I really had ''Good Intentions'' to blog post everyday day last week...But alas as you know that didn't happen. But here's what went on in my world...
⇶ First let me say I did the Best I could
⇶ Daily Household Routine [barely]
⇶ Laundry consisted of getting all my fall/winter blankets done
⇶ Managed to go to 1 Water Aerobics class [need to do more of these BTW]
⇶ Still playing Pet Dr treating 2 PurrBoys
⇶ I have kept my streak going for a mile a day
⇶ Tea & Treasure meeting
⇶ Wound Care Dr appointment for the Mr
⇶ Mr had his Rehab evaluation
⇶ SIL came for a visit
⇶ ER visit -Yes another one- for the Mr
⇶ G'Kid took me to lunch...I asked to go to where she works
[because she gets a discount & was buying]
⇶ Worked 2 races as photographer
⇶ Trimmed Canna's, fluffed & Preened mulch
⇶ Inventory/clean/organized large freezer
So YES, I've been busy, and YES I have another busy week ahead...juggling, juggling, juggling!
On top of everything else, does anyone realize

will be here in 14 days...
14!! [sigh]
In the meantime, let's link up with Sandra for Happy Homemaker Monday.
** The Weather **It's noon, Current temp is 75° and sunny
** As I look outside my window **
There's so much that needs my attention for the fall/winter season.
** Right now I am **
Working on this post
** OOTD **
For now I'm dressed in a Caftan, I'll be changing into jean shorts & tank top soon.
** Thinking and pondering [how I'm feeling] **
I'm feeling good though I struggled this morning doing my walk/run.
** What I'm reading **
Devotional ** Spiritual read
I'll Be There [but i'll be wearing sweatpants] by Amy Weatherly & Jess Jonston ** Self-Improvement read
Heels of Steel by Barbara Kavovit ** Pleasure read
** TV Shows this week **
We've managed to finish all of ''Tracker'' - the 3 different ''FBI's'' and I'm caught up with my guilty pleasure channel Bravo....and of all things the crazy Sister Wives on TLC has another season?? [sigh] yes, I watched it last night.
** Menu Plan **
Whatever happens to be on top in the freezer or if the Mr has a request
** No unNecessary Spend Challenge Update **
September Challenge Goal--> 23/30 days as of today 13/30
** Goal/To Do List **
Work on budget for the rest of 2024, then set up 2025
** Around The House **
Daily routine & keep leaves blown off porch
** Project this Week **Pull garden plants,
Hope to resume burning trimmings,
** Something fun to share **
I've been streaking for 108 days !!
** Looking forward to this week **
Mahjongg with the Gal's today,
Volunteering for United Way Day of Caring tmrw,
Headed North this weekend for my Back your Badge race that I'm an Ambassador for. The Mr says he will be OK for the day and a half I'll be gone soooo...[Shhh, I someone checking in with him though]
** From the camera **
MY Baby [far left] and running buddies Lori & Shana all medaled 1st in their age groups. My Baby actually won 1st place ''Master'' division....I'm a proud Momma!!
THEN, [OMG] I realized I'm the Mom to a Master Division Runner...
** Reflection(s) **
How fast do you live life??
How's your mood during all of this??
My pace lately has been VERY BUSY....and I'm okay with whatever gets done, will get done.