This is what I've been doing the past couple of weeks...have I been busy OMG Yes! Since my last post I've been to The Ark with the G'Kid, worked 4 race events, went with the Mr for the KTIA Conference where he won the Star in the Industry Award, setup 2 sponsored tabletops for the Hospice Tea & Treasure, went to the Invincible Michael Jackson show, a downtown Cookie Crawl with the Kid & G'Kid, re-worked [as in bought new beds and sleeper couch] for the rental house making space for the growing boys & their parents, more importantly finished Christmas shopping!! ALL of which I should have done blog posts about! But did I?? You already know the answer to that don't Cha!🤣 !
In my defense, I have continued with my walk streak [GoMe],
have worked on cleaning/purging the basement & closets, and
fixing meals from freezer/pantry. I'm exhausted just from writing it all down!
First things First...I totally forgot to add this category when I posted my new additional Sinking Funds to HHM 1st of the month this will be showing up December 2nd...Lord have Mercy that's NEXT WEEK !!
** Quick Dis-Claimer.. I forgot to add Sponsorship category in my 11/11/24 post**
Sinking Funds Categories for 2025 have changed some:
*NEW* Sponsorships/Club Dues 900$/00$/900$
Geez oh Pete, Let's get with it for today's Happy Homemaker Monday linking with Sandra.
** As I look outside my window **
It's now late afternoon/early evening, no sun but still daylight.
** Right now I am **
Finally sitting down to work on this post
** OOTD **
Currently in sweats but will be changing after dinner, we have tickets to a local ''Christmas Light show''
** Thinking and pondering [how I'm feeling] **
I will NOT be defeated! I'm my own worst enemy when it comes to my list of ''things-to-do''.
Remembering to Breathe In -- Breathe Out and doing what I can when I can!
** What I'm reading **
Devotional ** Spiritual read
I'll Be There [but i'll be wearing sweatpants] by Amy Weatherly & Jess Jonston ** Self-Improvement read
also added Let Your Mind Run - it's Deena Kastor' Memoir of thinking her way to Victory [she's a runner] **adding a disclaimer here...I've read more from this book. I'm just over halfway and making notes along the way...added mileage begins soon😬
Mister Tender's Girl by Carter Wilson ** Personal read [25 pages read so far]
** TV Shows this week **
Yellowstone is the only show we've been watching 'live' everything else is DVR'd and we speed through the commercials LOL! Of course my guilty pleasure channels Bravo & TLC's Sister Wives.
** Menu Plan **
Thanksgiving Thursday - I'm cooking!

** No unNecessary Spend Challenge Update **
November Challenge Goal--> 22/30 days as of today 21/30
** Sinking Funds - CC Update **
Update coming next week.
** Goal/To Do List **
Work on/in Office
Get Plant's taken care of & moved indoors
Cold weather prep the porch for outdoor stray cat who seems to have adopted us, [sigh]
** Project this Week **
Work on Training plan for 2025 races,
** Something fun to share **My Mr receiving his ''Star in the Industry'' award. His industry is not just local tourism but state [Kentucky] as well. Fun fact, he was 1 of 5 in the state to win !!
** Looking forward to this week **
Thanksgiving with the family,
Thanksgiving Day race here in my hometown,
** From the camera **
For now I got nothing
** Reflection(s) **
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