today's Motivation **
Going with getting tagged for 50 States thing...liking the idea more and more.

** Something fun to share **
Today is my niece SarahBeth 16th Birthday!!

** Looking forward to this week **

** From the camera **

** Reflection(s) **

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Thursday Thoughts


8am temps...and going down more as the day went on...

Went "pantry" shopping for a few restock items...

9am current temp 12°...

A little breakfast...

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Few Words Wednesday


vs 8:am
I really thought we'd get more...

Temps were single digits for a while, that still didn't stop me...

Because 🠋

A Runners Mom and More

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Tuesday Tidbits

 Quite the day today...a few household chores/daily routine before heading to Ribbon cutting

My FIRST as a Board of Director !
There I am on the left side...I wasn't going to,but was encouraged to get in the photo. Go Me! I have my first BOD meeting tomorrow..

After the ribbon cutting, I went and picked up the G'kid for a late lunch and go get her 'calm the nerves' meds for upcoming wisdom teeth surgery. Hopefully they'll have a cancelation and get her in soon. As of now the appointment is when her mom and I are gone, so SIL aka Dad is in charge. 

Later this evening, the Mr and I went to a Black History program called Poetry & Wellness.

The program started with the African American Allegiance song by the 'Cousins'
They're also in my church lady's choir.

Local heart surgeon ''Dr O'' was guest speaker talking about heart health in the African American/Hispanic vs Caucasian community...
I wish we would have had him as heart Doc when the Mr went through all his stuff last year...

The Poetry portion was from one of 'our own' Frank X Walker.
He is a Danville native and DHS alumni. His first poem read was in honor of his Grandmother. Much respect to him for leading with that. Then his final was poem call Ken*TUCK*y. 

The program ended with Danville Mayor and my friend JH Atkins saying a few words and thanking everyone for taking the time to attend.

Another Busy but Productive day in my Life...and I wouldn't want it any other way!


Monday, February 17, 2025

Happy Homemaker Monday 2-17-25 + Presidents Day

 I still need to update the 'ol blog with a couple of posts but for now let's join Sandra for Happy Homemaker Monday...

Happy Presidents Day!

** The Weather **
We're under another winter storm watch, snow expected to
start later this afternoon through Wednesday.

** As I look outside my window **
It's dawn out and 15°

 ** Right now I am **
Working on this post, having morning ☕coffee☕with the Mr

** OOTD **
Changing into warm sweats.

** Thinking and pondering [how I'm feeling] **
Relieved that my friend has finally had a turn-around with her medical issues...
** What I'm reading **

** TV Shows this week **
Much of the same as always.

** Menu Plan **
🍲 Canned Pot Pie w/biscuit topping
🍲 Spaghetti
🍲 Stroganoff
🍲 Fish
🍲 Meat Loaf
🍲 Chicken Noodle Casserole
🍲 Frozen Pkg Meal
🍲 Spinach Quiche
🍲 Veg Soup
🍲 Tomato Soup w/grilled cheese
🍲 Chili

** No unNecessary Spend Challenge Update **
February Challenge Goal--> 26/28 days, so far 15/28

** Goal/To Do List **
Morning Radio segment,
Chiropractic appointment this morning,
Gym 3X for Strength training,

** Around The House **
Basics daily,
Depending on weather refresh hardwood floors
** Project this Week **
Clean & Organize office space,
Meal/Menu plan✔
Sinking Funds,

** Today's Motivation **

** Something fun to share **
I'm ''Official'' the vest and everything, 🤣

And back again for my Precinct only as Co-Captain this time around, [Mr is Captain]

** Looking forward to this week **
Bible Study,
Mahjongg with the Gal's
Visit with my friend at her rehab,
Day with the G'kid,
BJB meeting,
My 1st Chamber meeting--I'm on the Board of Directors!!
Happy Heart Day program,
Surprise B'Day get together for my
                        friend Laura who's turning 50! [I could be her mother]

** From the camera **
Queen playing Hide'and'Seek...

** Reflection(s) **
I rejoice you are watching over me continually.

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Sunday Re-Set

Boy did I get some comments about this when I posted on my socials...

Working on these things today...

Woke up to rain, then sleet, then snow flurries...

Still made it to Church though there wasn't many in attendance...

A bit of accumulation...

Temps fell about 5° per hour from this morning...
I still wanted to get out of the house, 1.2miles for streak day 261.

With all the rain we've got the basement has taken on some water,
My Bissell 'aka Betty' has always done a great job [over the years]
but today she died...😢 

And this squeegee isn't up to the job...Oh well I've wanted to pull up the rugs and replace with some kind of snap-in floor covering.