Monday, March 24, 2025

Happy Homemaker Monday 3-24-25

 A full few days of being [mainly pictures] about them Here... Here... & coming home Here

I've been doing my best to keep the blog updated, even if it's just a photo...This week - just as All My Weeks [sigh] is Busy, Busy, Busy! Let's get linked up with Sandra for today's Happy Homemaker Monday

** The Weather **

** As I look outside my window **
It's early afternoon, sun is shining 58°

 ** Right now I am **
Trying my best to get this post done, it's already been a busy morning!

** OOTD **
Leggings & hoodie

** Thinking and pondering [how I'm feeling] **
Feeling better than I thought I would after ''running'' with the kids last weekend. 
** What I'm reading **

** TV Shows this week **
Same as every week...I'm quite behind on several of the Bravo & TLC shows, thank goodness for DVR!

** Menu Plan **
🍲Chicken Noodle Casserole
🍲Veg Soup
🍲Taco Bowls
🍲 Grilled Chicken
🍲Mixed Beans with Ham 
🍲Pot Pie

** No unNecessary Spend Challenge Update **
March Challenge Goal--> 24/31 days, so far 22/31

** Goal/To Do List **
I still have a Long list to catch up on...

** Around The House **
If I can at the very least get the Basic's done I'll be happy: Sweep, Make Bed, Kitchen & Bathroom
** Project this Week **
One day at a time, in 30–60-minute increments is the plan, I have more to get done in the office, I'd like to try and refresh hardwood floors, need to get laundry done, inventory freezer/pantry. I'll do what I can but not gonna stress about it either.

** Today's Motivation **

** Something fun to share **
I have a couple more runner kids thinking about joining the 50 State Half-Marathon Club, 🤞they'll be such an amazing time sharing adventures with them.

** Looking forward to this week **
Later today the G'kid and I are going for a Wildflower walk, tomorrow we're going to the Verse Immersion [finally] we've been trying to go for the past 3 weeks! Then, Wednesday evening she'll be joining for the Hikerbabes Community group urban walk...

** From the camera **

** Reflection(s) **
As Long as I keep my focus on You, I am Safe.

Sunday, March 23, 2025

Sunday Re-Set

 On the road home from The Pistol Ultra...all I  have in me is to post "screenshots" of Church service. I'm lucky they do a live stream...

Saturday, March 22, 2025

The Pistol Ultra Pacer/Pit Crew Mom

It's going to be a crazy day so only posting 2 pic's

Kinda-Sorta Pacer Mom/For Sure Pit Crew Mom.
My "runner" kids L to R...
Joe, Steven, My baby Bobbie, Lori 
Back row, Nicholas & Sarah.

So good to see my CrAzY friend Julie...she's the start/finish line entertainer, motivator, encourager.


Thursday, March 20, 2025

Thursday Thoughts

**PSA Rant**
🤔thinking I'm disappointed One...Final...Time.  In an effort to "get ready" for refreshing the landscape mulch an order was placed at the local "hardware" store. And though I do appreciate it being delivered, I DON'T appreciate my pallet location being moved over directly in front of my garage door, I also DON'T  appreciate  unsafe stacking, and for sure DO NOT APPRECIATE no access to the garage where leftover bags block the door.
[ sigh ] ** PSA Rant Over **
#landscaping #yardqueen #greenthumb #4cornerstacking #offsetstacking

A much deserved FREE ice cream cone.

Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Wednesday Wonders


No truer Words...

Canadian Geese reminding me of Dad...

Only a few blocks away from my house...
New ice cream shop = watch out waist line, 😂 

When your married, and "movers & shakers"
You plan ahead for dinner...

On our way for 9 month "new ticker" check up, come to Jesus talks, and all the 🙏 prayers has pulled [us] him through.

**  UPDATE  **
Doing Excellent! Dr Sheets is happy with everything thus far. Continue with current Diet, Exercise plan.
TWO less Meds effective immediately Thank you Jesus. Monitoring evening BP for next 2 weeks. Return in 6 months [my idea] for full year post-op check up & blood work.
#teamCline #marriedlife #keepinghimhealthy

Time to relax and just Breathe...  

Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Tuesday Tidbits

 I mentioned in yesterday's HHM post about getting back on track with everything. After posting I did in fact get on track and managed to do a lot of household duties, did a mile walk, the Mr and I picked up a few bags of dirt for the raised garden along with onion sets and added 2 strawberry plants [pics below], and I COOKED!

Salmon & Salad for the Win!

Our trip to Lowe's for dirt...

Preen of Course...

I 'marked' the holes while the Mr added onion bulbs...

Roughed up the dirt and added Strawberry plants..
just a couple, both had some long ''runners'' already,

Penny Peony is Poppin'

Today the G'Kid and I went on a short easy hike at nearby Central Ky Wildlife Refuge. I now have her introduced to & with the Casey County Explorer's hike group. Hopefully we'll be able to do more together. Below are the photos I took...


We stopped at Cracker Barrel for lunch, I tried a new to me meal item...
Shepherd's Pie. 🤔Thinking I can duplicate this at home😉.
Leftovers for later tonight = Win!

Stopping for now, I have a Self Defense class I'm going to at the local Library. I'll report on that tomorrow..[look at me planning on posting tomorrow] 🤞

Monday, March 17, 2025

Happy Homemaker Monday 3-17-25 + Happy St Patrick's Day

I'm doing my best to catch-up and resume all the responsibilities that lay before me. I finally did a post as a ''reset'' yesterday read it here--> A Runners Mom & More: Sunday Reset 
May the Strength of God pilot us.
May the Power of God preserve us.
May the Wisdom of God instruct us.
May the Hand of God protect us.
May the Way of God direct us.
May the Shield of God defend us.


For now, let's link up with Sandra for Happy Homemaker Monday...

** The Weather **

Lots of storms recently...hopefully the rain holds off for Saturday,
OOPS! What am I saying, I won't be in Ky on Saturday...details below

** As I look outside my window **
It's still a bit on the dark side as I've been up for a while and already getting things done. Bed made, laundry going, working in my planner for the week and rest of the month [feels good to do this activity]

 ** Right now I am **
Working on this post--FINALLY getting a HHM post done. Drinking coffee with the Mr before he heads to volunteer at the hospital.
I have my radio segment this morning along with chiropractor appointment.

** OOTD **
Lounge sweats currently, active wear is laid out ready to change into. 

** Thinking and pondering [how I'm feeling] **
Getting back to a 'normal' me. Thankfully I've had friends [unexpected at that] to lean on and talk things out. I've forced myself to do my mile-a-day, so feeling pretty good about that at least. As incentive to get out of the grief-funk, I've made a few decisions regarding the whole being an active older athlete more on that below, see 'something fun to share' list item.
My friend Desiree finally was released from hospital & ReHab center. Her wife is going back to work, and I volunteered to be ''On Call'' to help with follow-up Dr appointments or anything else she needs. They're both like my own kids so of course I'm going to juggle whatever I have going on to help out. 
** What I'm reading **
The Miracle Morning stuff went completely out the window - but has since returned a few pages here and there. Rock Bottom I found in my stache and read every now & then. The Glitter and the Gold is slow reading for me and just a way to relax at night, of course Daily Devotions every morning.

** TV Shows this week **
Lord only knows...I have gone through several movies that were DVR'd, not sure I can tell ya what they were or about. That's pretty much all I've done.

** Menu Plan **

We've ate out 🍲 WAY to much! I didn't even feel like 🍲 cooking.
Not ME at ALL!!
Alas! I'm back to meal/menu planning and cooking at home.
🍲Chicken Noodle Casserole
🍲Veg Soup
🍲Taco Bowls
🍲 Grilled Chicken
🍲Mixed Beans with Ham 
🍲Pot Pie
🍲 Whatever Leftovers we end up with 🍲 

** No unNecessary Grocery Spend Challenge Update **
March Challenge Goal--> 24/31 days, so far 15/31

** Goal/To Do List **
I have a list a MILE LONG!

** Around The House **
Other than making my bed--Everything I should've been doing daily I Haven't...
So, here I am with a to-do list and taking it day by day [sigh]
** Project this Week **
Get my ''you-know-what-together'!
Work in the Office is a high's became a dumping ground with a closed door.
When the ''path'' to your desk is becoming treacherous you really need to get the broom out!

** Today's Motivation **
Team 'RoadRunners' 
also my Team 'I got your Back RunMom'

** Something fun to share **
OMG...I for real Joined.
One of my runner kids said she would join me and do however many I thought I could do in a year to get to 50 States.
Is it CrAzY ?!?
But I'm doing it... First up is Ohio with the Flying Pig in May. Next will be WV I signed up yesterday to do Marshall University Half in November.

** Looking forward to this week **
Spending time with the G'Kid and experiencing Verse Immersion..somekind of interactive virtual something or other.
Getting in the gym for strength training, something I need for walk/running.
The Mr has a follow-up heart surgeon appointment this week. I want him to do these every 6 months but will see what the Doc has to say.
Mostly I'm looking forward to going to Tennessee with the runner kid and friends for their Ultra..I'm Pacer/Pit Crew Mom and I'll also use the time for a ''Long'' training walk/run for my upcoming races.  

** From the camera **
Goofing around with my phone camera...

** Reflection(s) **
Even though I don't know what's awaiting me on the path ahead,
I trust the You have equipped me well for the journey.