Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Trails, Trails Baby!

I'm so happy with the change in the weather lately...mainly so that I am able to rejoin the Casey County Explorer's Hiking group. The temps are perfect! Today we went to Raven Run Nature Sanctuary

ironically, I was just there doing Raven Run 10K start/finish line photos with my RaceRise team. 

Raven Run is 734-acre nature sanctuary dedicated to preserving the natural beauty of the Kentucky River Palisades and early Kentucky history. Part of the property was acquired with funds from the Kentucky Heritage Land Conservation Fund. The sanctuary is a city of Lexington Park and is thus accessed free of charge.

With over 10 miles of hiking trails providing access to streams, meadows, and woodlands of the area. Numerous 19th century remnants of early settlers, as well as over 600 species of plants. Raven Run also accommodates over 200 species of birds throughout the year.

There were 49 of us today!! 
 these Ladies are The BEST!!

As I was on the table, I took the group photo [don't ask]

Since there were various trails/distances/level of difficulties we broke into a couple of different groups. I went with the 'longer' distance group which was the Red Trail

 it also crossed over and through a few other trails which is why we ended up with 6.25 miles.

Dirt Trails, leading into regular trails and plenty of amazing cliff side views...most of the Tuesday hikes are strenuous, Raven Run was just the right amount of difficulty.


man-made Steps to outlooks...

Selfies are a must...

 leftover race signs..(oops)..

fungi and flowers still in bloom...

 This headstone marks the grave of Archibald Moore. Moore was born on November 25, 1840 and was buried in front of his log cabin on February 9, 1871.

There's my day in a nutshell, again I'm happy the weather is cooler & more comfortable [for me], I'm happy to be back with my Casey County Explorer's, I'm Happy to be outdoors MOVING!

Hugs, Kisses, Be Safe Wishes !!


Monday, October 10, 2022

Happy Homemaker Monday - 10/10/2022 -- Back Again ?? Hopefully !!

 Geez oh Pete it's been a while! Most everyone has Jumped ship I'm sure, but in my defense It's...Been...CrAzY, CRAZY I Tell Ya. But let's do this, Hopefully I can salvage what's left of the year and just go with it. 

Linking up with Sandra for Happy Homemaker Monday today and for many more Mondays to come

The Weather...
     Crisp, Cool Fall Day today71*/44*, Tues 76*/55*, Wed 77*/56*, Thurs 65*/39*(Brrr), Fri 64*/46*

What I'm reading...
 First time reading this author..Just when I think I'm not going any further I get Reeled back into a bit of action...About the Book: Cuban American crime reporter Mari Alvarez is on a personal hunt for a killer who leaves a broken doll at every scene. She's about to become the killer's prey and she'll need more than the azabache charm her Abuela Bonita insists will protect her from evil. By-the-book homicide detective Tony Garcia needs more than a superstitious journalist's hunch there's a serial killer lying in wait in their West Tampa neighborhood. He needs proof. Working against the clock, Mari and Tony explore a hidden, Old World Cuban religion to break the case of all the broken girls

TV Shows this week...
     Thank Goodness fall shows are back! So most anything on CBS, and of course I'm still a Bravo'aholic [don't judge]

Menu Plan...
     I know today will be Veggie Soup, got a Crock Pot Filled to the rim so maybe leftovers Tuesday night, from there 🤷 who knows. BUT it will be something from the Freezer/Fridge/Pantry 
Goal/To Do List...

Around The House...
     It's in better condition than during Bourbon Chase week [Geez, I should do a post on that as well 😕] Daily housekeeping chores=making the bed, sweeping floors most likely 2-3times depending on how rowdy the 'boys' are, kitchen clean up nightly.
Project this Week...
     ME--for starters
     Clean/organize office,
     Clean off my side of dining room table [it's been my makeshift office space for too long],
     Weed â–² flower in back yard,
     Blow fallen Leaves.

Today's Motivation...
  O. M. G...don't ask, just move along...                                                                                 

Looking forward to this week....
     Hiking at Raven Run on Tuesday, and again on Friday at the Pinnacles & Lunch with Gal Pal's before my Friend Maureen moves back to California.

From the camera....

Our Fountain at church has been fully restored and operational.....

On my prayer list.....
     Continued prayers for Eastern Ky from Flooding several weeks ago, and Friends in the wake of hurricane Ian in Florida.

Bible verse, Devotional....
     ''For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen''
                                                                                                    Matthew 6:13


Hugs, Kisses, Be Safe Wishes
