It's week 6 of 2022 already...where has it gone?? Oh, that's right, I'm not doing the #nursewife routine anymore and just down right enjoying myself, hiking, going on trips....Ahhh breathing deep!
Let's tag along with Sandra over at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom If you haven't read her blog go there Now!
The Weather...

Perfect Hiking, Walking, Getting Up, Getting Out, Getting Active Weather.
What I'm reading...
I finished Forgotten in Death by JD Robb (a late night of reading 'cause I. Could. Not. Put. It. Down!) and have now started 
this is the 2nd book of 'A Bishop Files Novel series'....If you like (or believe in) weird Psychic, Para-Normal suspense stuff this series is for you.
TV Shows this week...
Anything RHO__ on Bravo, maybe some Hallmark channel, hoping there's new episodes on prime-time channels
Menu Plan...
Sooo nothing I posted on menu from last week's Happy Homemaker Monday menu plan was really fixed, I do have a menu plan for a few days but I'm only here for a few days this week and leaving the Mr to go with whatever he wants.
Goal/To Do List...
Go to Frosty Feet PPU for most of my team 👍
Get office organized...Hopefully 😜
Hiking on Tuesday with my group 🥾
Work on Bible Study notes 📿
Read 📚
Around The House...
Basic daily household chores = making bed, sweep, dishes, nothing ''to'' detailed,
Project this Week...
Get my SH%TZ together......No planned project until mid-month (see Looking Forward Too section)
Take photos as in-kind donation for local Judge running for office
Todays Motivation...
Gorgeous, Beautiful Sun Shiney Weather...still cold but the Sun is Out!
Favorite blog post last week (mine or other)....
Something fun to share.... A few of the #ladygang and I are headed to see & listen to Cassie Chambers at our local Arts Center meeting up for dinner before on Thursday
Looking forward to this week....
I have a meeting scheduled with the local Judge Executive...More on that later, we'll see how that pans out.
I'M PACKING FOR FLORIDA!! Yes you read that friend Lynn has a AirBnB and invited me and another friend to join her (this past year I wasn't able to go). Flying down Friday and coming home next Thursday..This is perfect timing! My calendar of race events is starting to fill up and so a quick getaway to see my friend is awesome......AND speaking of Florida I have a house reserved/booked for returning to River Ranch in Jan 2023 (moss ain't gonna grow on this, well you know!)
From the camera....
2 of my Boys...JinX the baby and PunkN the Tween Boy. Bird watching from 'my' version of window seat, cutting board, 2 hooks and extra shoestrings.
On my prayer list.....
My church associate paster - Rev. Catherine DeMoss –in maintenance and taking 5th course of treatment for Leukemia
Bible verse, Devotional....
Lord's Prayer:
Our Father who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy Name,
thy Kingdom come, thy will be done,
on earth as it is is Heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our
trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the Kingdom, and the Power, and the Glory,

Hugs, Kisses, Be Safe Wishes!