It's My BIRTHDAY and #chapter65 in Life !
I had been hoping for 'some' kind of celebration, but alas with the Corona stuff going on it will just be another day....with quarantine guidelines.
Looking in the mirror at the older me I see wrinkles,
the young me sees them as laugh lines,
the older me see age spots,
the young me sees freckles highlighted from being active,
the old me see my hairline riddled with gray,
the young me sees the opportunity to wear the newest headband/visor as a way to pull up the curly locks I still have,
the older me see the aging/crepe skin from batwings developing,
the young me sees the arch of toned muscle when I lift.....
the older me made many mistakes, raised hell, drank to much, made poor questionable choices, married and divorced 2X, came close to financial ruin, was a single parent to my daughter, and ''fostered'' many other daughters,
the now me is amazed I managed to pay off a [High] five figure debt,
the now me has an amazing Adult daughter but is still my baby girl as well as my ''foster'' girls,
the now me has Grand Children,
the now me found love and got married to someone who has the same life goals,
the now me craves the structure of Faith, of organization, of schedules,
the now me is Mama Ruby to road athletes...LOT's of road athletes,
the now me has No regrets..None..Zilch..Nada from the before's,
the now me is looking forward to this next #chapter65
Now onto Happy Homemaker Monday and linking up with Sandra
The Weather:
It's Crazy here in Kentucky...temps are up then down...we've had great Sunny days, Gloomy overcast days, Rainy days, it even Snowed last week... Luckily today was a fairly sunny day..
My Feelings Today:
Happy to be as Fit & Healthy for someone age 65...did I mention it's my Birthday today!
I'm beyond grateful for so many blessings... #chapter65
What I'm Reading:

Menus for the week:
Leftover Sweet Teriyaki Chicken w/rice
Stuffed Sweet peppers w/ green beans & small potatoes
Meatloaf patties w/ veggie side dish
Pot Pies
Sweet potato, veggie pack, cottage cheese & sliced tomato
Pork Loin w/alfredo noodles
House chores:
Every day Basics get done, ie..sweeping, bed made, dishes,
TV this week:
Night time soaps = anything RH on Bravo
we have lot's of movies DVR'd for late night viewing.
This weeks Project:
Raised garden bed completed this morning for my niece and her family..Wood we had on hand, 60 bags of top soil,
Week Goal:
Get some kind of activity Daily
Complete a Virtual 5K
Blog at least 1 more post
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
" always be joyful. never stop praying. be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you who belong to Christ Jesus "
Hugs, Kisses, Be Safe Wishes !