It was a Good Day to have a Great Day...the sun shined today even though it was cooler. Started with today's devotional passage from author Ann Spangler. Though I stated I was going/wanting to read the Bible in a year I have yet to actually start..😔..BUT, I will get it started and play a bit of 'catch-up' as the weeks go by. I still go to my Wednesday & Thursday Bible Studies so at least I'm doing something...right?
As I read through the daily passages I'm picking out and highlighting words or sentences that gives me the warm fuzzy feeling. Today it was this ''the irony of Spirit-filled living is that we have to give Up power in order to gain a Greater Power''
Then it was off to pick up these beauties...well beauties to me. My friend Katie FB posted about giving these away and I was lucky enough to reply before anyone else. Now ''I'' don't need them for myself, but being the planning/organizing/scheduling person I am I got them for this year's 2023 Hiking Christmas Potluck..[yes, I'm one of those people]. I've already hit the clearance sale racks a Wally World and bought a few items to be used for door prizes and table decorations. Everything is just sitting [upstairs] just waiting on me to re-organize for December!
Next, I went to our local extension office for their first, since covid, Lunch & Learn session. They've brought them back stating today and will do a different recipe on first Fridays of each month. Apparently, they are going to do random prize drawings. Today the lady who actually won said she had 3 crockpots already and didn't need another...🙋...I spoke up and was gifted it! #YAY
Afterwards, I went to the park to walk. Remember the 'training' I needed to start? Well, it's going! My plan is to only Walk 8-12 miles a week for the first 3 weeks of January then reassess how I feel. Hopefully I'll then add a little 'running' into the mix of miles. Re-building my cardio slow & steady. I think my only issue will be when I'm in AZ next month. I'll tackle that later.
Note to self don't try start the sport watch after pausing...
hence why there's 2 events in 1 day.
But at least my 2nd mile time was better than my first mile, LOL.
Time to get this posted and take the G'daughter to work!
Glad you had some sunshine yesterday. Cute snowmen! And hooray for a new crockpot.