I'm so happy with the change in the weather lately...mainly so that I am able to rejoin the Casey County Explorer's Hiking group. The temps are perfect! Today we went to Raven Run Nature Sanctuary
ironically, I was just there doing Raven Run 10K start/finish line photos with my RaceRise team.
With over 10 miles of hiking trails providing access to streams, meadows, and woodlands of the area. Numerous 19th century remnants of early settlers, as well as over 600 species of plants. Raven Run also accommodates over 200 species of birds throughout the year.
There were 49 of us today!!
This headstone marks the grave of Archibald Moore. Moore was born on November 25, 1840 and was buried in front of his log cabin on February 9, 1871.
Since there were various trails/distances/level of difficulties we broke into a couple of different groups. I went with the 'longer' distance group which was the Red Trail
Dirt Trails, leading into regular trails and plenty of amazing cliff side views...most of the Tuesday hikes are strenuous, Raven Run was just the right amount of difficulty.
man-made Steps to outlooks...
Selfies are a must...
fungi and flowers still in bloom...

There's my day in a nutshell, again I'm happy the weather is cooler & more comfortable [for me], I'm happy to be back with my Casey County Explorer's, I'm Happy to be outdoors MOVING!
Hugs, Kisses, Be Safe Wishes !!