With December almost over let's try and work on being better at this Blog thing... linking this up with the host of the Happy Homemaker Mondays, Sandra over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom.
The Weather...
What I'm reading...
Heather Graham's
I picked this up at the Boyle County Extension office while volunteering for the local Covid clinic...
TV Shows this week...
Not sure what we'll be watching...lot's of reruns. We have several movie's recorded so maybe those.
Menu Plan...
Not planning on much,
Monday: we have dinner out with friends tonight,
Tuesday: GOP Christmas gathering tomorrow night,
Wednesday: ??
Thursday: we have Wreath Lighting at 5:30pm (they do this every year for those that have lost a love one during the year...this year we have Papaw aka Carl my Step Dad.
Friday: 7pm Christmas Eve service at Church, maybe soup of some kind before we go.
Friday: 7pm Christmas Eve service at Church, maybe soup of some kind before we go.
Saturday: Christmas dinner here, not sure if the girls are showing up...Thanksgiving was a complete bust so who knows🤷
Goal/To Do List...
Write up 2022 project list--maybe price shop.
Walk 2 miles a day...Frosty Feet Challenge starts Jan 1 (I signed up for 100Miles min), and I need to be ready/trained for HOF race coming up..😬..not sure WHAT I was thinking...
Update the blog with recovery info on the Hubby...(horrendous #nursewifeduties I should get a degree for patience).
Basic household chores.
Project this Week...
Look for new recliner for me, tried Big Lot's today...BIG 👎 everything they had was either too big, or also swiveled.