Holiday Ribbons make me Happy.
** The Weather **
The Rain stopped earlier this morning, we have a somewhat comfortable breeze and 56° which means we're at our high for the day. Hopefully the chance of rain for tomorrow moves out of our area. Cold temps making a comeback at the end of the week.
** As I look outside my window **
Overcast, but nice.
** Right now I am **
Getting this post done while wrestling my Purr🐈Boy JinX - he's a needy little bugger this morning.
** OOTD **
Leggings and a WAY oversized Race shirt LOL, Turkey Trot gave me the wrong size and it'll become the Mr's after I wash it.
** Thinking and pondering [how I'm feeling] **
After yesterday's really great run/walk Fantastic!
** What I'm reading **
Devotional ** Spiritual read
I'll Be There [but i'll be wearing sweatpants] by Amy Weatherly & Jess Jonston ** Self-Improvement read
also added Let Your Mind Run - it's Deena Kastor' Memoir of thinking her way to Victory [she's a runner] ** disclaimer here...I've read more from this book. I used some of what I read during yesterday's JBJ race. surprising myself with how well I did! Adding mileage begins soon😬
Mister Tender's Girl by Carter Wilson ** Personal read [40'ish pages read so far]
** TV Shows this week **
Lots of movies DVR'd - of course I still have my guilty channels Bravo & TLC's Sister Wives..don't judge LOL!
** Menu Plan **

** No unNecessary Spend Challenge Update **
December Challenge Goal--> 25/31 as of today 7/31
** Goal/To Do List **
Balance Checkbook,
Setup 2025 Christmas Auto-draft savings,
Mile a day streak,
2024/2025 Winter Clean & Purge list,
2 Chiropractor appointments this week,
** Around The House **
Basic routine: Sweep, Make Bed, Kitchen, Bathroom
** Project this Week **
Finish wrapping gifts,
Attend Heir Insurance/Inheritance meeting--we've had a few changes so we're re-doing our Trusts.
We are installing a Water filtration unit as an upgrade for the house & our Christmas gift to each other, which means no more buying bottle water, or Distilled water for the Mr's C-Pap sleep machine, and it'll pay for itself in 2 years.
** Something fun to share **
This 'outdoor' Tuxedo boy looks so much like our PunkN. We call him Big Guy, unfortunately he's another stray or drop off that hangs around [sigh]. Yes, we are feeding him, and Yes, I've made several areas for him to have shelter from wind/rain/cold. BUT he can't come in. There would be so much fur flying from my other cats, so it's better he just hangs out when he wants to on the porch.
** Looking forward to this week **
Hiker Potluck tomorrow,
Bible Study,
Annual McDowell Appreciation luncheon,
Frosty Feet Winter Challenge starts Saturday-I have 58 days to walk/run 150 miles😬
Also, there are 2 final 2024 race events I'm working Saturday,
** Reflection(s) **
God longs to be your closest friend. Your sounding board. No one is closer to you than God. No one knows you better. When we choose to walk away from his peace, wisdom, & love he always waits for us to run back into is arms. And his grace Always takes us back.
Stay Warm, Be Safe
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