Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Happy Homemaker Monday---5/23/22

 Even though it's Tuesday I'm going to join Sandra over at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom for Happy Homemaker Monday

The Weather...

Lots and Lots of rain this week

What I'm reading...
 For '' Business '' reading

 For '' Spiritual '' reading Book Connections at Church

 For '' Pleasure '' 

TV Shows this week...
 Most all of our regular 'shows' are ending for the season, we've been recording for the upcoming weeks to watch whenever... watching most anything RHO?? 

Menu Plan...
We've been out to eat and have had plenty of leftovers (luckily the Hub's likes them) we did have frozen pizza last weekend after my dual race weekend taking photos Sat evening then EARLY:THIRTY Sunday morning I was whooped! 

Goal/To Do List...
  • Blog 3X this week (this is the 1st)
  • Update Budget--crazy gas prices
  • Meal Plan
  • Mow & Trim--weather permitting
  • Walk at least 3X hoping for minimum of 10 miles this week (1.5 complete)
  • Clean up/organize Office space
  • Garden Club 'new' member get together 
  • PPU for Big Lex 4 miler on Fri
  • Bible Study on Wednesday
  • ''possibly'' work in garage--it's such a mess 
  • Update race/running calendar at Danville Bike & Footwear (Done)
  • Daily Household Chores
  • Update Get Moving Team 
  • Email regarding Casey Co Explorer's Logo wear (Done, waiting on response)
  • Drop off donation to Salvation Army

Around The House...

Things aren't to bad, continuing with daily household chores, need to work on getting magazines & books I've read together,   

Project this Week...
See above Goal/To Do List😏

Today's Motivation...
Began 5K training [again😒] She Power race event coming up next month...it'll be what it'll be!

Favorite blog post last week (mine or other)....

I've started reading Rachel's blog for a while now, check her out Here

Something fun to share....

...And Funny! I'm signed up to ''Help'' pace my daughter with her Ultra 50K...In 2 WEEKS 😅 !! Talk about 'under-trained'!

Blog hopping (newly discovered blog)...


Looking forward to this week....

Getting back on Track with walk/run training, 

From the camera....

 From last Sunday' race while waiting on runners to finish, I need to make time to do a Walk tour and photograph the murals in Lexington.

On my prayer list.....

Thinking about my friend who is going through a very difficult time in his marriage...OUR Country...

Bible verse, Devotional....

     "Blessed are those who act justly, Who always do what's right."
                                                                                           Psalm 106:3

That's it for now, in the meantime #getUp 
 Hug's, Kisses, Be Safe Wishes

Saturday, May 7, 2022

Sunday, May 1, 2022

***2 weeks Whirl Wind of Activities***

 May First.....It's...May..Freaking First !! Here's my last 2 weeks in pictures because it's been insanely busy with Hiking travels and Race'Cations !! Oh the Fun I've had....

First up Flat Rock, NC from 4/18--4/21

Chimney Rock.....[500= stairs to the top]

Returned home on 4/21 in order to attend and Support my Friend James Hunn for Mayor....
My Buddy Gary on the Left - James on the Right

4/22 traveled to Canton OH for the HOF race...my Daughter was surprised to see her Welcome sign on the TV... 

 My Baby

 my Runner Girl Lori

My Nicholasville Bunch!
A few cool scenes from the city...

I competed and completed the HOF 5K, but didn't tell anyone that I actually signed up to do the Half, and I knew I was going to be Oh. So. Slow from not enough training BUT, still wanted to try... only to get turned around by a un-informed course volunteer which means I did manage to walk/run 6.85 miles of 13.1..I'll be do the balance sometime this week...


Came home from Canton for a few days then Off to Flying Pig in Cincinnati...lot's of Expo fun...

1 Mile & 5K with my Girlie's including Julie from Tennessee....
 Love sharing these adventures with my baby...

Flying Pig Half Marathon morning....

Early:ThirtyAM start time...

my girl Lori fell before the race start, Bobbie got her medical attention, then off they went...stopping to see 'ol Mom first....

always nosey while they run...

Wilbur the Pig

 Monica came through first...

 Bobbie [in blue] wasn't leaving Lori since she fell, her head started to hurt from running so walked...Maggie joined them.

That It....again it's been a Whirlwind!!

Time to get a To Do List done and get back to normal [😜 Ha] daily life....

 #getup #getout #getactive #getMoving