Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Blog 365 ~ Hubby Date Day ~ Worship Wednesday

 Early morning for this 🐪 HUMP 🐪 Day.....The month is almost over ?!!! Only 7 more days left. Is it me? Or does everyone else feel like the days, weeks, months, years are moving faster & faster ?

First up was a Big breakfast for us since today is Date Day with the Hub's, so eggs, sausage patty & biscuits with honey.

Then, I got busy outside getting the front yard weed eating done and mowed the front yard...

I Love doing my own! #yardtherapy for the Win.
I only had time for the front half as I was involved with the Solid Gold Oldie Music station on TV.

Worship Wednesday

Noon Day Bible Study at First Baptist...what a Blessing they are!

I came home and cleaned up a bit, snacked on chicken salad w/crackers and started reading my 'pleasure' reading book - Never, Never has me drawn completely IN! [dangit] Other than the 2 main characters have lost their memory...Oops I need to stop there, it's intriguing, get it, borrow it, check it from your local library and see for yourself.

The hubby came home and we went for our 'Date Day' compliments from his boss and Lori Kagan-Moore at The Dollhouse Museum.

Oh My Goodness...! I've been in this town for a very long time and have never taken the time to go to it.

I'm so grateful we were able to go today and the fact the hub's was still 'on the clock' while touring the museum. 
from the time you walk in it's Magical...there's so much to see! I'm sharing just a few [though a lot] photos from today's experience...

The Great American Dollhouse Museum showcases over 200 dollhouses, miniature buildings, and room boxes, furnished in remarkable detail and populated with tiny people at work and play.
I was Thrilled to see the Dragons as part of 'History'
Troll/Wizard/Fairy display...The last section of the Museum contains a heavily forested fantasy land with faeries, elves, witches, trolls and a walk-in dragon cave. It’s just for fun and always well-loved by visitors.

The Museum’s unique focus is the depiction of American social history in miniature. History from Native American [no pics??] through Colonial, Old West, early Southwest and modern eras,
a complete miniature town circa 1910, includes mansion, business, retail and factory districts as well as a Shaker village. 


And of course some Vintage clothing on display throughout the museeum...

Late Lunch/Early Dinner afterwards at Cattleman's, dessert to-go for later.
I'm Loving this Date Day thing with the G'Kid and now the hubby...🤔maybe this is the start of a new routine...??

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