I'm doing my best to catch-up and resume all the responsibilities that lay before me. I finally did a post as a ''reset'' yesterday read it here--> A Runners Mom & More: Sunday Reset
May the Strength of God pilot us.
May the Power of God preserve us.
May the Wisdom of God instruct us.
May the Hand of God protect us.
May the Way of God direct us.
May the Shield of God defend us.
For now, let's link up with Sandra for Happy Homemaker Monday...
** The Weather **
Lots of storms recently...hopefully the rain holds off for Saturday,
OOPS! What am I saying, I won't be in Ky on Saturday...details below
** As I look outside my window **
It's still a bit on the dark side as I've been up for a while and already getting things done. Bed made, laundry going, working in my planner for the week and rest of the month [feels good to do this activity],
** Right now I am **
Working on this post--FINALLY getting a HHM post done. Drinking coffee with the Mr before he heads to volunteer at the hospital.
I have my radio segment this morning along with chiropractor appointment.
** OOTD **
** OOTD **
Lounge sweats currently, active wear is laid out ready to change into.
** Thinking and pondering [how I'm feeling] **
Getting back to a 'normal' me. Thankfully I've had friends [unexpected at that] to lean on and talk things out. I've forced myself to do my mile-a-day, so feeling pretty good about that at least. As incentive to get out of the grief-funk, I've made a few decisions regarding the whole being an active older athlete more on that below, see 'something fun to share' list item.
My friend Desiree finally was released from hospital & ReHab center. Her wife is going back to work, and I volunteered to be ''On Call'' to help with follow-up Dr appointments or anything else she needs. They're both like my own kids so of course I'm going to juggle whatever I have going on to help out.
** What I'm reading **The Miracle Morning stuff went completely out the window - but has since returned a few pages here and there. Rock Bottom I found in my stache and read every now & then. The Glitter and the Gold is slow reading for me and just a way to relax at night, of course Daily Devotions every morning.
** TV Shows this week **
Lord only knows...I have gone through several movies that were DVR'd, not sure I can tell ya what they were or about. That's pretty much all I've done.
** Menu Plan **
We've ate out 🍲 WAY to much! I didn't even feel like 🍲 cooking.
Not ME at ALL!!
Alas! I'm back to meal/menu planning and cooking at home.
🍲Chicken Noodle Casserole
🍲Veg Soup
🍲Taco Bowls
🍲 Grilled Chicken
Alas! I'm back to meal/menu planning and cooking at home.
🍲Chicken Noodle Casserole
🍲Veg Soup
🍲Taco Bowls
🍲 Grilled Chicken
🍲Mixed Beans with Ham
🍲Mixed Beans with Ham
🍲Pot Pie
🍲 Whatever Leftovers we end up with 🍲
🍲 Whatever Leftovers we end up with 🍲
** No unNecessary Grocery Spend Challenge Update **
March Challenge Goal--> 24/31 days, so far 15/31
** Goal/To Do List **
March Challenge Goal--> 24/31 days, so far 15/31
** Goal/To Do List **
I have a list a MILE LONG!
** Around The House **
Other than making my bed--Everything I should've been doing daily I Haven't...
So, here I am with a to-do list and taking it day by day [sigh]
** Project this Week **
** Project this Week **
Get my ''you-know-what-together'!
Work in the Office is a high priority..it's became a dumping ground with a closed door.
When the ''path'' to your desk is becoming treacherous you really need to get the broom out!
also my Team 'I got your Back RunMom'
** Something fun to share **
One of my runner kids said she would join me and do however many I thought I could do in a year to get to 50 States.
Is it CrAzY ?!?
But I'm doing it... First up is Ohio with the Flying Pig in May. Next will be WV I signed up yesterday to do Marshall University Half in November.
** Looking forward to this week **
Spending time with the G'Kid and experiencing Verse Immersion..somekind of interactive virtual something or other.
Getting in the gym for strength training, something I need for walk/running.
The Mr has a follow-up heart surgeon appointment this week. I want him to do these every 6 months but will see what the Doc has to say.
Mostly I'm looking forward to going to Tennessee with the runner kid and friends for their Ultra..I'm Pacer/Pit Crew Mom and I'll also use the time for a ''Long'' training walk/run for my upcoming races.
** From the camera **

Goofing around with my phone camera...
** Reflection(s) **
Even though I don't know what's awaiting me on the path ahead,
I trust the You have equipped me well for the journey.