Sunday, September 29, 2024

the LAST September Happy Homemaker Monday 9-30-24

Can you believe this is the LAST September Happy Homemaker Monday!! Where has it gone??
Oh, I know...Busy, Busy, BUSY doing All..The..Things!
I did try and get the blog updated this week, but as always lately things happen.
A very quick [last] week review: 
A trip to the ''Gorge'' for some underground cavern kayaking, [a 100 yr old flooded mine].
Back row L-R my 'Bestie' Gal Pal Judy [aka Mac], and myself
Front row L-R Monica visiting from Wisconsin and Gal Pal Linda.
We were underground for hour+ or so just taking in the whole structure with all the ''legs'' extending in every direction. 
Once we were back at Mac' house Linda & I were getting ready to leave when neither of our vehicles would start...
Apparently while we were underground kayaking, and an hour+ away there was a Heck of a Storm and Mac' tree was struck by lightning ! The strike extended out sideways in both directions and took out our electrical systems. IF you're thinking OMG. You Are Correct!

As of this post my 'Ethel' is at the Ford Dealer and I have a claims adjuster who will follow up with everything that needs to get checked over and diagnosed. Am I upset?? No. I'm grateful I wasn't sitting in the car. All I know is the Mr said to start looking, apparently even if she can be fixed, I'll be getting a new vehicle...[Ugh] I really liked my Ethel...and I really dislike car shopping.
On a brighter Note from this past week our PunkN has finally, and I mean FINALLY turned for the better with all the allergy stuff since's what I posted on social media🠋
We have been worried about him for a long time...and though he still looks a bit rough around his neck area, we know with time his hair will come back.
In other craziness last week, Hurricane Helene storm/rain made its way through our town last Friday. My poor daughter called me from work asking if I could drop everything and go check her house out. The G'Kid was there scared to death because the neighbors tree fell and hit the house!
See all that wire mixed in with the limbs??
Yep! Ripped the electrical lines from and off the house!! The utility company finally got the power restored yesterday...
So, My friends hopefully you've had a better last week than we've had! 

Let's get linked up with Sandra for Happy Homemaker Monday!

** The Weather **
At least we're dry this week...

** As I look outside my window **
Barely daybreak,
 & cloudy, I can tell time change will be here soon.

 ** Right now I am **
Working on this post waiting to go on 'Air' for my radio segment.
A Runners Mom and More talking all things running/fitness/nutrition.

** OOTD **
Cobbler apron & knit shorts for now, bathing suit attire soon for water aerobics, then home to shower and not sure what I'll put on.

** Thinking and pondering [how I'm feeling] **
A little sluggish this morning, I read to long & didn't sleep well. 
** What I'm reading **
Devotional ** Spiritual read
I'll Be There [but i'll be wearing sweatpants] by Amy Weatherly & Jess Jonston ** Self-Improvement read
Heels of Steel by Barbara Kavovit ** Pleasure read

** TV Shows this week **
We have managed to watch all of last season's prime time DVR'd shows. The Mr wanted the reruns for Elementary recorded [sigh] so there's several of them waiting. The new primetime season starts soon, good thing we have plenty of storage on the DVR.

** Menu Plan **
🍲 I've made a dent in the freezers but will still continue to cook whatever is in there &/or in the pantry,
unless of course the Mr has a special request.🍲

** No unNecessary Spend Challenge Update **
September Challenge Goal--> 23/30 days as of today 21/30
Oops! Missed it by 2 days.

** Goal/To Do List **
Where do I start??  LOL, 
Radio show of course this morning,
Water Aerobics,
Clean up around backyard fire pit,
Mow & trim - possibly for the last time this season??

** Around The House **
Daily basic as always, Sweep, Make bed, Kitchen, Bathroom
** Project this Week **
Blow leaves from porch,
Setup outdoor TV,
Clean/dust cobwebs & dust bunnies,

** Today's Motivation **

** Something fun to share **
I've been invited to participate in Congressman Coomers Commercial this afternoon, WooHoo!
Not necessarily something fun but we're getting every inch of 'old' water lines replaced tomorrow with Flex Piping. It's a project I've been wanting done in forever! And the Mr is finally on board with the whole 'we're not 60-65 yr olds anymore. I for one don't want to mess with it even though I know how. AND, I don't want to burden the kids later in life with repair issues for IF the water freezes at whatever point, we'll see where, add a heat source to thaw and POOF !

** Looking forward to this week **
Getting my 4-miler done tonight for Norton Sports Health Spooktacular.
Only goal is to finish upright 🤣, which I'm confident I will but still🤞

** From the camera **
I know CrAzY Cat Lady! But wanted to share this pic in particular since I rarely get a picture of the black feral Queen. And if you notice she has her eye open...with the temps changing she has become a bit more clingy. And once she sees me sitting with a blanket over my legs this fall & winter she'll be right by my side, never before the blanket! She lets you know if you're allowed to pet her, plays well by herself but will sorta play with Goober [brown tabby in frt] and he's the only other PurrKid she'll sleep next to. 

** Reflection(s) **
It's not about us or our desires, It's about putting our focus on you, Lord & Savior.

One other Reflection...
October is tomorrow!




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